Sequel: Eyelids Slowly Close
Status: Updates come whenever I can get to the computer (:

Everybody's Got a Story


*Randall's P.O.V. (Randall's house)*

"Gerard. This is my mom and dad. Mom and dad. This is Gerard." I smiled to them as they shook his hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Gerard said and smiled.
"You too." My mother smiled back politely.
"How do you know my son?" My father began. "Are you on the football team as well?"
"No." He looked over to my father, a bit intimidated. "We have a few classes together." He spoke a little nervously.
"Honey. Why don't you show your friend around." My mother suggested and looked over to me then over to Gerard. "Make yourself at home, Gerard."
"Thank you." He smiled at to her.

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

We walked around the house and Randall showed me the rooms. He showed me his room last and that's where we ended up hanging out.
"I'm an only child. So we've lived in this house pretty much my whole life." He explained.
"Where did you live before you came here?" I was curious to know more about my new boyfriend.
"We used to live with my grandmother in Pasadena."
"California or Maryland?"
"Maryland." He smiled fondly.
"She passed away when I was eight and then we moved here." He looked around the room like he was remembering his past. "She would've loved you."
I smiled at that and half hugged him.
"I bet she was lovely."
He looked over at his bedside table. "That was her." He smiled at the photo and handed it to me.
It was a photo of him and her when he was little.
"How old were you?"
"It was my fifth birthday." He smiled.
I kissed his temple and smiled with him.
He leaned onto my chest and let me hug him.
"Was she your mothers mom or your dads?" I questioned.
"Moms." He continued smiling.
"I could see that." I kissed his head again. "Your mom is really sweet."
"Yeah. I could tell she really likes you."
"Your dad clearly didn't." I said quietly.
"He doesn't like anyone." He gave a wholeheartedly laugh. "When do you have to go home."
"Don't think it matters. Not like my da-" I stopped myself. "I mean Jim. Not like Jim cares."
"Well I care. What more would you need?" He winked and stood up. "I will be right back." He smiled and left the room.
He came back about five minutes later.
"My mom said you could stay the night." He smiled widely and shut the door and locked it. "So. I was thinking we could maybe do something." He smiled and walked in front of me and pushed me down on the bed.
"I uh. I." I didn't know what to say.
He got close and gently put his lips on mine.
When he pulled away he laid on the bed next to me.
"I thought you meant uh." I became nervous and stuttered.
"Oh no no no. I don't want to rush you into anything like that."
"Thank you." I looked away and blushed. I cuddled up to him and laid my head on his chest.
"Let's take a nap." He suggested.
"You just read my mind." I smiled as I felt his laugh vibrate my head.

*2 hours later*

"Randall! Gerard! Time for dinner!" Randall's mom yelled down the hall.
I turned my head and looked up at Randall.
He had his eyes open and already looking up at me.
"You're such a creep." I laughed and play hit his chest.
"I was gonna wake you, but my mom already did." He laughed.
I stood up and stretched.
I turned back and held out my hand.
"Come on." I spoke.
He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up. When he stood he pulled me close and held the back of my neck and kissed me.
"Randall Kirt! If you do not get down here right now then you're grounded." His mother yelled.
He pulled back and pressed his forehead on mine.
"Better go then." He said in a small voice.
"Come on then." I smiled and walked to the door and unlocked it.
We trailed slowly down the hall and into the dining room.

*1 hour later (Randall's P.O.V.)*

"The food was delicious Mrs. Kirt."
"Thank you, Gerard." She smiled over to him. "Randy. Why don't you take the dishes and help me load the dishwasher."
"I can do it if you want." Gerard offered.
"Its okay. I got it." I stood and squeezed Gerard's shoulder. "Get to know my dad." I smiled and took the dishes.
"Oh alright." He said nervously.
"So what's going on with you two?" My mom asked as I entered the room. "You know I would have no problem if you're gay." She spoke quietly so they couldn't hear us in the other room.
"Well we kinda started dating recently." I looked down. I really didn't want to talk to my mom about this.
"Aw." She cooed and kissed my cheek.
"Really mom. Really?"
"Yes." She said back in a cocky tone.
"Now are you gonna tell me how he got those mean marks on his face? You didn't do that. Did you?"
"No. Of course not. Are you crazy?"
"Who did it then?"
I paused and thought about it. "Well. I don't really think its in my place to say." I downcast my eyes.
"You just make sure nothing like that happens to him again. Okay?"

