Sequel: Eyelids Slowly Close
Status: Updates come whenever I can get to the computer (:

Everybody's Got a Story

Empty Apartment

"Babe. Just breathe." Randall spoke, but I felt as if he wasn't even speaking to me. I couldn't breathe. I looked over at him. He was still holding my phone. With shaking hands I took it from him.
He gently placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Why don't we go put our shoes back on and we can talk about whatever just happened." Randall spoke.
My body felt numb as I looked at my phone, which had turned off when I dropped it. I wanted to move, but my body was in a pure state of shock.
I just looked right at him, his face seeming different now.
He looked at me then grabbed my hand, slowly guiding me back to where our shoes were.
He gently pushed me down so I was sitting on the bench and he began unlacing my skates. He took them off then put my shoes back on. I wanted to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. Randall sat beside me and slowly started taking his skates out. After he finished relacing his chucks he looked at me.
I looked back at him.
I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
He gently placed his arm around my shoulder and kissed the temple of my head. He rubbed my arm as I began to cry lightly into his shoulder.
"Gerard? Can you tell me what happened?"
"Mom-Danny." I couldn't find the words to say.
"What about them?"
I took a deep breath and sat up so I could look at Randall.
"I just. I just wanna go back to my apartment." I continued to let the tears fall down my face.
"Okay. Well lets go get Caleb and Sarah and we can get them back to your moms house." He spoke in an understanding tone.
"Can you just meet me at my place?"
"Yeah. Are you okay to drive?"
I wiped my eyes and looked at Randall. "I don't drive. Remember?"
"Oh yeah. Okay, babe. I'll meet you at your place." We stood up and he looked at me. He gently put his right hand on the left side of my place. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you in a bit."
I smiled and walked over to the road. I hailed a cab and got in.
I thought about what had just happened.
Danny was really back.
He was home.
My brother.
He was really here.
I wiped my eyes and took a few deep breaths before I gave the address. It was a close drive from my apartment. I felt like it took forever to get there. The man driving wanted to make conversation so I was polite enough to make conversation back.
"Tough day, kid?"
"You could say that."
"Tell me about it. We got 15." I could here his Baltimore accent.
"Baltimore." Was all I said.
"Huh?" He seemed confused.
"You're from Baltimore."
"Straight out of Towson. How'd you know?"
"My mom is from Maryland. Baltimore actually."
"It's a rough place, Maryland is."
"You're good."
"At what?"
"Changing the subject."
I just laughed.
"Tell me what happened. It doesn't leave this cab. I promise."
"Just a lot on my mind."
"Like what?"
"Step father. Brother. And just a lot of messed up stuff going on."
"Step fathers. Yeah. I know what those are like and brothers. Tell me about it. I got 5." I smiled at that.
"Mine kinda went AWOL 3 years ago and I got a call from my mom that he's back. So I'm not really sure how to take that."
"Here we are. And you know what. I would say, just welcome him back. If he's the only one you got. He's the only one you got."
I smiled at him and pulled out my wallet.
"Thanks for the words."
"No problem and you know what. You only have to pay half. I hope everything works out."
"Thanks." I smiled brightly and got out of the cab.
I made my way to the door. I opened it and went to the kitchen. I made some coffee and sat at the table.
About 15 minutes later a knock came to the door. I got up and pulled it open without looking through the door hole.
I stopped and looked at the person standing before me.
Chills ran through my body as I looked at my older brother that I hadn't seen in 3 years.
"Hey." He spoke first.
"I uh. Um. Hi." I stuttered.
"Can I come in?" He spoke and rubbed the back of his neck.
I moved beside the door and allowed him to come in.
He walked past me and slowly down the hallway, looking at the photos on the wall. My mom had given me a few before I left the house and I had a few in my room already. I followed him slowly and stayed pretty quiet when I noticed he stopped at a particular picture. It was of Danny, my dad, and me. I was about 7 and Danny was about 10.
"I remember that." He spoke as he looked at the picture.
"Yeah." I spoke quietly. "Me too."
"Mom told me I should come see you." He spoke and looked back at me, stopping in the middle of the hallway. "You look really different, Gerard."
I looked down. "Well it has been 3 years." I turned and walked into the kitchen, leaving Danny in the hallway.
