Status: Hiatus

Rebel Love

Love Isn't Always Fair

~Alexandria's POV~

I was out of the shower and threw on my robe. I would get dressed after eating something, I realized that I hadn't eaten all day. I was browsing through the freezer when I found a microwave pizza and threw it in the microwave. I absentmindedly turned the T.V. on. As I was surfing through the channels they were all talking about Dennis' disappearance. I was fighting the urge to cry my eyes out so, I turned the television off.

At that the point the microwave went off alerting me that my food was done. At the same time the doorbell rang. I couldn't believe that Oli & Andrea were here already. I sighed as I walked to the door, considering I was still undressed. I tried to look out the peep hole but I couldn't anything because of how dark it was outside.

I could have turned on the porch light but that would have been far too simple. Instead I opened the door and took in the sight in front of me.

There was a boy in front of me that was slightly taller than I was. His hair was long and shaggy hanging a little bit past his ear lobes, which were slightly stretched. His eyes were a beautiful pale blue. There was a slight sprinkle of freckles across his pale nose. His eyelashes were thick and long for a boys face. He was giving me a crooked smile.

"Did you miss me?" He asked

I was faintly aware of the beeping in the background as I whispered my response.


~Dennis' POV~

I came to and heard the sound of horrible beeping.

"What the fuck is that noise?"

I was concerned because it was so bright in here. I realized I was in a hospital. Everything around me was either white or steel. I looked to my left and noticed Julie was sitting in a chair staring at me intently. I went to prop myself up and felt a pain shoot though my right arm. I immediately fell back down.

"You won't be able to use your arm much for the next month or so." Julie whispers.

"Where in the hell are we?"

"You're in a hospital. You were losing too much blood and I panicked."

"And they didn't notice me, you're not bright are you?"

She sighed and started shuffling things around in her purse. She finally found what she was looking for and began walking towards my bed.

"Get the fuck away from me!"

"Would you calm yourself I am trying to show you something"

I noticed that she was holding a mirror and not some sort of torture device as I has originally presumed. She inched toward my bed and held the mirror up to my face. I gasped at what was looking back at me. I was not looking at my reflection and it was not me looking back.

The man looking back at me had blonde hair and brown eyes. My lip ring and nose ring had been taken out. I couldn't stand to look at myself much longer. I looked downward.

"So who am I now? Because I sure as hell aren't Dennis."

"Your name is now Andrew Harris. You're 20 years old and I'm your wife. Isabelle Harris. I've already changed all my documents from Smith to Harris."

"I hope you realize that I wouldn't marry you if you were the last person on earth. I'd rather marry a squirrel than be associated to you."

"Why did you stop loving me Dennis?" her voice is barely audible.

I am taken aback by this question. i don't really know exactly when. I never thought about myself stopping loving her, it just happened.

"I never made a conscious thought to stop loving it you. It was your actions, the way you treated me, the way you took all your home life anger out on me. I begged you and begged you to get help and you never went. Julie I did love you and I cared about you so much. Do you think I would have taken a swing at your Dad if I hadn't?"

"I'm sorry for acting childish and being the way I was. I tried to get help but I could never forgive my Father for the things he said to me, I couldn't forgive my Mother for letting him speak to me that way or watching him as he beat me. I tried so hard to become better. You were the only thing keeping me alive and when I lost you I felt like I had literally just failed at life."

"You're not a fail though. You have so much energy and so much passion you just needed to direct it in a different way. Have you ever thought about becoming a musician? You have a pretty good voice, and plenty of experiences to write about."

"I've thought about it but honestly I can't sing in front of people."

"I could help you confront your fears."

"Oh Dennis, would you do that for me?"

"Of Course."

Thank lord for psychology class, as long as I cooperated and did everything she wanted me to do she'd be letting em run freely around the house in days. That's the only way I could escape and get back home. Home to the woman I loved and my family.
~Alexandria's POV~

"Why are you here?" I whispered

"I left home, I could take it there anymore Lex. My Mom was on my case and Michael was being the worst. Jake was getting me into all sorts of trouble for shit I wasn't even doing."

"You can't stay here."

"But Lex.... I though we could pick up where he had to leave off. You always said you wished I could come live with you."

"Daniel that was before. This is now and right now I'm in love with a very sweet boy."

"Oh yeah, can I meet him?"

Me being the usual smart ass I am picks up the T.V. remote and turns to the news.

"There you go." I say as picture upon picture of Dennis flies across the screen.

"Oh my god Lex, you're the girl he was talking about in his note? I am so sorry."

He walks forward to hug me. I am instantly comforted by his embrace. We may not be able to be together now but I did love him at one point. I dd owe him a place to stay until he figured out what he was doing with his life.

"You can stay here for now." I whisper.

We break from our embrace and shortly after I hear a heavily accented voice yell


This is going to be quite an interesting week.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry I didn't update in months. I fucking suck and I'm so sorry. I just kept forgetting and then school and then laziness. You all just need to beat me. Just come to my house and punch me in the face seriously. I am the worst human being ever. I am really going to try to update this more. I swear and if I don't then I'll kick myself in the face.

But comment and let me know what you think.

Title credit goes to Black Veil Brides.