*Gerard's P.O.V. (Same time as ^^^)

"Where'd you get those nasty bruises?" Randall's father asked.
"I got beat up." I looked away.
"Touchy subject?"
"Yeah. Kinda." I continued to avoid eye contact.
"Well let's start with something else." He suggested. "Who do you live with?"
"Mom, sister, step father." I refused to call him dad.
"Jim doesn't allow pets in the house." I said sadly.
"You'd like a pet. Wouldn't you?"
"Of course."
"Is Jim your step dad?"
I tensed at that, but nodded 'yes'.
"You don't like Jim. Do you?"
"Not really." I tried not to look at him. "You're a lot nicer than him."
"Why do you say that?"
"He would never talk to me civilly like this." I said quietly. "He yells a lot."
"I try not to yell." He smiled. "You can't work things out if you're always arguing."
"It would be nice if he realized that."
"You seem like a good kid." He said in a calming tone.
"I try." I said awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck.
"We're done." Randall smiled as he walked into the room and stood behind the chair I was sitting in.
"Why don't you guys go play video games or do what kids do." His father smiled and left the room.
Randall leaned over and kissed the top of my head.
"Let's go do what kids do." I laughed and stood from the chair.
We went back down the hall and into his room.
"Let's cuddle and sleep again." Randall smiled and pulled me down onto the bed next to him.
"Goodnight, love." I smiled.
"Goodnight." He kissed my cheek and cuddled up to me.

*Alex's P.O.V. (The next day)*

Someone came up from behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist. "Guess who."
The person was making their voice deeper so they didn't sound like them self. I looked down at the arms and saw the plaid and smiled.
"Well seeing as how you're wearing plaid. I'm gonna say Gerard?"
He giggled and let go of my waist so I could turn toward him.
"Hey stranger." I paused for a second and looked at his face. "What happened to you?"
"I uh nothing I um. Can I ask you a question?"
"Just did." That made him smile.
"No really." He said seriously.
"Sure. Go ahead." I smiled back at him.
"Why don't we hang out anymore?" He looked really upset.
"I'm sorry. I've just been really busy with school and after school activities." I said apologetically.
"Its okay. It's not really your fault. I mean I know you're busy, but you don't have to avoid me." He focused his eyes downward.
"How about this." I smiled and stepped closer to him before speaking. I gently lifted his head up so he was looking me in the eyes. "I will sit with you at lunch and you can meet my girlfriend."
He looked hopeful. "Promise?"
"Of course." I smiled.
"You have to say it."
"I promise."

*3rd Period (Ashton's P.O.V.)*

"Hey babe." I smiled as I walked up to Emily at her locker.
"Hey you." She smiled and side hugged me as she put her books in her locker. "Before I forget." She spoke again and closed her locker and leaned against it. "Alex wants me to ask you if you wanna sit with him and Gerard at lunch."
"Yeah sure. Definitely." I smiled and put my arm around her shoulder. "You ready to go to class?"
"Yeah." She continued smiling while we walked to class.

*Randall's P.O.V.*

I thought about skipping class, but its one of my only classes with Gerard. So I just sucked it up and walked to class.
Gerard was sitting there talking to a girl.
As I got closer the bell rang and Gerard said "Bye Jamie." And smiled to the girl.
"Bye Gerard." She smiled and walked to her desk.
"Hey babe." He smiled at me as I sat down.
"Hey you." I smiled back. "Who was that?"
"That was my brother's best friend." I could see the pain in his eyes as he avoided saying Danny's name.
"Oh." I stayed quiet.
"Yeah." He looked down and pulled out his book as the teacher started class.
"You okay?" I asked about 20 minutes into class.
"Yeah. I'm alright. I just didn't know she was in this class."
"Don't worry about it." He gave a sad smile.

