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You Can't Change Fate

Damn, she terrifies me

A book slammed down on the desk, Remus looked up to see his sisters’ friend standing over him. The library’s candle lit shelves casting shadows across her angular face. Dark brown eyes narrowed at Remus as she pulled a chair up, sat down and folded her hands.

“Hi?” he felt a small pang of fear in his heart. Of all his sisters’ friends, Auro scared him the most. She was the one that if her saw her in a dark alley, he’d run away screaming.

“Hello, why aren’t Sirius and Mara talking?” blunt, straight forwards, that’s Auro for you. She’d kick your arse and then ask why you are being a wuss. Remus pulled his eyebrows together. He was wondering that himself.

“I don’t know, Mara said it was his fault. Sirius just grunted, crossed his arms and went all sullen.” Remus answered the best that he could. Auro nodded her head, red/black hair moving slightly to cause more shadows on her face. Her eyes stayed narrowed as she rose from the chair.

“Thanks,” She turned on her heel and left. Remus raised a slightly shaking hand to his hair and brushed it back. He slumped back into the chair and let out a breath, “Damn, she terrifies me…”