Sequel: Eyelids Slowly Close
Status: Updates come whenever I can get to the computer (:

Everybody's Got a Story

I'm Living a Life of Dreams

*Jim's P.O.V.*

I sat on the sofa in the living room and watched the t.v.
I heard two voices travel into the living room so I got up to see who it was.
Gerard and Danny were standing in the kitchen talking.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Gerard spoke as he looked down at his hands.
"Come on, Gerard. Just tell me. Is it really that big of a deal?"
"I just want to get rid of it and stop talking about it. Okay?"
"No. It's not okay. I want a legitimate excuse as to why you want to sell it."
Gerard seemed to tense the more his brother spoke.
I decided to walk in the room then.
"C'mon Danny. Leave Gerard alone." I used a stern voice.
Gerard turned away slightly and his shoulders were shaking.
"I just wanted to know what his dumb ass excuse was for selling a good apartment."
"It's not a dumb ass excuse." I grabbed Gerard by the shoulders and turned him toward Danny. "Do you think this is a dumb ass excuse?" I raised my voice slightly.
Gerard began shaking more and brought his hands up to his face. I turned him towards me and hugged him. He sobbed into my chest and Danny just stood there with wide eyes.
"Gerard?" He asked. "Please fill me in." His eyes looked sad and confused now.
"I wanna go lay down." Gerard whispered.
"Gerard." Danny stepped closer.
Gerard curled closer to my chest and looked at me.
"Jim?" He whispered.
"Yeah, kid?"
"I wanna go in the living room."
"Come on."
I kept one arm around Gerard and walked toward the living room. When we got in the room he walked to the recliner and grabbed a blanket. He laid on it with the blanket up to his neck.
He stared at the ceiling for a moment then looked at me.
"Jim?" He asked quietly.
"Yeah, buddy?"
"C-can you tell him what happened?" His bottom lip started to quiver.
"Yeah. Of course."
"Thanks." He whispered then turned on his side.
I walked back into the kitchen and found Danny sitting there staring at his phone and sitting on the corner part of the counter.
"Hey." I said to him.
He looked up at me. "What the hell was that?"
"He asked me to tell you what happened, but don't go in there asking him questions about it. He's been through a lot. Okay?"
"Yeah. Okay. Just tell me what the hell is going on with my brother." He brushed his hair back with his hand. "I'm just fucking worried about him."
I told him everything that happened and he paled instantly. He left and came back an hour later. He had a two suitcases and a laptop bag with him and brought them to the living room.

*3rd Person P.O.V.*

Gerard was awake now. He was staring at the television screen, watching old re-runs of House.
"Gerard." Danny said quietly.
Gerard looked up at him with tired eyes and said one word, "Why?"
Danny looked like he was going to burst into tears. When things were serious he always opted for using Gerard's first name. "I dunno, Lukes."
He sat down beside Gerard in the recliner and wrapped his arms around him.
They didn't say anything. The silence between them was enough.
Gerard's voice was shaky when he spoke again. "I didn't think you were gonna come back." He whispered to his brother. "I thought you were gonna leave again."
"Never again. Luke. I promise."
"I missed you."
"I know, Lukes. Why don't you try and get some sleep."
"I have tried. I keep having nightmares."
"I'll stay with you until you wake up and I'll wake you up if you start having a bad dream."
"I promise." He said and pulled the blanket over the two of them. "It's okay, Lukey. Get some sleep. I'm right here." He whispered.
Gerard closed his eyes and clutched his brother's hands.
"Please don't leave." He begged.
"I won't. I promise." Danny spoke and closed his eyes too.

*4 hours later (Danny's P.O.V.)*

I felt a slight shaking on my side and opened my eyes.
I lifted my head to look at Gerard. He was asleep on his back now, no longer turned on his side.
And currently having what looked like a nightmare.
"Gerard." I said gently.
He didn't respond and continued to shake and whimper.
"Gerard." I spoke a little louder.
His eyes started to open and he looked at me.
His eyes began to water.
I wrapped my arms around him again and pressed my forehead to his temple.
"It's gonna be okay, Gerard. I promise. He can't hurt you anymore."
He whispered back, "He knows w-where I w-work."
"That sick bastard won't hurt you again, Luke. I fucking promise. Okay?"
He just shook his head 'yes'.
He looked at me with those big hazel eyes.
"I'm scared, Dan."
"I know, bud. We all get scared sometimes, but you know what?"
"What?" He asked quietly.
"You're the strongest person I know, Luke. And you're gonna get past this. Okay?"
He shook his head 'yes' again and wiped his eyes.
He sat up.
"I'm gonna go call Randall." He spoke quietly. "Thanks for staying with me."
"No problem."
He got up and left.
I heard the front door open then shut again.