*Gerard's P.O.V. (Lunch time)*

We sat at the table and waited for our friends. Craig was walking by when Randall stopped him.
"Hey Craig." He smiled and Craig looked at us.
"Hi." He said and ducked his head.
"Come sit with us." Randall smiled.
"Yeah. Of course. You can sit with us whenever you want."
"Oh uh alright." He said awkwardly, but sat down anyway.
"Oh look! There's Ashton and Emmy!" I said excitedly.
They came closer and sat down across from us.
"Holy shit, Gerard. What happened to your face?"
"Oh my god would people stop saying that."
Randall laughed and side hugged me.
"Hey Emmy." I smiled at her.
"Gosh, Gerard. Why haven't we talked since like sixth grade?" She sounded disappointed.
"You know Jim." I frowned.
"Oh." She said. "I'm sorry."
"Its not your fault. You don't have to apologize."
"Hey guys." Alex smiled as he walked up holding a girls hand.
"Hey Lex." I smiled up at him. "This your girlfriend?"
"Yup. This is Lindsay."
"Nice to meet you Lindsay." I smiled.
"Nice to meet you too,-"
"Gerard." I laughed.
She laughed too and sat down next to Alex.
"You coming to the game tonight?" Randall asked.
"Yeah of course I am." I smiled.
"My parents will be there. Maybe you can sit with them."
"I'll look for them." I smiled.

*Randall's P.O.V. (The game)*

"Have you seen Gee?" I asked as I came up to Eric.
"No. I'll text him."
"Thanks." I smiled and went on the sidelines and waited to be played.
"Eric, Charlie, David, Randall. Go in for Drew, Lance, James, and Scott." The coach yelled.

*Halftime (Same P.O.V.)*

"Good job so far guys!" The coach congratulated.
We were winning 16-11.
I grabbed my phone to check the messages. I had one missed call from Gerard so I walked to the side of the field and called him back.
"Randall?" His voice sounded weak.
"Yeah. Where are you, babe?"
"I'm lost and I'm scared." I became worried.
"Gerard. Where are you?" I panicked.
"I dunno. I can't see."
"What are you next to?"
"I think its a subway. The eating one. Not the train one." He sounded so weak.
"Are they open?" I asked.
"I think so."
"Alright, babe. I want you to go in there and sit at a booth. I'll be right there to find you. Okay?"
"Okay." He responded and I heard a bell ding.
I went over to the bleachers and looked for my mom. She stood up and walked to me.
"I think I need to go."
"What do you mean?"
"I just got off the phone with Gerard and he didn't sound good."
"Where is he?"
"He said he was near a subway and he'd wait inside til I got there."
"Then go, hun. I'll tell Eric." She smiled and hugged me. "Keep your promise."

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

I sat at a booth and I felt like hell. I was pretty Sure i had a least on or two broken ribs. I was scared and I avoided everyone as I waited for Randall to show up.
"Oh my god, Gerard. That bastard." Randall said as he came up and examined my face. "Come on." He spoke and helped me up.
"Ow." I said as I clenched my side.
"You're going to the hospital and that bastard is going to prison."
He helped me into the car and we drove to the hospital.
It was a quiet drive and Randall was visibly angry.
We got out and walked into the emergency room. Well more like Randall carried me, because it hurt too much to move.
"You're like my knight in muddy football gear." I tried to enlighten the moment.
"This isn't funny." He was so angry.
"Please don't let him anywhere near me again." I pleaded.
We walked into the waiting room and Randall placed me gently on the ground. I winced in pain and held my side.
"Can I help you, sir?"
"I think my ribs are broken." I told the woman.
"What happened, sir?" The lady tried to remain calm.
"My step father did it."
I could tell she hated her job. She had so much pain in her eyes.
"Have a seat and we should be able to help you in just a moment."
Randall looked even more furious and held my hand as we waited.
I looked around the room and saw small children and old people and all kinds of people. There was so much pain I'm this one room.
"Gerard?" A lady with a clipboard called. I stood up and looked back at Randall.
"I'll wait here." Randall looked sad as he hugged me and kissed my forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled and kissed him properly before going.