I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Randall. 'Please tell me that you'll be here soon.'
'Yeah. Two minutes.'
I pocketed my phone and picked up my tea.
"So." Danny spoke as he walked in the room. "Nice place you got."
A knock came to the door shortly afterwards and I walked past Brandon to go answer it.
"Hey." I smiled up at Randall.
"You okay?" He asked, concern filling his tone.
"Who is it?" I heard Danny say as he came into the hallway.
I looked up at Randall and said. "Does that answer your question?"
Randall walked past me as I shut the door.
He held out his hand and spoke. "You must be Danny."
"Yes. I am." He smiled and shook Randall's hand. "And who may I ask are you?"
"My name is Randall. I'm a-" he looked back at me then to Brandon again.
I came up beside him and looked at Danny. "This is my boyfriend. Randall. This is my brother, Daniel."
"Oh. I uh didn't know he was coming over. I could go if you'd like." Danny stammered out.
"No. It's fine." I spoke quietly. I left the two of them in the hallway and went into the kitchen.
"So. How long have you know Gerard?"
"Not very long actually. We met at school." I could hear Randall's response.
"Oh that's cool." I smiled at that, remembering the way he spoke. His voice sounded the same. It made me happy to hear it again.
I pulled off my sweater and looked down, realizing I was wearing the shirt he gave to me when he left. My chest tightened and I quickly went past Randall and Danny who were still standing in the hallway. I quickly pulled the shirt off and looked at my bandaged wrist. Randall had made sure that I always had a clean wrap around my cuts so that I couldn't see them. He was the only one who really knew about them. I sighed and grabbed a different t shirt and pulled it on. I heard a knock on the door.
"Yeah?" I choked out.
"You okay, Jer?"
"Yeah. You can come in."
He opened the door and walked in, picking the shirt up off the floor. "This is the one he gave you. Isn't it?" Randall asked.
"Yeah." I looked down. "I didn't wanna wear it anymore." I spoke quietly.
Randall walked up to me and enveloped me in a warm hug.
"What if he leaves again?" I whispered.
"He won't. Why don't you offer up the second room to him?" Randall suggested.
"Really? You wouldn't mind?"
"Of course not. Schools on break and I get to hang out with my boyfriend and his brother. It's not like we've needed the other room and you know that if you ever need somewhere else to go that my home is an option." He smiled sweetly at me. "I think he'll love being around you again."
"Fine. I'll go ask him if he wants to stay." I smiled and walked out of the room, giving Randall a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Everything okay?" Danny asked as I walked into the kitchen.
"Yeah. I uh. I wanted to ask you something."
"Yeah sure."
"Okay well-" I couldn't muster up the confidence to ask.
"What he's saying is. He has an extra room and he wanted to know if you wanted to stay here."
"Yeah." I said quietly.
"I don't wanna intru-"
"No no no. You won't be intruding." I said. "Do you wanna stay or not, Dan?"
He smiled and shook his head 'yes'.
"Good. Well I have to go call Sarah. So I'll talk to you guys in a minute." I said and walked back into my room.
The phone rang three times before I heard Sarah speak.
'Hey, Gerard. You okay?'
'Yeah. I'm alright.'
'Are you sure? You left kinda quick.'
'Yeah. D-Danny is here.' I was still having a hard time believing it.
'Oh.' She said quietly.
'Did mom not tell you?'
'She did, but-' she paused and breathed a heavy sigh. 'You're just gonna let him into your apartment after 3 whole years.' I could imagine her being dramatic and flailing her arms as she sat in her bedroom.
'I didn't think he was ever going to come back, Sar. The least I could do was let him through the door.'
'Fine, but when he leaves again. Don't say I didn't warn you.' She sounded angry, angrier than I've ever heard before.
I rubbed my hands tiredly over my face.
'I still have you when he leaves though. Right?'
'I love you Sa Sa.'
She giggled and said 'I love you too, Jer Bear.'
'I'll see you later. Okay?'
'Alright.' She sounded happier now.
I heard the call end from her side and smiled, setting my phone on the dresser. Looking over to the clock and noting that it was 9:00 o'clock already.
I walked out of my room and back into the kitchen. No one was there. "Randall?"
"We're in here." I heard him say back as I walked out of the kitchen. I followed his voice and found them in the guest room. There wasn't much in there. Just a futon with a pillow and a blanket.
I looked over at Danny. "So you're gonna stay?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'd like that."
"Good. Well I think I'm gonna go to sleep and see you in the morning cause I've had a long day." I said.
"Yeah I'll probably go ahead and sleep too." Brandon said.