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

I walked outside and got my phone out of my pocket.
I looked at the screen and saw I had two missed calls from the time I was asleep.
They were both from Charlie.
I decided to call him back first instead.
"Luke?" A shaky voice answered.
"Cody?" Charlie's brother had answered the phone.
"Ch-charl-lie's in the hos-spi-ital and he's in really bad sh-shape, L-Luke." Cody was crying and stuttering out of control.
"I'll be there in 10." I said then hung up.
I ran back inside and looked at Danny.
"Can you drive me to the hospital?"
"Why? What happened?"
"Charlie's in the hospital and they don't know if he's gonna be okay."
"Yeah. Of course. Let me put my shoes on." He picked his shoes up off the ground and put them on. He quickly put them on and we headed out the door.
He drove as quickly up to the hospital as he could and I ran through the ER entrance. I called Charlie's number again and Cody answered.
"Hey. Y-you here?"
"Yeah, buddy. I'm here. Where are you at?"
"W-we're on the s-second floor. Charlie is in s-surgery."
"Are you okay, Cody?"
He choked then answered, "No. Honestly. I-I I'm not."
I didn't know what else to say. I wiped the stray tears from my eyes and sniffled.
"Th-there's a waiting r-room up here." Was all he said before he hung up.
I looked at Danny then grabbed his arm.
"Come on. Cody said there's a waiting room on the second floor we can wait at."
We took the elevator to the second floor and followed the signs to the waiting room. When we got there Cody and his dad were sitting there looking exhausted.
"Hey." I said to Cody as he stood up.
He started to cry again as I hugged him.
I pulled him down onto a chair and let him sit on my lap.
He buried his head in my shoulder and continued to cry.
"Luke?" He said quietly.
"Yeah, Codes?"
"Do you think Charlie-" He stopped speaking.
"What, buddy?"
"Do you think he's gonna live?" He whispered.
I hugged Cody a little tighter.
"Of course he'll live. Wanna know why?"
"Cause he's a fighter and that heart of his is good even though it acts out sometimes." My lip quivered as I spoke. "He'll be okay. I know he will."

*2 hours later*

A nurse walked into the waiting room and said, "Marks?"
All four of us looked up and Charlie's dad, Josh stood to speak with her.
"Your son is doing a lot better. The surgery helped a lot and his heart rate is back to normal. If you would like to visit him you may. Only one at a time though."
He looked back at us.
"Go ahead. You should see him first." I said.
Charlie's dad came back and he looked tired.
"He wants to see you, Cody."
Cody bolted out of the room.
Cody came back around ten minutes later and he smiled at me.
"I told him you're here and he really wants to see you."
I smiled back.
"What room?"
Cody directed me to the room and I slowly walked in.
I could see why Josh looked so tired after he left.
Watching his son be like this made him look older than the actual 45 years he lived.
Charlie was hooked up to a few different machines, all beeping at their own paces. His hospital gown was open in the middle of his chest and you could see the bandage they had put over after the surgery.
"You gonna say something or you gonna keep staring at me like I'm a piece in a museum?" Charlie smiled.
I had no words. I didn't even smile at what he said.
I stood as close to him as I could.
"Are you alright, Luke?"
I looked at him for another minute then shook my head 'no'.
"Talk to me."
I pulled the visitor chair closer and sat as close as I could. I reached for his hand and held it.
I laid my head on the blanket and squeezed my eyes shut.
"Something really shitty happened." I said quietly.
"What?" He said back in a quiet tone.
"I. I dunno if I should t-tell you."
"Luke. Come on. I've know you forever."
I was already crying. Charlie moved his hand and brushed it through my hair.
"Can I ask you something?" He said.
I sat my head up and looked at him. "Yeah?"
"Why did you come here today?"
"Your brother called me."
"Cody called you?"
"Yeah. He asked me to be here when you woke up. I've been here for two hours. Danny's here too."
We sat there in the silence for a few more minutes.
"Luke?" Charlie said quietly and looked down at the bed sheets.
"You know you can talk to me, right?"
I just shook my head 'yes'.
"And you know that no matter what it is I won't judge you or make you feel bad. I promise."
"Really promise?"
"I really promise. Pinky promise in fact." He said and held up his right hand with his pinky held up.
I smiled weakly and did the same. He kept a hold of my hand afterward.
I sat back in the chair and looked at him then focused my eyes on the bed where our hands were clasped together.
"I- uh-" My voice got caught in my throat and I started crying again.
He gave me a sad look then squeezed my hand.
"Do you wanna come lay with me, Luke?"
I shook my head 'yes' and stood up.
He moved over to the right side of the bed and lifted the covers.
"Come here." He spoke and held out his arms.
I climbed under the blankets and hugged him with my head resting on his left shoulder.
He ran his hand through my hair again and said, "You wanna talk now?" I could hear his chest rumble when he spoke.
I sniffled lightly and wrapped my arm around his waist.
I held onto him like he was the only thing keeping me grounding and I spoke. "I was raped." And my voice was raspy and I started to cry more.
He pulled me closer to him and put his arm over mine.
"Jesus." He choked out. He brought his left hand to my hair again and kissed my head.
"I'm sorry." I whispered in a voice only loud enough for Charlie to hear.
"No no. Don't say sorry. That's not your fault." He was crying now. I looked up at him and sat up on my elbow.
"Please stop crying." I said quietly and gently brushed my thumb under his eyelid.
He lifted his arm and started to wipe his tears.
I moved my arm and wiped my face too.
I stayed where I was with my elbow partially under my body and looked at him. I gave him a weak smile and said, "I'm sorry for making this about me."
"Nah. You didn't." He was back to his normal self already. He gave me a priceless Charlie Marks smile. I couldn't help but smile back.
"You should lay back down." He said quietly with a smaller smile on his face.
I laid back down and wrapped my arm back around his waist.
I closed my eyes and said, "How mad do you think Danny would be if I fell asleep right here?"
He whispered back, "Why don't you find out." I giggled and snuggled up closer to him.