*45 minutes later (Randall's P.O.V.)*

Eric, Ashton, Alex, some of the guys from the football team,and my parents came rushing in through the doors.
"Oh my gosh. Is he okay?" My mother asked as I stood to hug her.
"He looked so terrible. So broken." I said sadly as I remember what he looked like when I found him.
"Randall?" A woman asked. I looked over to her and walked up to her.
"That's me."
"Your friend is asking for you." She said. "I'll bring you back to him."
I followed the woman and walked after her and into the room.
I walked up to his bed and pulled the chair closer. I held his hand and looked at him.
"Do you feel any better?"
"I'm tough. I'll be okay, babe."
That made it even more difficult to be in the room.
"I haven't called your mom yet." I spoke as I rubbed my thumb gently over the back of his hand.
"Use my phone." He said quickly.
"Okay." I said to him and grabbed it off the side table.
"Hello?" She sounded confused.
"Hey. This is Randall." I spoke and told her what happened and to get Sarah and come to the hospital.
"Is Eric here?" Gerard asked after I set the phone back down.
"Yeah. The guys got here before I came back to see you. My parents are here too."
"Can you go get him?"
"Yeah. I'll send him back." I stood up and kissed his forehead.
I walked into the waiting room and saw almost half the football team waiting, more than the few that were there before.
"What are guys doing here?"
"You know we love Gerard as much as you do." Drew spoke for everyone.
"Thanks for coming." I said then turned to Eric. "Gerard wants to see you."
"Oh okay." He said and stood up. "Which room?"
"Go down that hall and its the third door on the right." I spoke as I directed him towards the room.
Eric walked back and I saw Sarah and Gerard's mom come through the doors. They were by themselves and I was thankful they were.
"What happened Randall?" Gerard's mom asked me. Both her and Sarah looked up expectantly at me.
"Jim happened." I mumbled.
I sat down and Sarah sat next to me.
I rubbed my eyes and looked up at her mom. She looked so clueless.
"Are you really that clueless?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the monster you live with." I became furious.
"Me?" Sarah said in a sad, but curious tone.
"No. Not you, Sar."
"Oh okay." She stayed quiet again.
Eric came back and paused when he saw who I was with.
"Hey Sarah. Hey mom."He smiled and hugged her. "You should go see him. Third door on the right." He said and hugged Sarah.
"Okay. Stay with Eric, honey." She spoke and kissed Sarah's forehead.
"Okay." She smiled up at her.

