Status: Completed.

The Feeling of Happiness

Once Upon a Time There Was a Girl

Once upon a time there was a girl. She lived in a house that no longer exists at the edge of a town that no longer exists. She discovered the feeling of love at the base of an old oak tree with a boy who told her she was the world. And even when the old oak tree fell down the next day, she still felt love. She discovered the feeling of loss when the neighbour from three miles down ran over the snapping turtle that lived in her ditch and she discovered recovery when later that same year, baby turtles emerged from the creek. And she was happy.

Once upon a time there was a teenage girl. She lived in a house that no longer exists at the edge of a town that no longer exists. She discovered the feeling of betrayal when her first love ran away with the girl across the street and the old oak tree was cut up into wood for burning. And when it was gone, the boy was still with the girl across the street and she couldn't remember what that feeling of love ever felt like. She discovered the feeling of guilt when she left home for the first time to avoid the boy and she discovered the feeling of relief when he didn't follow her. And she told herself she would be happy.

Once upon a time there was a young woman. She lived in a tiny apartment that's still standing somewhere in the middle of a big city. She discovered the feeling of accomplishment when she was granted her first job, even though it was just getting coffee for those higher up. And she planted an oak tree in the middle of her favourite park. She discovered the feeling of hopefulness when a young man helped her plant the tree and later brought some coffee to her. And when he left, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and hope for a second date. And she decided this was happy.

Once upon a time there was a woman. She lived in a small house that's still standing somewhere in the middle of a big city. She discovered the feeling of success when there was someone to get her coffee for her. And she sat in a coffee shop just across the street from the park and watched as the young man walked to her with a smile on his face. She discovered the feeling of true love when he pulled out a box and asked if he could place the ring inside on her left hand. And when she said yes, she gave her the kisses the boy had given to someone else. And she thought, this must be happy.

Once upon a time there was an old woman. She lived in a big house that's still standing somewhere just outside of the big city. She discovered the feeling of amazement when her granddaughter met the boy across the street and he kissed her beneath the old oak tree. And she smiled when the old oak tree kept standing and the girl across the street became her granddaughter's friend. She discovered the feeling of melancholy when the boy gave his kisses away and her granddaughter discovered sadness. But she gave her granddaughter kisses and so did her husband. And she insisted that she would discover happiness one day. And she knew, this was happy. And she was happy.

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She lived in a house that's still there just outside of the city. She had a wild imagination and knew all of the stories. And she discovered feelings of sadness and loneliness when that little boy left her. But she was strong, and she had a passion in her. And her grandmother told her that boys didn't control her happiness. And she discovered the feeling of determination when she put a smile on her face. And she knew, someday, she'd be happy.