*2 hours later (Charlie's P.O.V.)*

"Luke." I said quietly and woke him up.
A woman had just came in here and after blushing profusely asked if I could tell my visitor that the visiting hours are over in ten minutes.
He moved and rubbed his eyes.
"Hi." I smiled to him.
"Hey you." He smiled back. "What time is it?"
"About 6:22." I said back.
"And that means you were waking me up to kick me out." He smiled and laughed.
"Don't worry about it."
"Oh my dad took your brother and my brother home so you might wanna call someone."
"Dang throwing me out and making me pay for cab?" He giggled. "Cold, dude."
"Sorry." I laughed along with him.
"I'll see you again soon."
He continued smiling and stood up. "Aw no hugs?" I said and held out my arms for him.
He laughed again and gave me a hug then kissed me on the cheek.
"Bye, Luke."
"Bye, Lee." He smiled and left.

*Randall's P.O.V.*

"Heyo." I smiled when I answered the phone.
"Hey." Gerard laughed.
"What's up?"
"Well I was visiting Charlie at the hospital and my ride ditched me."
"Ahh so you want me to come get you?"
"If you could. I'm a little low on cab fare. I could pay you in kisses though."
"Sounds good with me." I smiled.
"Alright I'll be at the front entrance."
"See you soon."
"Love you."
"Love you more."
And with that the phone clicked.
I smiled and got up from the sofa.
I looked at my mom and she instantly said, "Gerard?"
I laughed then said "Yeah. I'll be back."
I drove to the hospital and when I arrived Gerard was stomping out a cigarette and wiping his eyes on the sleeves of his shirt.
He got in the car and leaned over to kiss me.
"Hey." He smiled.
"Is Charlie okay?" I didn't bother asking why he was crying.
"Yeah his heart was acting up again and they put him in surgery."
Gerard titled the chair back slightly and closed his eyes.
"Can I go to your house?"
"Yeah of course." I smiled. "My mom would love to see you."
We drove back to my house and I ran to Gerard's side of the car and opened the door for him.
He smiled and blushed. "Thanks." He said.
I grabbed his hand and we walked up to my house.
I opened the door and we walked in. We walked into the living room and sat with my mom. My dad was still at work and my mom was currently watching Criminal Minds.
"Ooh this is my favorite show." Gerard said and sat beside my mom.
She smiled and said, "Hi, Gerard. How are you?"
"I'm great." He smiled back. "How are you?"
"I'm really good. It's nice to see you again." she smiled at him then continued to watch the tv.
When the episode ended my mom stood up and looked at us.
"Gerard. Will you be joining us for dinner?"
"Oh, no. Sorry. I gotta get home."
"Oh that's alright." She kept smiling and left the room.
"Want me to drive you home?" I asked him.
"No. I think I'll be good. I'll just walk."
We both stood from the sofa and walked to the door.
He kissed me and said goodbye.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you too."

