Status: hi

Kissing In Cars



We’ve arrived in a town a little bit wilder than the first. This had graffiti and tattoo parlors and people here dress differently.
“What if the police are looking for us?” Vic asks as we eat the greasiest but tastiest burgers on the side of the street.
I finish my burger. “Then I’m dyeing my hair blue.” I tell him, there was a salon on the other side of the street and I drag him there.
“Are you crazy?” He asks.
“Maybe? But you started it so.” I face the counter a lady with too much bling greeted me.
“What can I do for you?” She asks.
“Can I get my hair dyed blue?” I ask her.
“Sure, your boyfriend can sit on the couch there, we have magazines on the side. Your hair doesn’t need bleaching so this will be fast.”
“I’ll uh just walk around, call me when you’re done.” Vic says. He was used to being called my boyfriend it doesn’t really matter anymore. We also got new phones throwing away our old ones so our parents can’t call or track us.

We met each other an hour after, my hair was blue and awesome and Vic, well he got a nose ring.
“You look more macho that way.” I tell him as we get back in the car.
“Your hair is awesome.” He says yawning. “I’m sleepy, are you?”
I yawn too. “A little. But where are we going to sleep?”
“I’ve got a fake I.D. and I found some cheap motel.”
“As long as your plan works I’m in.”

The guy in charge to give the room numbers was too sleepy to even bother checking our IDs or if we have one. The room was okay enough; it wasn’t that spectacular but it was okay. There was one bed Vic and I had to share but it was also okay.
We turned off the lights and the only light came from a crack from the window. We lay down in bed only a little distance between the two of us.
We face each other. I study Vic’s face, his bushy eyebrows, his slightly crooked teeth, and the bags under his eyes. I love those little things; I think they make him cuter, more human.
He inches closer and closer until our noses are touching.
“I love you.” He says. His breath smelt of toothpaste.
“I love you too.” I tell him, I didn’t know what I meant, something more than friendship maybe but also something more than romance.
He inches closer and we kiss.

627 Days Before

That wasn’t the first kiss Vic and I have shared. A couple of months after we met we went to a party. It wasn’t a big one, just some booze and some friends a little dancing and some fun and games. I didn’t like parties. Not until the incident from my old school. But Vic assured me that nothing wrong would happen that he knows all those people and that they’re good friends of him.
I didn’t drink any alcohol that day, I’ve sworn off to it. Girls all around us in their skimpy outfits greeted Vic, touching his arm and giving him a sticky smile. But Vic held me closer, our hands entwined.
Vic and I sat on a corner, him drinking a bottle of something alcoholic and me drinking cola. He was drunk and I wasn’t happy about that.
“Would you want some?” He asks.
I shake my head.
“You know you’re very beautiful.” He says. I wanted to believe but I couldn’t because he was drunk and I am butt ugly. I should’ve believed but I wouldn’t because I can’t trust anybody even if they’re supposed to be my friend.
But I blush. “You’re drunk Vic.” I tell him.
“It’s true, you’re beautiful.” He says.
Then he leans in and we kiss. I kissed him back and we were kissing for 2 seconds when I realize what we’re doing. It felt good but it hurt. I push him away, because he was drunk and because it brought back too many bad memories.
“Vic, you’re drunk.” I tell him then I ran to the bathroom.
Ran because I don’t want anybody to see me crying ran because I needed to cut.
Unlike all my other friends Vic ran after me.
I itched for that razorblade to bite my arm but I couldn’t not with Vic pounding on the door, pleading for me to open it, not now that I feel somebody cares.
So I just cried and cried until they managed to open the bathroom and Vic held me in his arms and I fell into them because I’m weak because I’m nothing but he is making me something.