Sequel: Eyelids Slowly Close
Status: Updates come whenever I can get to the computer (:

Everybody's Got a Story

The truth hurts, but so does holding it in.

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

I arrived at school on Monday morning and walked through the doors. Thankfully my step-father hadn't hit me again. So I had no further explaining to do to Randall or Eric.
"Hey Gerard." Eric smiled when I walk up the hall a little further.
"Hey." I said then looked down at my feet as I continued to walk.
"You alright?" He asked with complete concern in his voice.
"Yeah." I lied and pulled my sleeves down over my hands.
"Hey guys." Randall smiled as he came up to us.
"Hey." Eric and I said simultaneously.
"Hey guys. Uh. I-I'm sorry about the other day." I spoke as I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck.
"Stop apologizing for that. I got enough messages from you about it. You don't need to apologize Gee." Eric smiled and wrapped his arm protectively around my shoulder. "Please just stop apologizing."
"Fine." I spoke and continued walking along to our first class.
"Gerard?" Randall said quietly.
I looked up at him as we stopped in the hallway.
"Can I talk to you really quick before class starts?"
"Yeah. Sure." I smiled. "Go inside Eric. I'll be right in." I smiled and nudged him away.
"Bye Randall. See you later." He spoke and left us out in the hallway.
"What's up?" I asked awaiting an answer.
"It's kind of a personal question." He spoke calmly.
"What is it? You can ask me anything." I continued to look at him as he quietly spoke.
"Does your mom know?" I froze at the question and stared back at him.
"I uh um I uh. I-" I looked down in search for words and looked back up feeling my eyes burn. I rubbed them violently before speaking again. "I gotta go to class. I uh I'll see you i-in s-second period." I rubbed my eyes and walked into the classroom away from Randall.
"Hey. Are you okay?" Eric scooted his chair right next mine as he spoke.
I shook my head 'no' and continued wiping my eyes.
"Sorry." He spoke and grabbed my hand and held it under the table, gently brushing his thumb over the top of my hand every once in a while.


The bell rang to signal 2nd period and I instantly didn't feel well. I let go of Eric's hand. I stood up from my seat and said goodbye to Eric. We parted ways and I made my way to my class and sat in my usual seat in the back of the class. I set my backpack on the table and leaned back in my chair. Primarily focusing my eyes on nothing but my hands. I saw Randall sit down next to me out of the corner of my eye.
He leaned close to me before speaking.
"Sorry. I wouldn't have asked the question if I knew it would have upset you."
"It's fine." I spoke and continued to look down.
"No. It really isn't fine. I crossed a line that I shouldn't have crossed."
"Please. Randall. Stop. It's fine." I spoke once again and continued to stare down at my hands.
"Sorry." He spoke in a really quiet whisper.

"Okay class. Today we will be working with partners. You will be working with the person at your shared table. If you do not have a partner then team up with someone who also does not have a partner." The teacher spoke up and everyone quietly spoke. "Each table will be assigned to a specific thing that they must work on. This project will be due three weeks from now."

We sat quietly and waited for the teacher to give us the slip for what we had to do.
We were given a 'music' slip and as explained. We must go to one live show, Review it, Explain the music, tell what music means to the each of us, and say what types or genres of music we like the most.

"This should be easy for you." Randall smiled. "I have seen your room. And if you like. You can pick the show we go to." Randall held his smile.
"Yeah. Okay." I looked up and gave him a sad smile. "Do you wanna come over today?" I looked up and smiled a genuine smile.
"Sure. Sounds good with me."
"Cool." I said quietly and looked back down.

*After School*

"Hey." I smiled shyly as I walked up to Randall's locker.
"Hey." He smiled back. "I drove myself to school so I'll just follow you in my car."
"Oh. I uh don't have a car."
"Oh so would you like me to drive you again?"
"Yeah. That'd be good. Let me call my mom so I can tell her she can just go home."
I called my mom and waited for her to answer.
'Hello? Is something wrong?'
'No mom. Calm down.' I laughed at her antics. 'I was just calling you to let you know that I have a ride home.'
'Oh okay. I'll see you when you get home then, sweetheart.'
'Alright bye, mom.'
'Bye, Sweetie. Love you.'
'Love you too.'
Randall grabbed a book and put it into his bag then said, "You ready to go?"
I smiled at him and said, "Yeah. Let's go."
We left the building and went to Randall's car.

*At my house*

"Where do I park?" Randall asked as we pulled up to the house.
"Just pull it in behind my mom's car, but leave enough room for the truck to drive up close to the house." I said and looked down recalling the events from the other day.
"Alright." he said and parked his car.
We walked up to the house and walked into the house.
"Want a drink?" I asked as I trailed off into the kitchen with Randall shortly behind.
"Sure. What do you got?" He asked as I peered through the fridge.
"You can have anything in here." I spoke and backed away, making it easier for him to get to the fridge. He looked into the fridge and grabbed a water.
"Really? A water. You could have anything, but you take a water. Come on Randall. Really?!" I spoke dramatically.
He just stepped back and laughed, opening the water bottle.
"Fine. No take backs." I laughed along with him and closed the fridge. "So what do you wanna do?"
"Uh. We could play video games if that's okay with you." He suggested.
"Sure." I smiled and lead the way to the living room. "Xbox? Kinect? Game Cube? Wii? PS3? Nintendo 64? Which one do you wanna play?"
"Well if the 64 is actually an option then we are definitely playing that one." He laughed and walked over to the games. "And we're playing this." He smiled, holding up Mario Kart 64.
"Of course you picked that one. The only game I'm not good at." I laughed as he handed me the game. I put it in the system and started it up.