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

"Hey, baby." My mom said as she walked through the door.
"Hey mom." I attempted to stay calm
"Oh my god, Gerard." She walked quickly to the side of the bed and examined my face like she had down the other day. "What happened to you? What did the doctors say?" She looked so concerned.
I was still scared to tell her that it was Jim that had put me in here.
"Well obviously my eye is swollen, but nothing is broken in my eye and I can still see. Can't really open it though." I said and looked up. "I have two broken ribs and one cracked." I told her. I broke down.
"Oh come here, baby." She looked heartbroken, but pulled me into a hug as she sat next to me.
I just really wanted Randall right now.
He had become somewhat of a safety blanket for me.
As if on cue. Randall and Sarah walked through the door.
"Are you okay?" Sarah asked and ran over to the bed.
She hugged me tightly and I winced, but hugged her back.
"What happened, Gee?" She looked expectantly at me and waited for an answer.
"A bear mauled me!" I spoke dramatically and she giggled. "I'll be okay, Sarah. Don't worry."
"Pinky promise." I smiled and held out my pinky. She took it and smiled then went and sat down in the extra chair in the room.
I looked over at Randall and made grabby hands for him.
He smiled and pulled the chair up close to the bed and sat in it.
He held my hand and kissed my knuckles.
"I'm sorry this happened to you." He said apologetically.
"You didn't do this to me. Stop apologizing."
I saw a few tears run down his face and I wiped them away.
"Please don't cry. I'm okay." I assured him.
"I'll never let him touch you again." His words were full of promise. "Did you tell her?" He whispered.
"I couldn't. She already looks broken. I mean really." I gestured. "Just look at her."
"You're gonna tell her right?"
"Yeah. Just give me a little time."
"Okay. Only a little though." His eyes creased as he smiled.
"I love you." I said and wiped my eyes with my free hand.
"I love you too, babe." He squeezed my hand lightly and smiled. "Half of the football team came to see you."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. I'll go get them." He laughed and rushed out of the room.
He came back about a minute later with the football team trailing behind him.
Some of them had flowers and Sean brought a giant teddy bear.
"You guys are so ridiculous." I laughed as they walked in. I tried to hide the fact that it hurt it when I did, but when all eyes are on you its kind of hard not to.
"How are you feeling?" Ashton asked.
"Clearly. I've been better." I smiled at him. "But I'll be okay."
"You look like hell." Alex said sadly and sat down next to the bed.
"I'm okay guys."
"You don't look okay." Sean muttered.
"Come here Sean." I said and opened my arms out for him.
He was one of the more affectionate ones on the team.
He hugged me lightly and ruffled my hair. Then handed the teddy bear to me and I sat it in the bed next to me.
"Thank you."
"It was the biggest bear in the gift shop." He smiled proudly.
"I love it." I laughed and held my side where it was hurting slightly.
"Excuse me." I heard a small voice come from behind the group of guys. She made it to the front and next to the bed. "Gerard needs rest and visiting hours are over in five minutes. Only one person can stay the night. Sorry." She spoke then made her way back out of the room.
Sean came up again and hugged me. "See ya." He said.
"Bye Sean."
Alex hugged me and looked like he was about to cry then said "I hope whoever did this gets what they deserve."
"Me too." I choked out.
The rest of the guys said goodbye and left the room. I was left with only Randall and Sarah.
"Do you wanna stay the night?" I asked Sarah.
"Thanks, but no thanks. Hospitals freak me out." She spoke and threw her arms up dramatically.
"Okay. I guess Randall will. If its okay with your parents that is."
"Let me go see if they're still here." He walked out of the room.
About 2 minutes later he came back with them and his mother gasped. "Oh Gerard." She said and walked to the bed.
"I'm alright." I attempted to calm her down.
"Visiting hours are almost over." The woman came in and said again. Sarah came up and hugged me.
"Good luck, Gee." She hugged me. "I love you."
"I love you too Sar Bear." She giggled and waved goodbye.
My mother came back in the room shortly afterwards.
"I um. I'm gonna go home and talk to Jim. Sarah has school tomorrow so I have to bring her home. I love you, baby."
"I love you too, mom."
She left the room with Sarah trailing behind her.
"Did you ask them?" I looked over to Randall.
"Oh yeah. They said its alright."
"We'll see you soon, Gerard." His mother spoke and left the room.
"Thanks for coming."
"Its no problem." His father said. He walked over and patted Randall on the back.
"Bye dad."
"Bye son. Bye Gerard."
Randall looked back at me with concern in his eyes.
"What?" I said up at him.
"Don't what me." He looked upset and angry at the same time.
I sat the teddy bear on the ground and scooted to one side of the bed. "Come here." I said and patted the bed.
He kicked he cleats off and pulled his jersey off, setting it on the chair. He undid his shoulder pads and set them on top of the jersey. Now only wearing a tank top, socks, and football shorts. He crawled into the bed next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. I relaxed into his touch. Careful not to hurt my ribs.
"I thought you stopped doing that." He spoke and gently grabbed my wrist.
"I'm sorry." My voice cracked and I began shaking.

*Randall's P.O.V.*

"Hey. Its okay babe." I pulled him close and kissed his forehead.
He sat up and stared at the wall.
"I'm so sorry." He cracked another sob, still shaking.
"I love you." I said and sat up too.
"I love you too." He said between breaths.
"Shh. Its okay. Shh." I rubbed his back and pulled him back down onto the bed. "Let's go to sleep. Okay?"
"Okay." He whimpered as he stopped shaking as much.
His breathing eventually evened out and he fell asleep.
I fell asleep soon afterward.