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

I gave a slight wave to Randall as I walked out of the door and made my way down the street.
I continued walking until I hit and intersection that I hadn't gone down in a while.
I realized where I was after a second or two.
If I go straight just three more blocks I would be right in front of my apartment.
If I went to the left, 5 blocks. I'd be home.
I waited for the sign to change then kept walking forward.
My feet kept carrying me until I stopped in front of my apartment.
I stood there staring at it for what felt like years.
After standing there for all that time I slowly began to walk up to the front door.
I dug the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door.
I shut the door and locked it behind me then walked into the living room.
My phone started ringing and I jumped slightly at the noise.
"Hello?" I spoke as I answered it, not bothering to see who it was.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" It was Randall.
"Don't what me." He sounded angry. Like how Jim gets when he's really drunk.
"I. I what happened, babe?" I tried to stay calm.
"You cheated on me!"
"Wha- No I didn't!"
"Dan said he saw you sleeping with Charlie in the hospital. What do you call that?" He yelled into the phone.
"I call the being a good friend." I sighed and rubbed my face before becoming frustrated again. "I needed a fucking shoulder to cry on and my best friend was dying. Oh look we have something in common. We both have shitty lives! Sorry I was being nice to someone!" I kept yelling then hung up the phone.
The lamp was still broken on the floor.
I stepped over the shattered pieces and sat on the sofa.
I turned on the tv and the Wii and started up Netflix.
I began watching Young Justice and laid down.
My phone rang a few times, but I continued to ignore it.
I got a text several minutes later from Danny that said, 'Dude. Where are you?' I tossed my phone onto the other side of the futon and covered my head with a pillow.

*The next morning*

I sat up slowly and pulled my knees to my chest. I picked up my phone and checked the missed calls and texts.
All of the calls were from Danny, Jim, Sarah, and my mom.
I decided to call my mom back first out of everyone.
'Yeah. Hi mom.'
She was speaking to someone before speaking to me again saying, 'Where are you sweetie?'
'I went to my apartment.' I said quietly.
'Oh sweetie you had us worried sick.'
'When will you be home?'
'I don't know.' I answered honestly. 'I might stay here a while.'
'Are you sure that's a good idea?'
'I'll be fine, mom.'
'Alright. I love you.'
'I love you too.'
I hung up the phone and sat there for a moment.
I didn't want to talk to anyone else right now.
After about 5 minutes I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. It didn't hurt as bad to shower, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt at all.
After I was done I went into my bedroom and just stood there.
I don't know how long I was there, but my chest started to hurt and my breathing felt constricted.
I turned toward my dresser and realized there was barely anything in it. Danny had brought everything back to the house.
I sighed and got a shirt that was slightly small and a sweater.
Although it wasn't winter anymore, it was still breezy outside.
I sighed in relief when I found a fresh pair of boxers and a good pair of black skinnies.
I pulled them both on and found some socks and put my shoes back on.
I decided I could go to the diner and see if they needed any help.
I began walking towards the diner.
When I arrived I saw that Sue, Jamie, and Denise were here. Sadly, J wasn't. I sighed and walked up to a stool and looked at Sue.
"Hey, Gerard." She spoke in a bright tone. "Come in for a shift? We could use a few extra hands around here after Julie left." She looked let down.
I didn't know she had quit.
"Yeah. I'm always here for you, Sue." I smiled and walked around to get my apron and a notepad.
"It's good to see you again, Jerry." Jamie said to me when I came back with some orders.
I smiled and said back, "Thanks. It's really good to see you too."
They all knew. They all knew about what happened to me. They just didn't talk about it and we went on with our work.
I kind of liked that about this place.
Sues Diner was always a safe haven for me.
I went on with my day and Jamie gave me a ride back to my apartment.
When we got there he started to look sad then said, "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, Jamie." I looked down at my lap.
"If you ever need anything." He looked serious. "Don't be afraid to call me."
"Thanks." I said quietly.
I was just about to get out of the car when he stopped me.
"Wait. I don't think you have my number." He laughed and opened the center console between us.
He searched around and got a sharpie then said, "Uh I don't have any paper." I smiled and rolled up the sleeve on the right side of my sweater so the scars wouldn't show.
He wrote his number down and we said our goodbyes.
I decided to text him a simple 'hey' around thirty minutes later.
I received a 'Hello. Is this Gerard?" back in less than a minute.
'Yeah. Unless you've been handing your number out to every guy you meet :o' I laughed and clicked send.
'Only the cute ones.'
I stared at my phone for a few minutes before replying.
'You think I'm cute?'
'Maybeee.' I smiled brightly.
'I don't know how to reply to that, but thanks.'
'Youre welcome for calling you maybe-cute.'
I giggled and replied, 'I told Sue I would work the morning shift so I gotta get some sleep. Goodnight, Jamie.'
'Goodnight, Gerard.'
I sighed and went into the living room and laid down after taking my medicine.
I laid there in the quiet and stared at the ceiling.
The ceiling fan spinning above my head was the last thing I remember seeing before I dozed off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jesus. That was WAY too long. I'll update the others now. So sorry.