Status: This is a work in progress but I am updating as much as I can.

The Dead Are Living

I've never been here before


I opened the door and laughed when I saw Kuza hopping on his feet holding his bags and another one in his teeth.

“Let me in Parente before I turn into Jack Frost.” he growled between his teeth. I moved aside so he could come in and he dropped everything and rushed Chris. He jumped on him and Chris staggered but managed to keep his footing as he caught him. “I just saw the most fucked up thing in the entire world and I almost died to come over here.”

“What’d you see?” Ricky asked and sat next to Max. October was looking at Kuza funny. I sat next to her and she crawled onto my lap but continued looking at him weird.

“Someone was dressed as that annoying purple dinosaur. Barney?” Kuza asked and looked suspiciously at October. “Who’s this?”

“I’m October Green and you are Michael Kuza. Now that we know that what in the hell is wrong with you?” she asked bluntly.

“With me? What is wrong with you?”

“Nothing but you have a dark aura.”

“Hate to break it to you sweetheart but so do you. It almost looks like a demon aura.”

“I am not a demon.” she huffed indignantly and crossed her arms.

“Well neither am I.”

"I didn't say you were."

“Didn’t have to I can see it.”

“I wish Mitch was here so he could bitch slap you or something.” she growled.

“Who’s Mitch?” Kuza asked Ryan.

“Mitch Lucker.” he answered.

“Lucker? But he died… wait so you see the dead to?” Kuza asked her and she tilted her head at him.

“I see spirits yes.” she nodded slowly. “And you?”

“Yes.” he said slowly.

“Well this is awkward.” she said and leaned back against my chest.

“Yeah I guess we forgot to tell you about him.” Devin blushed and ran his hands through his hair. “Woops.”

“Well that is a pretty big woops to leave out guys.” Kuza said and sat in front of us.

“Well we didn’t think that it would hurt anything.” Balz said.

“Well usually it wouldn’t but with two people like us it can cause problems.” she said and grabbed my hand and started playing with my fingers. “Usually when we see a dark aura it means that the person is a druggie, murderer, or isn’t a person but a demon or malevolent spirit. There aren’t a lot of real mediums. So pardon us for freaking out a tiny bit.”

“Will you two be okay now though?” I asked. I didn’t want one of my best friends and the girl I was starting to like a lot to hate eachother.

“Oh yeah now we can gossip about stuff that no one else will understand and be crazy together and if we are put into a crazy house we can share a padded room and be roommates.” Kuza said and they started laughing. “Am I the only one seeing the pink around Ange?”

“Uhm no… what does it mean?” she asked. “All I know is black.”

“It means he is in love.” Kuza sang. “And I am betting it is you.”

“Kuza shut your face.” I growled and put my hands over her ears. “She doesn’t want to hear that.”

“Do so.” she laughed and pulled my hands down. Then she froze and Kuza’s mouth formed an oh and he looked strange. Was he afraid?
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Like Moths To Flames