*Daniel's P.O.V.*

"Well. Goodnight, Dan."
I smiled at his voice and spoke back. "Goodnight, Gerard."
He left the room and Randall said "Goodnight." Before leaving the bedroom. He left the room before I had a chance to speak back. I sat down on the futon and looked at the room around me.
I heard Gerard and Randall speaking outside the room.
'Do you think he'll stay?' Gerard spoke.
'I don't think he'll leave you alone again.'
'Are you gonna stay the night?'
'You want me to?'
'Of course I want you too.' I heard Gerard laughing.
'Okay. I'll stay.' Randall said.
I could hear the door shut and I smiled. It was good knowing my brother was happy. I laid down and look up at the ceiling fan.
It soothed me to sleep in a way.

*The next morning (Randall's P.O.V.)*

"Hey babe. Can you make some coffee?" Gerard moaned and pulled a pillow above his head.
"Only if you show me those gorgeous hazel eyes first."
He peaked out from the pillow and looked at me.
"Gosh they're so beautiful." I smiled down at him.
He blushed then covered his face again and mumbled. "Just make the coffee. Please."
"Coming right up." I smiled and left the room, going into the kitchen to make some coffee.
"Hey." I heard Danny say as he walked in the room.
"Hey. Going somewhere?" I asked when I noticed he had his shoes on and what looked to be a jogging suit.
"Yeah I was just gonna go for a quick run."
"Oh okay. Want some water?"
"Naw. I'll get some when I get back."
"Alright. See you later."
"Alright." He smiled and left the room. I heard the door click shut and continued making the coffee.
I made a cup and brought it into the bedroom.
"Here you go, love."
He sat up and accepted the mug. His hair was tussled and he smiled. "You're the best."
"Maybe not THE best, but thank you."
I sat beside him and kissed his cheek.
"Dan went for a jog."
"It's weird hearing that name and knowing you're talking about him." He looked down and sipped his coffee quietly. I knew he was trying to say more. So I stayed quiet and rubbed his back. "It's just. It's hard to realize that he's here. And his clothes are in my guest room. And he's in the same city as me. And he looks the same. He looks exactly the same as the day he left." He sighed and looked at me.
I leaned over and kissed his forehead.
"Tomorrow is Jim's birthday." He whispered. "My mom wants me to go to a party at the house. She invited a bunch of family. I never got around to asking, but can you go with me?" I looked at him, noticing how he chose to say 'can you' instead of 'do you want to'.
"Yeah. I'll go with you."
He continued to whisper. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."

*3 hours later (Danny's P.O.V.)*

"Get off of me!"
I heard yelling coming from Gerard's room.
I knocked on the door, but there was no answer.
Randall had left about an hour ago and wasn't coming back til later. I stood at the door for a minute and her the yelling continue. I opened the door and walked in. I saw Gerard thrashing around on the bed with his hands cupped around his head.
"Stop!" He shouted.
I walked up to him and shook him lightly.
"Gerard?" I sat next to him on the bed.
I shook him a little bit harder and said his name once more.
He woke up and looked at me. He began crying then wrapped his arms around me.
I was stunned. He hadn't even stayed in the same room as me for more than 20 minutes. I rubbed his back gently as he clutched my sweater. "It's okay, Jer."
He let go of me and sat back up.
He looked at my face.
"You look the same."
"You look the same too. Just taller and you finally cut that hair." I tussled his hair and smiled. "How about we go get a burger and we have a talk. Catch up a little bit."
"Yeah. I'd like that." He smiled. "Just let me get changed and take a shower."
I left the room and went to put a change of clothes on.

