Status: Hiatus

Rebel Love

What if I Can't Forget You?

~Dennis' POV~

I woke up to realize that I was no longer in the basement. I was sprawled, untied and free, on a much too small for my six foot frame loveseat. Across the room form me was a giant flat screen t.v. plastered to the wall. nick-knacks, book shelves and paintings adorned the walls around the room. I sat up to get a better view of the room, and realized I was alone. I thought this was odd considering the trouble it had taken for Julie to get me here. It was twilight outside, a beautiful time of day, especially out in the country where the skies are clear. I could tell I wasn't in the city anymore because of the bold golds, bright indigo's, and brilliant crimsons that lit up the sky right before it turn a dark violet as the sun disappeared. I got up to survey the place out a bit and to see where everyone had gone.

The next room I came to was the kitchen. I could see someone was across the room from me, standing at the stove. The hair color was all wrong for it to be Julie. Instead of it being raven black, this woman's hair was a bright copper. As the girl tuned around I could see it was Julie, but she had changed her face. She had in bright green contact lenses where her eyes were normally a pale gray. She had also drawn a beauty mark above her lip on the left side. She had also taken out her nose ring.

"Are you trying to improve yourself? Even a pretty face doesn't make up for how much of a psychopath you are." I said to her.

"Oh Dennis, still such a gentleman I see. If this is how you were treating that tramp Alexandria I did her a favor then by taking you away didn't I?"

"You keep her name out your mouth you bitch, and she is most certainly not a tramp. What did you do to yourself anyway?" I sneered across the room at her.

"Your little asshole of a friend Oli informed the police that I might be a person of interest in your disappearance. Mostly because nobody thought you'd just leave that skank there, and Oli remembered how I worked." She inched toward me.

"You stay the hell away from me, and stop calling her names. She's ten times better than you will ever be Julie."

"My name's not Julie anymore, according to all my new records I'm now Isabelle Smith. Pleased to me you Mr. Compton."

"This is definitely not a pleasure. Who the hell are you cooking for anyway? You just gonna invite a date over while you have a missing person locked up in your house? Seems like that'd be the best foot to start out on."

"Still just the same smart-ass I remember. It was that smart-ass mouth that made my father hate you so much."

"Good, I never liked that dick anyway. No matter how psycho you are you didn't deserve to be treated like that nobody did. Now why are you making such a big ass dinner?"

"Why it's our darling, for our date."

She attempted to look flirty, but I didn't want her. The only girl I wanted was God knows how far away. She probably already thought I was dead, or she hated me. While lost deep in my thoughts I hadn't noticed Julie walk across the room. She grabbed me and pull me to her and before I could protest she smashed her mouth onto mine. I gasped in surprise, and pushed her so hard she hit the counter. She looked stunned, but then a wave of rage flew across her face.


"Because I do not ever want to kiss you again. I stopped wanting to kiss you about two weeks before we broke up."


I wasn't paying attention to her hands as she was yelling, they were inching towards the butcher block. As soon as the word 'together' came flying out of her mouth a steak knife flew across the room and embedded itself deep in my right forearm. At first I didn't feel the pain, just the sticky, wet sensation of the blood dripping out. Things around the edges started to get fuzzy, I was losing too much blood too fast. Barely conscious, Julie was on the phone yelling at someone. I felt myself falling to the ground but never felt the impact, because before I made it there everything turned black and I couldn't feel anything anymore.

~Alexandria's POV~

I was in Dennis' arms and we were laying on the beach, he had finally gotten back home and everything was alright. We laughed, cuddles, and watched the sunset. Then waves came towards us and he made no move to move. I tried moving but he was holding me down and suddenly the water in my face. I wasn't drowning but some of it was going in my mouth.

I gasped and my eyes flew open immediately. The beach was now the living room, and the waves I felt in my face was Mr. Compton throwing water on me to wake up and make sure I was still alive. It took me a few minutes to focus on what was going on. I slowly sat up and realized that I was on the couch instead of the floor where I remembered blacking out.

