Status: hi

Kissing In Cars



I don’t know where I am. I don’t know why I’m here. I left with nothing but my backpack of some of my stuff and now I’m biting my nails out of fear, anger, and frustration. I shouldn’t have left Vic but I didn’t know what to do I am such a mess.
I bit my lip and pulled my denim jacket tighter. I needed something to loosen me up. I enter a convenience store and buy a cigarette and some razors, I don’t know why I wanted one I’ve only tried a stick before and it didn’t seem very pleasant. I’m walking outside again, inhaling and exhaling on a death stick. I am the epitome of everything shitty and pathetic.
I find a gasoline station and enter the ladies locking the door behind me. I grab a razor and let it make me feel something. It feels both good and bad but it was the only pain I can control. I cut and cut and cut until the numbness was gone. I pull my sleeve back down and went back to walking.
I raised my thumb up and hoped for luck to come my way. Fortunately it did.

340 Days Before

340 Days Before

Mom has a special announcement. We were in an expensive restaurant; me wearing a midnight blue dress while mom wore a peach one. I've been in this restaurant a couple of times with either my mom or my grandparents, their food was good but it was too fancy.
"I was supposed to go to the arcade with Vic today." I tell her whining.
"Well you can meet up with your boyfriend tomorrow. Today is a special day so act like a lady." She says her eyes hard as steel making sure each word goes into my head.
"He's not my boyfriend."
"Whatever." We walk to a table where a good-looking guy in his 40s greets us and mom puts on a smile.
The guy greets her with a kiss on the lips and kisses me on the cheek. I was quite startled I mean who the fuck is this dude. "Andrea, how great of you to be here. And you must be Alyson; you look gorgeous just like your mother. My name is Alfonse, take a seat."
I sat down that's when I saw him, blue-eyed devil in disguise of a god. He smiles at me, that half smile that could kill a thousand girls in a heartbeat. I could feel my heart in my throat. My hand closes on the knife as tears stung my eyes. I wanted to fucking stab his pretty face until it was bloody and gross. I bite my lip to stop myself from crying. I have a bad feeling about what this dinner will lead to.
"Guys we have an announcement to make." Alfonse says standing up.
Mom looks at him like he's the finest man in the world.
"We're getting married!" He says. Everyone claps.
I cry, because Sebastian Lebeau is going to be my stepbrother.
♠ ♠ ♠
hi guys I'm back to updating this fic! another short chapter sorry. I'm meeting and seeing PTV and SWS live on Feb 16 and it's everything I can think of lately sorry.