Sincerely, Poppy


Dear Poppy,
North Carolina is great. I love the set and everyone working on this film. We’re near the beach so that’s really nice. I’ve been going on morning jogs and late night walks to clear my head if filming was really tough. I wish you could come here and visit. I think you would really like it. You’re not being silly and I feel that way too. I don’t know how my hectic schedule is going to interfere with our letters but I really hope it doesn’t. No matter how busy I am I will always write you, please remember that.

There is no rush for you to write to your brother, just like talking to your parents. You can’t control how your brother is going to react nor is that your responsibility. All you can control is what you say to him and how you say it. Can you try something for me? Why don’t you just write down everything you want to say. All of the apologizes, the worries, everything and just get it all out. Once you do that you can construct it into letter format and cut things out or add things in if you need. Unfortunately you won’t know how your brother is feeling until he tells you but I can guarantee that he will still love you. You guys were close before you started going to treatments right? And he still loved you before then, right? Just because you started getting help doesn’t mean he stopped loving you.

Baby, you know you have my support. I know how much talking to your parent’s means to you and I won’t let you back down from that. When the time is right you know I’ll be right behind you, waiting to catch you if anything bad happens. Just remember that you don’t have to talk to them anytime soon alright? Just take a deep breath for me okay? Keep focusing on feeling better and keep working hard.

I’m so proud of you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been a while and I'm so sorry. I'll try to get back into writing this story and updating frequently.

More shameless promotion but I've officially started posting my new Louis Tomlinson story if you would like to check that out.

Again, I'll try not to take so long updating next time. I love you guys.