Status: Hiatus

Rebel Love

I'm Just a Kick in the Teeth

~Alexandria's POV~

I woke up the smell of fresh brewed coffee and French Toast downstairs. I had the weirdest dream that Dennis had stayed the night and I had agreed to be his girlfriend. I walked down the spiral staircase ready for the breakfast my Mom had made. My Mom didn't cook very often because she usually forgot when she was cooking and everything burned. I was surprised to smell that breakfast was okay. I walked into the kitchen and had the breath knocked out of me when realization hit.

There was no dream, it was real, and Dennis Compton was standing in my kitchen cooking me breakfast. He turned around when he heard me walk in and flashed me a big bright smile.

"Good Morning Sunshine, did you sleep well?"

It took me a minute to reply but at last I said, "Yes, I found it much easier to sleep when I'm by your side."

"I hope I didn't wake you when I left this morning?"

"You left this morning?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Yeah, I had to go change my clothes and get some orange juice. You didn't have any and you can't have a good breakfast without it."

There were two glasses of orange juice on the counter, next to two plates of French Toast. I made my way over to the counter, as I walked by the table I realized it had been cleaned off. I stood and gaped at it for a minute, and turned my head to look at Dennis.

"Guilty as charged" He replied as he looked down.

I had almost made it to the counter when my phone rang in my hand. The caller i.d. flashed "MOM"

"Hey Mom, what's up? When are you coming home?"

"Morning Darling, and that's why I called. None of the paintings sold last night."

"Oh god Mom, I'm so sorry."

"No Lex, it's a good thing. I need to go to California for a few weeks to sell some paintings there and paint a couple more I had inspiration for last night."

"Mom that's great! I'm so happy for you."

"Are you gonna be okay being home alone for a month or so? I hate to leave you home alone but you're pretty mature for your age and I know I can trust you."

I flashed a bright red at my Mother's confidence in me and replied, "Yeah, I'll be fine. We're on Christmas break for the next few weeks anyway. Just focus on your art, and have a good trip."

"I gotta go before I'm late, call you later Lex. Love you."

"Love you too Mom, talk to you later."

After I hung up I finally made my way to the counter, and I hopped up on it and grabbed my glass of juice and drank it. After I discarded my glass into the sink next to me, I grabbed my plate and started on my food. Dennis started on his only after he was sure I'd finish my food. I put my plate on the sink and waited for him to finish. He walked over to where I was and put his hands on my waist. I, in return reached up to my arms around his neck.

"What did your Mom say?" He asked as he buried his face in my hair.

"She said she's gonna be gone for a month or so. Pretty much the whole Christmas break." I replied burying my face in his shoulder.

I realized he had on a bright blue flannel and black skinnies. He look ridiculously cute. I sat and admired him for a few more minutes. I needed to go get dressed, I didn't wanna sit in the house all day.

"Babe I need to get dressed. Let's go do something today. I don't wanna stay couped up inside."

He looked down and sent me the most heart melting half smile. He leaned closer and pressed his lips to mine. He kept them there as he proceeded to wrap my legs around his waist. He trailed kisses down my neck and back up as he carried me up the stairs. We finally made it to my room where he deposited me in front of my closet.

"Are you sure you wanna go outside?" he chuckled.

"I'm positive, I don't wanna spend the next month and a half naked thank you very much."

I stepped into my closet turned on the light and closed the door. After I got in I locked it. I heard him walk across the room and try to open the door.

"Hey, not fair!" He exclaimed

"Life's not fair!" I shouted back.

I opted for my bright blue skinnies, to match Dennis' shirt, and my Asking Alexandria shirt. The Reckless and Relentless one because it was one of my favorites. I looked in my mirror and saw that I needed to fix my hair. I opened my door only to grabbed by Dennis.

I giggled. "I need to go fix my hair so we can leave. Stop!" He started tickling my sides, so I tickled him back.

He eventually called a truce and we made our way to the bathroom so I could fix my hair. After my hair was fixed we went downstairs to grab out jackets. I put on my AA jacket and put on my silver Toms. We headed out the door and noticed his parents weren't home.

"How are we gonna get to the mall now?" I asked him.

"Oli doesn't live too far away and his girlfriends gonna be over today so he'll probably let me borrow his car."

He took my hand and we made our way to Oli's apartment. There was an array of cars, and he pointed out a yellow 2012 Camaro. This was Oli's car, I was quite happy to be riding around in something that beautiful. We entered the building and walked up a flight of stairs, until we reached 2B, and Dennis opened the door and walked in.

I noticed Oli first, He was tall and very thin he had a thick accent. I couldn't quite tell if it was British or Australian. He had no shirt on and I could see his torso was covered in tattoos, along with his arms and hands and neck. His hair was long and shaggy and a light brown.

I noticed the girl holding his hand next. She was short and curvy and her top was doing it's best to hold in her chest. Her hair was shoulder length and black with purple highlights. She also had a full sleeve and snakebites, It wasn't until she turned her head slightly that I noticed a stud in her left nostril.

The last person I noticed was a tall, thin girl across the room. She had short black hair with bangs straight across her forehead. She seemed to be arguing with Oli until Dennis spoke up.

"What the fuck are you doing here Julie?" He growled

"Honey don't act like you're mad to see me." She fluttered her lashes flirtily.

"I could have gone my whole life without seeing you again, you bitch."

I gasped I had never heard Dennis sound so menacing. Time seemed to move in slow motion as she crossed the room and planted her lips right on Dennis'.
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Sorry for taking so long, I've had a bit of writer's block lately. Comment, subscribe and such. HAve a great day <3

Title credit goes to Asking Alexandria. To The Stage.