Status: Hiatus

Rebel Love

Behind Closed Doors

I finally made it home. The long school day was over and I could hear my Mom was in the kitchen. As soon as I walked into the kitchen to get s glass of water she started examining me. I knew what she was looking for, the same thing she always looks for when we move to a new place. She was looking for the slumped posture, the heavy legged walking; the distant not quite there look in my eyes. When she was satisfied she saw none of those things the questions started.

“How’s the new school? Where people nice to you? Did you make any friends?”

It’s the same old questionnaire she always gives me when I come home. Ever since my father passed away in the fifth grade I’ve had severe clinical depression. It doesn’t worry me quite as much as it worries my Mom. I’m an only child and my father died after they were married for 11 years, she can’t stand to lose me. Some people might find it smothering but another great thing about her is she knows when to back off.

“It’s a really great school and I think I made a friend. A girl with red hair named Abbi and her boyfriend sat with me at lunch today and she asked if she could keep sitting there. Honestly Mom, I don’t think most people noticed me I just kind of blended in which is a good thing. “

My Mom seemed satisfied with that answer and let me get my glass of water. I drank my water and my Mom dug through the fridge, looking for dinner assumedly. She gave up after five minutes and looked over at me.

“So where do you want to eat tonight?” She asks me as she laughs.

“Do they have a Taco Bell around here?”

“I think there’s one in town, is that where you want to eat?”

“Yeah, let me go run a brush through my hair”

“Okay, let me go get ready and put on some jeans.”

My Mom worked from home, she was an artist and painted right here in our house now because we had so many extra rooms. She was really great artist and we lived comfortably. When she was working at home she never changed out of her pajama pants or sweatpants depending on what she fell asleep in. I walked up our spiral staircase, my favorite part of the house, and went to my bathroom to brush my hair. I take a look in the mirror and realize that my eyeliner’s all smudged. As I’m fixing it my phone sitting on the sink vibrates super loudly and I poke myself in the eye.

“God damn it!!”

For all that pain this text better be worth all that pain. As usual I hit it right on the dot, it’s from my ex-boyfriend from Indiana. I lived there seven years ago and fell in love with him. Even though I was only ten it was like I had known him my whole life when I moved there. We stayed there until I was sixteen then we moved to San Diego for a year and now we’re here. I loved him then and I still did now even though I wasn’t so far away anymore, but we’d never be able to work it out.

Daniel: Hey. How was the first day at your new school?

Alexandria: It was fine. How are things with Ashley?

Daniel: Not so good, I think she might be breaking up with me.

Alexandria: I’m sorry. But I have to go and get ready to eat dinner. Talk to you later.

Daniel: Okay, text me when you’re done.

I laid my phone down and sighed. I continued my eyeliner and brushed my hair. I threw a gray beanie, with a few silver strings in it, on my head. It went well with my outfit and hopefully holds my hair down enough so it looked good by the time we got to where we were going.

As soon as we had gotten home Mom had a stroke of artistic genius and ran straight to her studio. I went upstairs and logged onto Tumblr. My favorite website because there are so many people who know how I feel. I heard a yell from downstairs.

“Alexandria can you do me a favor?”

I hoisted myself off the bed and walked down the stairs and finally into the studio.

“Yeah Mom, what’s up?”

“The mailman accidentally gave us some of the neighbors mail, can you take it over there before I forget?”

“We’ve been here one day and he’s already mixing up our mail?” I laughed. “Sure Mom, I’ll be right back. Where’s the mail I need to take?”

“There’s a couple of letters on the table in the kitchen.”

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the letters. I stopped at the door to put on my red Toms and my Asking Alexandria jacket, my favorite one. I walked next door and noticed that this house was much smaller than mine and only one story compared t0 our rather large two-story Victorian style house. I went up to the front door and noticed that even though the whole house was white, the front door was an astonishing deep blood red color. I hesitantly rang the doorbell and waited.

After a few seconds I heard a rather deep voice call ‘I got it Mom’, moments later the door creaked open. I felt all the air out of my lungs being knocked out. Standing there at the door was a beautiful black haired, blue eyed boy with a Misfits t-shirt on. His third nail on his right hand was painted red.
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Sorry I didn't update. The stress of finals has passed now. I'm going to try and crank out as many chapters as possible while I'm on break. <3 Let me know how you like it