Status: Brand new and active!!

Far Over The Misty Mountains ...

Stories by the fire ...

Calla swallowed as she looked up into Thorin's steely dark eyes. Even though he was not too much taller than her, he was still very intimidating. “Uh, a little my lord.” She shuffled her bare feet uncomfortably and straightened her dress with her hands. “As much as my father taught me to defend myself with a knife and the occasional fight with my brothers.”

Thorin chuckled deeply and ruffled her hair with a hint of a smile.

“Chances of incineration?” Bilbo shouted out in disbelief, his voice reaching an unrecognisable pitch. Calla quirked an eyebrow and curtsied a little before walking to Bilbo's side, examining the text over his shoulder. The elegant calligraphy stated as plain as day 'in case of incineration'.

“Of course there's a chance.” Bofur said cheerily, a toothy grin spread across his face, “Smaug is a dragon. It'd be a quick way to go … it'd just get a little warm, a quick burning sensation, and then poof … nothing!” The dwarf seemed a little over enthusiastic about this method of impending death, making the two hobbits exchange a slightly worried glance.

“Well, it's not the ideal way to go Bofur … I could think of at least one nicer way” Mocked Fili, as he drained his wooden mug of wine. Kili looked at his brother, a fake shocked look on his handsome face, “Really Fili, you can think of a better way? Who wants to die peacefully of old age, when you could be flayed alive by a huge flying rat.” he joked, the end of his sentence dissolving into laughter.

The whole table flooded with laughter at Bofur's expense, who just looked at the Hobbits for any line of defence, a pleading look on his face. Calla shook her head, grabbing one of the wine jugs and filling the dwarves empty mugs, “I'm sorry Bofur” she laughed, “But even I'm not defending you in this one.”
Bofur rolled his eyes and took a long gulp from his mug as she reached out for Kili and Fili's.
“Thank you, Miss Took.” They said in almost perfect unison as she slid the cups back across the table to them.

“I don't think I can sign this.” Bilbo sighed, “I don't think this is for me gentlemen, I'm sorry.” Bilbo said after a great amount of thought. He walked straight past Calla, ignoring her stern gaze, and dropped the scroll onto the table in front of Thorin. “You will need to find another burglar. I wouldn't be any use to you.” He looked up at the rest of the dwarves, who all wore crest fallen expressions, “Please make yourselves at home for the night gentlemen. I am afraid I'm away to bed.” and with that he turned and walked down the corridor to his bedroom, not even stopping when he heard Calla follow him to the door calling his name, he just wanted some time alone.

Calla turned back to the room full of Dwarves, a sad expression on her face, 'maybe' she thought to herself 'just maybe, some time alone will help him to change his mind.' With her hands on her hips she walked back into the pantry, a soft look in her eyes, she knew how it felt to be let down, so she was determined to at least make up for their wasted journey. “You heard him gentlemen,” She said to them “Make yourselves at home, the living room is this way.” A loud scraping of chairs announced the company were following her into the much larger and comfier room.
“Do you think he will change his mind come the morning?” Asked Gandalf who was sitting in a chair by the window, sucking thoughtfully on the end of his pipe, his voice barely a whisper, but just loud enough for Calla, who was sat on a rickety stool beside him, to hear. “Maybe, I still have hope for the Took blood in him yet.” she yawned, her body was aching all over with fatigue, and her feet ached from waiting on the dwarves all night.

The thirteen in question were sat around the fire, listening as Thorin told them a story of their kin, his voice deep and soothing. Calla felt her ears burning and found Kili watching her, his back against the stone of the fire place facing her directly. She smiled shyly under his attention, and he returned the gesture, getting up from his seat and making his way over to her.
“If you will excuse me young Took, I have somewhere to be.” The old wizard said kindly as he excused himself, even though the mischievous twinkle in his eye said otherwise.

“May I?” asked Kili as he approached her waving his hand towards the seat Gandalf had vacated mere seconds before. Calla chuckled quietly, nodding her head, “by all means sir, sit where you will.”
Without a word he lowered himself into the plush arm chair. A comfortable silence hung between the two as they continued to listen to Thorin's tale. “His voice is so comforting, I could listen to him telling stories for hours” Calla sighed, more to herself than to Kili, who grinned at the softly spoken statement.

