Status: hi

Kissing In Cars


Day 3 4PM

We were in a new town. There was an amusement park and that’s where we’re going tonight. Kids looked at me, I guess I looked silly with my blue hair but it wasn’t a bad stare and I didn’t care. We walked to the crowded theme park hand in hand.
“Do I look silly?” I ask him.
“How many times do I have to tell you? You look mother fucking beautiful. Now where do we start?” He asks looking around like a kid in a candy store.
“How about the Sky Shooter?” I ask him.
“Let’s go!”
Shooting up in the sky we screamed our hearts out. We rode several rides after that, rollercoasters, and flying swings, and magical buses, and Ferris wheels. We ate funnel cakes and tried to win prizes in mini booths. Wasted our money but felt the happiness. It was a great first date.

578 Days Before

I was dragging Vic down the social ladder. Vic tried to introduce me to his friends but I guess they don’t like me. I guess I was too weird and awkward for them. So Vic sacrificed and hung out with me instead of his friends. He’d blew off parties and pretty girls so he can be with me and it may be selfish of me but it felt really nice to have someone who’ll put you in first choice.
Then Vic started dating Isabel. Isabel was pretty, the kind of pretty that makes you want to do nice things to her, that kind of pretty that makes you want to stab her for being attractive. Maybe I was jealous of the two of them. I was jealous and hurt and I was being selfish. Because I thought Vic was mine. No not a crush type but that friendship jealousy. That Vic won’t be hanging out with me as much as he did before. Scared that if we do hang out it’d be with Isabel and I’d be like a third wheel.
I guess Vic thought about these things too so he brought me on a date with a guy named Leo. Leo wasn’t bad at all. He was cute, with blue eyes and dimples. He was quite tall too.
We went to a theme park for a double date. We rode all the rides and screamed and I had fun. Leo even gave me this big stuffed toy he won from the arcade. We ate at a small diner afterwards, eating juicy burgers and greasy fries. Isabel barely touched her food that’s what I remember, she also got too scared and didn’t have fun on the rides but that was okay with me since Vic treated her like some special snowflake and he probably likes her so why shouldn’t I?

“So, want to hang out at my place?” Leo asks. “My big brother is picking me up.” He says.
I was in such a happy mood I said yes. Leo seemed like a nice guy besides I heard Isabel is going over at Vic’s.
His parents were out and his brother just dropped us off saying he had to hang out at a friend’s.
“So, you want to watch a movie?” He asks, showing me a collection of DVDs. I pick a horror one from the selection. “Good choice.”
He sits down next to me and we watch the movie together. Halfway through he leaned in and we started kissing. We were making out for a few good minutes when he started to pull down my pants.
I push him away. “I don’t think I’m ready for this.” I tell him.
“Come on.” He says kissing me again.
“I said I’m not ready for this.” I tell him pushing him harder this time.
He leans in again.
“Fuck off!” I tell him this time he fell down the couch.
“Some kind of bitch you are, whore.” He tells me. “Get the fuck out of my house!”
I didn’t know what made him call me a whore because I’m actually being not a whore by not taking it further but I get my things and ran outside the house.
I was a disaster. Bad memories kept replaying in my mind. I didn’t know where I was going. I wasn’t even looking at the road. I was too numb to cry. I want relief. I want pain. I want to feel. I want to die. I wished for a car to pass by but it was late night and no cars were passing. I wanted to scream. I wanted to run. But I couldn’t I was dead inside.
I found myself infront of Vic’s house. I rang the doorbell. I felt like complete shit and I hate myself for clinging on to Vic too much, for making him my life.
Vic opens the door; thank goodness it was him who did.
All my emotions suddenly rush in. Tears fell from my eyes and Vic just held me there telling me it’s going to be okay, that it gets better.

Once I was calm Vic let me in bringing me to the kitchen so we can talk about it with tea.
“I’m really sorry, I didn’t know he’d act like that.” Vic tells me.
“It’s not your fault, I was the one who said yes to going to his house. Why isn’t Isabel here anyway?”
“She left, she says I care about you too much. She’s too much of a princess for me anyway.” He says laughing.
I smile. This is how Vic makes me feel, happy. He makes me feel special and loved, he easily changes my mood, he’s my best friend and I’m proud to call him that.
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hi guys happy holidays!