*2 Hours later*

Randall yawned before speaking. "What time is it?"
"Uh-" I pulled out my phone. "5:30." I answered.
"Oh shit. I gotta get home." Randall spoke quickly and stood up.
I stood up after him and stood in front of him. "Calm down. Why do you have to go?"
"Uh. Parents. I uh." Randall looked at me like he was searching for words.
"You don't have to explain if you don't want to." I spoke up quietly. "I'll just see you tomorrow in school." I spoke once more and stood from the sofa. "Come on." I smiled while grabbing his hands to pull him up. "I'll walk you to your car." I pulled him close and didn't release his hand until we had arrived at the car. "Guess I'll see you later then." I looked down.
"Yeah. I guess you will." He smiled and got into his car. He stopped before shutting the door and looked up at me. "Thanks Gerard. I had fun." I smiled and waved goodbye to him.
Randall drove off and I walked back into the house. I grabbed a water from the fridge and went upstairs to my room.


"God dammit, Gerard! Get your ass down here right now!" I heard my step father yell as loud as possible. I didn't understand what I did this time, but I rolled out of bed and walked downstairs.
"What?" I said quietly, avoiding eye contact with him.
"Forget something?"
I looked at him in confusion and shook my head 'no'.
"God dammit, boy!" He shouted back in my face.
"What did I do?" I said quietly. Knowing that he would become more infuriated with my confusion.
"Living room." He said angrily.
"Oh." I said in a weak whisper and quickly left the room.
I rolled the controllers up and put them back where they belonged and grabbed the empty soda can and water bottle as well. I had to go back into the kitchen to throw the objects away so I quickly walked in and opened the recycling bin and put the items into it. I was about to leave the room when my step father walked in front of it and blocked the only exit from the room.
"Uh I uh I e-eh-excuse me." I stuttered out and looked everywhere, but his eyes.
"You're really starting to piss me off, Gerard."
"Sorry." I kept my voice low.
He walked up to me and got in my face.
His hand came up and smacked me hard on the left side of my face. I winced in pain and turned my head away so he wouldn't see me crying. I held my hand on my cheek as the stinging began to hurt. It felt like my cheek was bleeding.
"I said I was sorry. What more do you want!?" I shouted in his face. "You're not even my father! You piece of shit!" I knew saying this would cause more problems, but I stood still with my anger radiating off of me.
"You better think about what you say before you talk to me like that!" He growled back and punched me right in the eye. This time I fell to the ground and winced when my back smacked on the ground. He kicked me in the side and yelled again. "You hear me, boy!"
I coughed and felt blood coming out of my mouth. I stood from the ground, afraid of what he was going to do or say.
"I said do you hear me!" He yelled even louder that time.
"Yes. I heard you." I began sobbing. "I heard you." I whispered the words again and held my stomach where he had kicked me.
"Go to your room." He spoke again with anger and I quickly left the room.
I ran upstairs to my room as fast as I could and went into the bathroom. I found a cup and rinsed water through my mouth and spit out the blood. I really didn't want to do what I was going to do next and have someone disappointed in me, but I needed to do it. I found my favorite blade and did a few cuts on my wrists. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I could breathe again.
I breathed in and out and washed my arm off. I sat there for the next 30 minutes and made sure no more blood was coming out of my arm. I looked down and sobbed silently once again. I hated feeling so weak. I was examining the bruise on my cheek when I heard a knock coming from my door. I grabbed a jacket and put it on so the cuts wouldn't show.
"What do you want now?" I spoke as I opened the door. I noticed it was my mom and looked down. "Sorry." I whispered.
"Oh Gerard. What happened this time?" My mother asked with worry in her eyes as she placed my face in her hands. Turning it from side to side.
"Mom. Stop. Please. Nothing happened."
"Nothing happened? Gerard. Clearly something happened. You tell me right now. Did you get into a fight at school?"
"No mum. It's not even an issue. Please just let it be."
"Fine. Okay. Sorry." She smiled. "It's time for dinner, baby."
"Okay. Thanks mom." I said and looked down.

*Eric's P.O.V.*

I came to school and walked into my first class. I saw Gerard, but he paid no attention to me. He kept his head in the crook of his folded arms and didn't speak. So I spoke first.
"Hey Jer." I smiled to him.
"Hi." He mumbled into his arm.
"You okay?"
"No." I heard his muffled voice once more.
"Can you please look at me."
He sighed then lifted his head up. He turned slightly toward me and revealed the bruises to me.
"What the hell happened Gee?"
"Jim." He whispered weakly.
"Why? What? You need to tell your mom about this. This can't keep going on." I tried to tell him.
"It's no problem." He spoke and laid his head back down once again.
"It's not a problem, my ass Gerard."
"I'll go with you if you wanna tell her." I tried compromising with him.
"I- I can't." He sounded terrified.
"You can't just let him do this to you." I whispered so no one would hear us.
"Don't worry about it."
"Don't worry about it." I sputtered out. "Don't worry? Really Gerard. Really!?"
"I can deal with my own problems. Stop worrying so much. Please." His voice sounded weak as he begged for me not to worry.
"Fine." I spoke quietly and focused my full attention on the teacher.

