Sincerely, Poppy


Dear Logan,
I don't really know what to say. I started at my new treatment facility and my therapist suggested writing a letter to someone. But the thing is I don't really have anyone to write a letter to. My parents don't care about me and they've brainwashed my little brother into not wanting to talk to me. I'm a disgrace to my family and I have no friends. So as you can probably tell I really had no one to write to. My therapist suggested writing to someone I admire but I thought that was a shitty idea since what idol would want to hear about a fans horrible life? My therapist is a very convincing woman however so here I am writing to you.

I chose you because you played Charlie in Perks Of Being A Wallflower and I can relate to Charlie in ways I never would have imagined. You portrayed his character really well and you're just a really great actor. I liked Percy Jackson too. Oh and Three Musketeers, I guess you can say you're my favorite actor. Anyway I'm sure you won't read this which is probably for the better but don't be surprised if I send you more letters. I'm pretty sure my therapist wouldn't let me not write to you again.

It's almost time for group therapy so I have to go. I'm sorry for taking up your time. If you don't want me to write you again just say so and I'll stop.

By the way, I'm Poppy Johnson.

♠ ♠ ♠
Well here it is, another story I shouldn't be writing. The idea came to me and I've written about ten chapters already so I'm hoping I'll actually be able to finish this story.

All of the chapters except for maybe a few are going to be in letter format so they are going to be short. I'll try to make them a decent length but if they are short hopefully you guys will understand why they are that short.

Thank you for giving this a try and I hope you stick with it.
xx Amelia