I could smell coffee brewing in the kitchen and vaguely wondered if my Mom was home. She wasn't due back for a few more weeks. I turned around questioningly tot eh kitchen area, and tried to see who was in there.

"It's not your Mom, It's my wife Sheryl." Came Mr. Compton's voice as if he had read my mind.

"Why are you guys over here, and how did you get in?"

"I came over as soon as I heard you scream. You have the lung capacity of a singer by the way," He chuckled a little and then was serious again, "and as for getting in you left the door unlocked. I assumed you'd seen the news because it was still running when we came in."

"How long was I out for?" I vaguely wondered if it was morning or night by the look of the sky.

"Only about three hours, I tried everything to wake you up and the water seemed to help. How are you feeling?" he seemed genuinely concerned.

"Well I just found out that my boyfriend, who I love very much, might have been kidnapped from his own home. How do you think I feel as a teenager in this situation? I'm scared out of my damn mind and I don't wanna be alone." I started to shake at the thought.

"Well calm down, we're doing everything we can to try and find Dennis as soon as possible. As for staying by yourself we can see what Oli's up to. You don't care if he and Andrea stay here do you?"

"No, we have plenty of guest bedrooms. I don't want to bother him though." I felt intrusive.

"He won't mind, he's a 24 year-old who makes music and his band doesn't start touring until summer. So he's always looking for company besides Andrea on the off months. He'll just want to watch t.v. and drink beer." Mr. Compton was trying his best to re-assure me, and I was starting to believe him.

"If you really don't think he'll mind."

"I'll call him. I have to go back home though I left my phone there and Oli's number is in it. I'll be right back stay conscious until then. Okay?"

I smiled "Okay." and I watched him walk out the door.

I made my way into the kitchen, assuming that a pot of coffee had been made. Sheryl was standing up nest to the counter, next to the coffee pot. I made my way that to grab a cub and then pour coffee in it. I made my way to the sink to get a little bit of cold water to cool it down. Yum, black coffee just the I like it. I turned around and almost didn't hear her soft voice as she spoke.

"This is all your fault you know." she whispers.

Taken aback I blink a few times and try to process what she's just said to me.

"Excuse me?" I ask

"This. Is. Your. Fault." She enunciates every word as if I'm two years old.

"How in the hell is this my fault?" I demand

"He was perfectly content living here until you came along. You took him away, he was spending time at home with us until he got with you. You're tearing this family apart. You're no good for him, I wish he would have stayed with Julie. You're not right for him and you don't deserve him. Go find another persons son to ruin." She ranted.

I feel as if I have been slapped. I can't talk, I try forming words but they just won't come out. I feel as if I've had the breath knocked out of me. I was vaguely aware of Mr. Compton coming back in and saying that Oli and Andrea would be here in an hour. Vaguely aware that he told me Sheryl and he had to get to bed for work tomorrow. Vaguely aware that he had told me to be careful before Oli got there.

As soon as I heard the door shut, my coffee cup slipped out of my hand as I lost all emotions. I was so numb I barely heard the cup shatter. I felt the tears begin to stream down my cheeks. I ran all the way up the stairs, threw my iPod into the dock and turned it up full blast. I turned on the shower hoping I could shower all this pain away. The only thing that happened in the shower was that I got a new set of bright scarlet lines that assured me I'd be wearing long sleeves and jacket for a week. I got out of the shower leaned against the bathroom wall and slid all the way down until my butt reached the floor. I cried for a good ten minutes until I couldn't feel my face anymore.

I went to get dressed and the whole I was getting ready to let Oli and Andrea in the same sentence went through my head.

You've fucked everything up again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So can we all agree that Dennis' Mom is a cunt? I really kind of hate her. But here's a another I'm trying to make the chapters better/longer because I left you guys with no updates for so long and I feel awful. Comment and let me know what you think <3

Chapter Title Credit: Caraphernilia by Pierce the Veil.