Sincerely, Poppy


Dear Logan,
I figured I would wait a little while longer to write in hopes that I'd have good news finally. But nothing good happened. I mean my roommate came back but I can't look at her the same way. I look at her and all I can see is the sheet wrapped around her neck.

Is that how people see me? Is all they see are my scars? My fuck ups? God I hate this. I hate myself. I hate that I lost myself along the way. I hate that I let my peers nasty words affect me. I hate that I fell so low that I brought a razor to my wrist thinking it would help. I hate that I thought skipping a meal or two would make him notice me. I hate how weak I am. I fucking hate myself and I'm not surprised no one likes me either. My own fucking doctors don't like me. I can't even get you to write back. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Today is not a good day. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go far far away. I want to die.

I'm sorry Logan, I'm so sorry.
