Sincerely, Poppy


Dear Logan,
How’s North Carolina? Is the hotel really nice? Is it weird that I feel like you’re a little further away now that you’re in North Carolina instead of L.A? Because that’s how I feel, I’m sure it’s silly. I’m sorry for bringing it up.

I’ve tied writing to my brother since you’ve mentioned it but I can’t get out what I’m trying to say. I’ve rewritten it about five times now. I just feel like this is my one chance to get everything I really want to say and what I need to say and I don’t want to mess that up. And I’m really afraid of how my brother is going to react? What if he really is mad at me? What if…what if he’s afraid of me? Logan, I’m so scared and I’m tired of that, ya know? I’m so tired of being afraid to express my feelings.

Logan, you’re so sweet to me. I really need your support for talking to my parents and I know at times I’m going to want to change my mind but I can’t. Don’t let me Logan. It’s weird sometimes I have these thoughts where I really think I can go through with this and then sometimes I really think I can’t do this and there is no way I’m going to be able to talk to my parents. I can’t keep thinking I can’t do it though, I know that’s not a good way to go about this. I need as much confidence as I can get. I agree with what you said about me having time to talk to them. I can’t rush this.

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im not in the best of spirits but comments would make me smile. just throwin' that out there.