*Randall's P.O.V.*

The bell sounded for 1st period to end and I made my way to 2nd. I rounded the corner and bumped right into Eric. "Oh hey. Sorry about that." We both laughed as I helped him gather up his books.
"Don't worry about it." He smiled and grabbed the last book.
His smile quickly faded and I could tell something was wrong.
"What's wrong, Eric?" I asked calmly.
"Just don't ask him too many questions. He hates questions." He spoke and quickly walked away.
I started to feel sick and I didn't even know what he was talking about.
I walked into 2nd period and noticed Gerard already sitting there.
"Hey." I looked at him. "Everything okay?"
He looked up slowly and into my eyes. "Yeah." He choked out.
I looked at him in shock and just wanted to hug him.
I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything.

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

"Hey." I paused for a moment. "I'll be okay."
"Did your step..." He stopped himself.
He looked away and then back at me.
"I know Eric probably already told you this, but you should really tell your mom that he's been doing this." He suggested in a steady tone.
"I can't." I whispered.
"And why can't you?"
"Look. I know you care and everything, but I can deal with this by myself."
"Fine." He spoke as the bell sounded for class to begin. "But we're definitely hanging out after school." He smiled over at me.
"I was hoping you'd suggest that." I smiled back at him. "I could really use a friend right now."
"You could come over to my place." He offered. "You haven't been there yet."
"Yeah I was waiting til you invited me."
"Well now that you've been invited." He smiled again. "You'll come right?"
"Of course I will." I smiled and looked forward.

*5th period*

"You're Gerard right?" The person sitting in front of me asked as he turned around.
"Uh yes. Craig right?" I recalled the teacher calling him that once or twice.
"Yeah." He smiled. "I'm sorry."
I smiled back. "What are you sorry for?"
"I'm just really awkward." He laughed quietly. "I really like your shirt." I looked down, not recalling what shirt I had thrown on that morning.
I noticed it was an All Time Low shirt and smiled.
"They're my favorite band." I smiled shyly.
"Really? Mine too." He smiled, surprised.
"Yeah." I blushed and looked down again.
"Well it was nice to actually meet you, Gerard." He smiled and turned back towards the front of the class.

*Lunch (Randall's P.O.V)*

"Hey you." I said as I slid into the lunch table bench next to Gerard.
"Hey." He blushed. Wait. He blushed?
"Are you blushing?" I laughed and poked his side.
"No. Of course not." He smiled bright and covered his cheeks.
"You're so blushing." I continued smiling at him.
"Oh get a room already." Eric pretended to throw up as he sat down across from us.
"Oh you know you love us." I said jokingly back at him.
"Only cause I have to." He stuck his tongue out at us.

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

"Ooh that hurt!" I spoke dramatically back at Eric.
"You know I love you." Eric laughed again.
"He just doesn't love me." Randall laughed along with us.
I saw Craig walk by and sit by himself.
"I'll be right back." I said to Eric and Randall.
I got up and walked over to Craig.
"You waitin' for someone?" I said as I sat across from him.
"No. I usually sit alone."
"Come on." I smiled and stood back up.
"Why? Where are we going?"
"You're coming with me to sit with my friends." I smiled at him and walked towards Eric and Randall. I sat down and motioned for him to sit next to Eric.
"Guys. This is Craig. Craig this Randall and this is Eric." I gestured toward them.
"Hi." Craig smiled at them, but stayed quiet.
"Hey." Randall and Eric both laughed as they spoke simultaneously.
"That one is Eric." I pointed to him. "He likes to make it seem like he's a douche bag, but he's actually really sweet and his favorite movie is Twilight and he can't even deny that."
"Hey that was a secret!" Eric put a hand on his chest.
Randall laughed and smiled brightly.
"I'm Randall." He continued smiling. He leaned across the table and said to Craig, "I'm not as weird as Eric."
Craig smiled at them.
They smiled back at him and I was pretty satisfied.
I leaned over and whispered to Randall. "Thanks."
"For what?" He looked confused.
"For being so nice to him and..." I trailed off.
"And what?"
"And for not leaving me." I smiled shyly once more and looked down.
"Why would I?" He smiled. "I like you too much."
"You what?" I blushed.
"Oh you heard me." He laughed.
"Yeah, but I wanna hear you say it again." I giggled. Oh dear. Did I really just giggle?
"You're so cute." I blushed even more.
"Stop." I laughed some more and hid my face.
"So what do you say. Wanna be my boyfriend?"
"Oh my god. I thought you would never ask." I laughed and leaned into him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kept me close.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh that took like ten years to write e_e I will update my other stories now (: Sorry its taking me so long.