*The next morning (Gerard's P.O.V.)*

I looked over at the sleeping figure next to me and smiled.
I stretched slightly.
"Morning." His sleepy voice said.
"Good morning."
I leaned over and kissed him.
"It would be lovely waking up like this every morning." Randall smiled. "Well minus the bruises and the fact that we're in a hospital bed." He laughed.
"Yes and this would be very wonderful if I didn't have to pee so bad." I laughed along with him.
He lifted up his arm, still laughing.
"Can you help me?" I was slightly embarrassed, but it still hurt to walk. I blushed and stood up. "Can you just pull that thing for me?" I smiled and pointed to the pole that had my IV hooked up to it.
"Yeah." He smiled and trailed behind me.
I peed and washed my hands and he went in after me.
After he washed his hands he pushed the IV tower back over next to the bed and helped me climb back into it.
"Thanks." I blushed more.
"Its alright." He smiled and sat in the chair that resided its place next to the bed.
"What time is it? I asked as I looked out the window.
"Its 10:30." He answered and grabbed my hand. "Why'd you do it." He asked when he grabbed my hand. When I looked back his eyes were focused on my wrist.
"Do you remember when I came to school with the black eye." He nodded. "Well I just felt like shit after Jim had hit me. It was right after he got home. After you left." I looked down.
"I don't want you ever to do this to yourself again." He said and rubbed his eyes.
"I didn't mean to. I was just so upset." I looked away. "I regret it and I would really love a jacket right now so I didn't have to see them."
"Where did they put your stuff?"
"Right there." I spoke and pointed to the bag of items.
He got up and opened the bag. He pulled out my black jacket.
He looked at it and smiled then smelled it.
"Smells alright and it doesn't have any-" He stopped and looked at me. "It doesn't have anything on it." I understood what he meant. It had no blood on it.
"Thanks." I smiled and put it on over the hospital gown.
"Well I should probably go home and change out of my gear." Randall stood and stretched.
"Yeah. That would probably be best." I smiled over to him.
"I'll see you later. Okay?"
"Okay." I said as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.
"I love you, babe."
"I love you too, Randall."

*1 hour later (Sarah's P.O.V.)*

"Hi, Gerard!" I laughed as I ran into the room.
"Hey, kiddo." He smiled and reached his arms out for a hug.
"How are you feeling?" My mom asked.
"Like hell, but that's okay." Gerard looked sad.
"Where's Randall?" I asked curiously.
"He went home to change. Left about an hour ago." He replied.
"Guess what?" I said in a giddy voice.
"What?" Gerard laughed.
"Mom let me stay home from school today!" I was over excited about it. She was so strict and never let me stay home. It was pretty cool.
"That's awesome. High five!" He smiled back and held up his hand.
Mom gave Gerard a stern look though. Like he shouldn't have given me a high five.

*Randall's P.O.V.*

"Hey. What are you doing here?" My mom asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"Came home to change." I continued looking around. "Have you seen my wallet?"
"You left it in the living room." She laughed as I walked by her.
"Thanks mom." I smiled and kissed her cheek after retrieving it.
"Where are you off to now?"
"I was gonna go buy some food and bring it to Gerard."
"Okay. Drive safely. Tell Gerard I said hi." She smiled and waved goodbye.
"Love you mom."
"I love you too Randy."

(At the hospital)

"Hey guys." I spoke when I saw Gerard, his mother, and his sister all sitting in the room.
I set the bag down and pulled out the food.
"I didn't know what you wanted so I just bought like everything on the menu." I smiled. "There's plenty if you two want some." I offered the food to Sarah and Danielle.
"Thank you, Randall. Already kissing up to the mother-in-law." Danielle joked as Gerard blushed a dark crimson.
"Oh. My. God. Mom. Shut. Up." Gerard spoke.
Sarah giggled and took the sandwich I offered out to her.
"Thanks Randall." Sarah smiled.
"No problem, Sar." I smiled back.

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. I didn't really know what to say to my mother.
Thankfully. She spoke first. "What have the doctor's said?"
"Well everything is fine and I should be able to come home tomorrow."
"That's wonderful. I'll cook you dinner. We can have a family dinner and I'll make all your favorites. We'll invite everybody!" She sounded so excited.
"Can't wait!" I gave her a genuine smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dani/Danielle is Gerard's mother... In case I confused anyone with that.
So... Sorry for all the fluffly feels.... I can't write anything besides fluff :3 oops sorrynotsorry
Holy crap this is the longest chapter in the whole world OMFG
Title credit goes to The Summer Set :3 I feel like the song relates to Gerard's character well.
P.S. I know I promised updates on my other two stories and I am working on that right now. I've been really busy and I apologize for that :3
K thainks baiii