“It used to be the biggest comfort to Fili and I, when we were young and first under his care.” He started, his voice hushed low to not disturb the story being told, but loud enough to maintain Calla's attention. “On nights where we missed our parents, were sick, or just suffering from nightmares he would sit and tell us stories for hours until we fell asleep. I'm surprised he didn't run out of new tales to tell, we needed him that much.”

“That's the loveliest thing I've heard in a while.” she said to him, twisting on her stool to face the young dwarf a little better. The flickering yellow light from the fire played across his attractive features, highlighting the smooth cupids bow of his lips and adding a gold sheen to his dark, chocolatey eyes. She swallowed hard, trying to fight the crimson blush that was fighting to wind its way up her cheeks.

“My father was wonderful at telling stories too. When it was thundering out, he would gather my brothers and I on the rug before the fire and tell us stories of his adventures with Gandalf. I know my brothers were never that keen on it, but it used to sooth my fear of the thunder, but I think they miss it now as much as I do.” Her eyes glazed over as she remembered back to being a small child.
Fighting back a second yawn, she rubbed her shoulders gently, feeling a chill wash over her small body.

“I think the lass is falling asleep Thorin.” Balin said with a kind smile, nudging their leader and pointing his attention towards Calla and his youngest nephew. They were conversing quietly, the girl's eyes lighting up, as she spoke and Kili listening intently, his head occasionally tipping back in a low chuckle. A proud smile formed on the Dwarf king's lips as he watched the exchange, a well of pride building up in his chest, he had brought his boys up correctly, to be charming and caring with everyone and at every turn.

He stood from his chair, and clapped his hands together loudly gathering the room's attention. “I fear it is getting late, and we have a long journey ahead tomorrow, perhaps some rest is in order.” He cast his eyes to Calla, who hopped down from her stool, ready to show the dwarves to any rooms they could sleep in.

Calla lead them down a long central hallway, stopping about half way down, and opening a door to her left revealing a large library. There were soft couches that lined the walls and plush arm chairs dotted around. “Nori, Ori, Dori, Oin and Gloin, this is where you can stay, I will bring you pillows and blankets around when I have settled everyone in.” She said in a very mother hen fashion, ushering the five dwarves into the room, all mumbling their good nights as the door closed behind them. She then turned to the right, opening the door to a smaller, but just as comfy looking study, “Bombur, Bofur, Bifur, Balin and Dwalin, I hope Bilbo's study serves you well.” The second group of five retired, nodding their goodbyes, leaving Calla alone in the hallway with the king and his heirs. “And for you gentlemen” she announced as she turned down a corridor to the left, and stopping at a pair of doors, “Can have the guest room. I know it isn't much, but I thought Royalty deserved the best comfort I could provide, and this door here” she indicated the one behind her. “Is Bilbo's room, so please don't hesitate to wake him if you need anything.”

“Thank you Miss Took, do rest well” Fili said as he kissed her hand before entering the bedroom. “Good night my dear.” wished Thorin who followed his nephew's movements, leaving Kili stood in the door with Calla.

“Can I help you with anything? Taking pillows and blankets around?” asked the youngest Oakenshield brother, as he hovered in the doorway.

“Thank you, but no. Get some rest Kili.” she thanked him with a coy smile, “I will also bring you some things around. I doubt the three of you are going to try and fit in that bed.”

“No, they're bloody not. They're too big for that now.” came Thorin's stern voice from the bowels of the room. Kili's eyes widened at the accusation and his mouth opened and closed like a fish. She giggled and turned to walk away, when Kili stopped her, taking her tiny hand in his bigger one and placing a kiss on it. “Good night Miss Took.”

Calla fought the blush back again as she nodded her farewell to the prince and headed back down the corridor to hand out the extra pillows and blankets.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello All! Heres another one for you, I seem to be on a roll today, I may even attempt to get the next chapter at least started. This is what happens when I have a day off and am bored! I'm proud of this one so I hope you all like it!

Happy reading!

P.S Thank you for all comments, and follows etc! the support is over whelming!