Status: Hiatus

Rebel Love


I hated changing schools. It seemed to happen so often now, my parents seem to think running away was a simple option. I never had many friends and I couldn’t keep the ones I got because we moved so often. We were now in a small town in Ohio; I started at the local High School today.

We lived close enough for me to walk there, and it was winter so it was slightly chilly and gray. The sky was clouded over and it was a beautiful silver color because the sun was illuminating the sky. I walked with my head down admiring my brand new bright red Toms, the only color in my mostly black outfit. I had on my favorite Asking Alexandria shirt, and my black skinnies, my hair had been tamed so it was pin straight down to my waist, dyed pitch black of course.

I faintly started hearing the voices of student and I looked to see this school was much smaller than the one I had previously attended. This school had two floors and about 400 students in the whole school system. I walked into the office and told them my name to get my schedule, then I was on my way to first period Spanish.

The class went by in a breeze I’m pretty good at Spanish so no worries there, I did need to stop by my locker and put my book away though. Turning around I saw something that stunned me so I could nothing but stare. The most beautiful boy I had ever seen had just walked past me, his hair was pin straight, fringe bangs, and as dark black as mine. His eyes were the brightest blue I had ever seen they reminded of the oceans I’d seen in my previous places of residence. My breath had literally been taken away.

The rest of the morning passed in a blur, until I had realized it was lunch. I hadn't realized I was hungry until I got to the lunch room. It wasn't until I had my food that I realized I didn't know where to sit, I found an empty table and sat by myself until a girl with the brightest red hair, and warm brown eyes sat down next to me.

“Hi, I’m Abigail,” She said. “But most people just call me Abbi, what’s your name?”

“I’m Alexandria, Alexandria Covington. “ I replied.

“Where did you move from?”

“That depends are you talking recently or where I was born?”

“Well, both I suppose if you don’t mind.”

I was caught off guard because she seemed to be genuinely curious about me and seemed to care.
“I was born in Indiana.” I said, “but we just moved here from San Diego.”

Just then a boy who was short for a boy walked up to Abbi. He had black hair, not pitch black like mine but more of a soft black that went across his forehead and kind of fell in small waves as his hair was chin length. His eyes were a powdery blue color and he had on Toms the same bright red as mine.

“Is this where we’re sitting today babe?” He asked Abbi

“We might just sit here indefinitely.” She replied. “You don’t mind do you?” Obviously referring the question to me.

“No, not at all. I suppose I should make friends anyway. "Who’s this?” I asked nodding in the direction of the boy with the bright red Toms.

“Oh, how stupid of me, this is my boyfriend Alan, Alan Quinn.” She motioned toward him.

“‘Sup?” He said nodding at me

“Oh you know new school and what not.” I replied. “My name is Alexandria by the way. Don’t I have Spanish class with you?”

“I thought you looked familiar yeah you do. Hey you can come sit with me and Jaime tomorrow instead of sitting up front with all those bitches. They’ll just stab you in the back anyway. I think Tony and Victor will be there tomorrow too.”

“Thank, I didn’t really like them anyway I just didn’t have anywhere else to sit.”

Suddenly the bell rang and we said our good-byes. I had gym afterward which wasn’t too bad
because I’m pretty good at most sports I just refuse to join any. The class went fairly quickly and I was on my way to the last period of the day. I couldn’t wait to just go home and be done with this long ass day. I walked in to the ICP classroom only to realize we had partnered tables. I walked up to the teacher’s desk and asked him where I should sit.

“Are you Alexandria?” He asked

“Yes, I just moved here from San Diego.” I replied.

“Well we only have one person who is partner-less and it’s not a girl so I hope you don’t mind.” He said.

“No, not at all as long as I have somewhere to sit I’m really not picky.”

“Okay you’ll be sitting at the back table and your partner’s name is Dennis Compton.” He said, pointing in the direction of the table.

I turned around to look at my partner and see where I would be sitting, and was caught like a deer in headlights. It was the beautiful boy from earlier in the hallway. Something about him I couldn’t quite put my finger on made even more different from the fact he was so beautiful. Realizing I was standing there staring with my mouth open like a complete dumbass I made my way to the table. I sat down quietly, not that I could have disturbed the loud music coming from his iPod. He has on a Misfits t-shirt and his nails were painted black, except for the third nail on his right hand, it was red.
The teacher came to the table and he handed me a book and a study guide that was due tomorrow. I started working right away so I could distract myself from the beautiful boy who sat next to me. I was working so hard I didn’t realize it was almost time for the bell to ring and suddenly Dennis looked up and the clock and noticed what time it was and went to reach for his things. My backpack was right next to his and for the first time all period he seemed to notice someone was sitting next to him.
He looked up with a startled expression as he noticed me for the first time, and I was lost in his ocean blue eyes. The bell rang suddenly breaking the spell as he swiftly got up and left without a word.

And as I walked out into the hall and put my book away into my locker I realized what set him apart from the other boys here. He was wearing black eyeliner and his eyelids were dusted in black shadow, And the hoops that were in the left side of his lip and the right side of his nose screamed rebel at me.

There was only one thing I was 100% sure about, I needed to get to know this beautiful boy.
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Hope you enjoyed it. Stay in tune for more chapters to come.

Title credit goes to: Asking Alexandria, Breathless.