The Light Behind Your Eyes

The Light Behind Your Eyes

Frank was fading. Everything hurt, and nothing was okay. Gerard was in front of him, kneeling and looking into his eyes. Frank wanted Gerard to say that everything was fine, but the expression on Gerard's face said otherwise.

"Gee? What's wrong, exactly." Frank asked, his voice full of confusion and worry.

"Don't worry about it Frankie. Everything is absolutely fine." Gerard let out a heavy sigh, a sign that everything was not fine.

"You're lying. Just tell me." Frank was persistent. He needed to know what happened.

"You've been hurt, Frankie. Badly. I don't know if you'll be okay. I called the paramedics, but they aren't here yet." Gerard's eyes started welling up. He couldn't contain himself. He pulled Frank to his chest and started crying softly into Frank's chest.

"Hey, Gee, it'll be fine. They can fix me." Frank reassured Gerard. It felt more like he was reassuring himself, though.

"Sure, Frankie, of course they can. I hope to God they can." Gerard's dark hair fell over his eyes as he hung his head. Then, suddenly, he met his lips lightly to Frank's, keeping them there until he had to come up for air.

"I'll always love you, Frankie. Never, ever forget that." Gerard said. His voice was filled with pain, like he was the one who had been stabbed.

"Of course I'll remember, Gee. I'll love you for as long as I live. Promise." Frank's voice was faint.

"I know you will Frank. I will too." With that, Gerard started crying again. Tears streamed gently down his pale face.

"Gee, don't cry. Please." Frank's voice sounded very small to Gerard, because there was the sound of sirens filling the air.

"Frank, the paramedics are here! They can save you!" Gerard brightened visibly, and he looked at Frank just in time to see Frank give him a small smile. Frank used the last of his energy to sit up and kiss Gerard gently before laying back down.

Gerard looked up to see men in uniforms and rubber gloves rushing towards them. When he looked back down, Frank's usually light, intense brown eyes were dark and cold.
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Hey guys! Just a quick one-shot for today, a special favor for a friend of mine. I hope you guys like it, especially you Haley! Also, there will be another one-shot posted later, so look forward to that. It won't be quite as sad as this one.