Sequel: Eyelids Slowly Close
Status: Updates come whenever I can get to the computer (:

Everybody's Got a Story

If You're Lost, You Can Look and You Will Find Me.

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

"I'm gonna sell the apartment."
Eric, Danny, Randall, and Jim looked at me quickly.
"You're what?" Danny asked.
"I can't live there anymore. Not after what happened." I looked down at my hands.
"Wait. What happened?" Eric asked.
I forgot I hadn't told Eric and Danny about what happened yet and both of them were very confused as to why I wanted to sell my new place.
"I uh. Um. I." I quickly stood up and left the room. I could feel my chest tightening and a bad anxiety attack coming upon me.
I went into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and tried to steady my breathing.
I heard footsteps behind me and I felt a hand touch me on the shoulder. My chest felt heavier and I turned towards the person.
"Don't touch me." I rubbed at my eyes as I felt the tears start to prickle behind my eyelids.
I saw Eric when I moved my hands. "I. I'm sorry. I have to go." I said quickly then I pushed past him and ran outside.
I walked down the street a little bit and kept checking behind me to see if anyone was following me.
I got a cab to stop and got in. I gave him the name of the diner and he dropped me there. I paid him and went inside.
"Hey Steph." I spoke quietly.
"Hey Gerard." She frowned. I told her what happened and why I wouldn't be coming into work. She had a sad and really pitiful look on her face. "What are you doing here?"
"Need any help. I-I'm not b-busy right now." I tried to breathe a little easier and gave a kind smile.
"Gerard you don't look too good. I don't think you should be working right now." Her voice was full of concern.
"Please. It'll help me keep my mind off of a few things."
"Are you sure you're okay to work?"
"Yeah. I'll be fine."
"Okay, but I'm driving you home tonight. Okay?" She finally smiled.
"Hell yeah." I laughed and walked around the counter to grab a notepad and an apron.
I started waiting some tables.
Around closing time I got that sick feeling in my stomach. A man walked in with a older lady and he ordered their food. His voice was deep. Like the guy that tortured me. I brought them their food and quickly walked back to the counter.
"Um, Steph. I'm actually gonna call my step dad to come get me. Okay?"
"You sure?"
"Yeah. He's not as bad as he used to be."
She still looked unsure.
"I'll text him okay and then you'll see. Okay?"
I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Jim that just said 'Can u come get me at the diner?'.
He sent one back that said, 'Sure. Be there in 5.'
It was closing time in 3 minutes and the man and the woman were getting their things. Two of the workers stayed late and cleaned the tables off.
I went over to where the lady and the man were and smiled politely to them.
"Did you enjoy your meal?"
"Yes, sweetie. Thank you." The old lady smiled politely.
The man just grunted and walked past me.
"Don't mind him." She said. "He's been a grump his whole life." She laughed. She held out 15 dollars. "Here you go, Hun. You're just so sweet."
"Oh. Thank you." I smiled back at her.
I helped finishing closing up then stood outside waiting for Jim.
Steph had already got in her car and left, but of course she said, "Call me if that creep looks at you."
I of course laughed awkwardly and then hugged her goodbye.
The man hadn't left with the woman yet. There were still plenty of people walking down the streets of Chicago even though it was 10 pm. I smoked a cigarette and just waited.
The man came closer to me.
He spoke in a whisper when he got closer.
"That apron looked really nice on you." It made my body stand still. I felt disgusting. I flashed back to the rape. I could feel warm tears coming down my face. His voice was too familiar.
I saw Jim's car pull up and I couldn't move. The man was gone before I even knew it.
Jim got out of the truck and walked up to me.
"You okay, kid?" He clapped his hand on my shoulder. "Who was that?"
I put a hand over my mouth and I could feel more tears spilling out.
"That bastard." Jim said. He knew. Jim turned in the direction the man went. He began walking.
I grabbed his wrist quickly.
"Jim." I whispered.
"Oh fuck, kid." He ran his hands over his face.
He pulled me into his chest and hugged me.
"Are you okay, Gerard?"
I shook my head yes and said, "Can we just go home now?"
"Yeah. Let's go." He said quietly and opened my door for me.
The drive home was quiet. I got out and went into the living room. Danny, Eric, and Randall were all sitting in there, but my mom had now joined them.
I sat down in the recliner by myself and leaned it back. I felt like everyone was looking at me.
I made grabby hands for Randall like a child does and he smiled. He got up and sat in the over-sized recliner with me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest.
He kissed the top of my head and I closed my eyes so I could try and sleep.
Randall rubbed my back and I was asleep before I even knew it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit to this wonderful song --> Quietdrive - Time After Time.
Sorry I can't write for crap. :P