*Same time (Gerard's P.O.V.)*

I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror.
I looked at the scars on my wrist and sighed.
'Why did I have to do something so permanent?' I thought to myself. I looked away from myself and took a quick shower. When I got out I put a new change of clothes on and a long sleeve t shirt that Randall had bought for me. I smiled at the thought and pulled my shoes on. I walked out of my bedroom and peeked into the guest bedroom.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah." I smiled up at him.
We went outside and I locked the door behind me.
"So where are we going?"
"Do you remember that diner dad used to take us to?"
"Yeah of course I do."
"I was thinking we could go there."
"Yeah. Sure."
"You sound unsure."
"The last time I went was with you and dad." I spoke quietly.
We got into my truck and I began driving toward the diner.
I parked in front of the diner and looked at it. Studying it.
"You coming?" Danny asked as he began getting out of the car.
"Yeah." I said quietly and got out of the car slowly.
When we walked in it had the same smell as I remember.
The people still looked happy and the colors still looked as bright as ever. I never noticed how much I missed this place until I was standing inside of it again.
We walked to the booth our dad used to sit with us at. Sitting on our usual sides. We looked at the menus and made small talk.
A lady came up to take our orders and gave us her best smile.
"Gerard and Daniel?" She smiled down at us.
"Sue?" Danny smiled up at her.
"I haven't seen you boys since. Well. I haven't seen you for a long time." She gave a wholeheartedly laugh.
I stayed quiet and just smiled up at her.
"You've always been the quiet one." She spoke and looked to me. "And you." She pointed to Danny. She just laughed and shook her head. "It's good to have two of my favorite customers back."
"It's good to be back." Danny smiled.
"Alright so what would you boys like?" She smiled sweetly at us.
"I'll take the ham and cheese omelette with sausage and a coffee please." Danny spoke.
"Can I get some chocolate chip pancakes and some coffee." I spoke quietly.
"Course you can." She smiled and wrote the order down.
She took the order back and left us to talk.
"So how have you been?" Danny asked.
I look into his bright blue eyes and sighed. I felt like his gaze was piercing through me.
"Good." I looked out the window at the cars passing by.
"You sure?"
I looked back at him and sighed again. "No."
"Well we have time. Why don't you tell me about it."
"What do you want to know about?"
"Anything. Your favorite color. The friends you have. Just everything."
"Favorite color? Really Dan?"
"Yeah really. Is it still blue?"
I smiled and shook my head 'yes'.
"So what about your friends? Still hanging around that Alex kid and that Eric kid?"
"Yeah. They're not really kids anymore."
He laughed and looked at me.
"Maybe you can meet them again sometime."
"When do you graduate?"
"In April."
"You going to college?"
"Yeah I got excepted to the local college."
"Good job, bud." He smiled brightly. "Dad would be proud."
"Thanks." I gave a slight smile.
"So how have you been handling it?" He asked.
"Sometimes not so well." I looked down and rubbed my wrist above my sleeve self consciously.
"I'm sorry I left." I wasn't expecting to hear him say this.
"I uh it's urhm I uh. D-don't worry about it, Danny."
"No. I will worry about it, Gerard. I just. I needed some time away. Some time to find myself and to clear my head."
"Well did you?"
"Did I what?"
"Did you find yourself?"
"Yeah. I think I did." He smiled. "That's why I came back."
"Did you have fun?"
"Yeah. I did a lot of odd jobs to make money."
"Your room is still the same." I said quietly.
"Yeah. Mom always said that she knew you'd come back. So she left your room the same and didn't change anything. She tried making the bed, but Sarah told her that you wouldn't like that."
He smiled and then looked at Sue as she walked back to our table.
She set our coffees down and put some creamer on the table as well.
"Thank you." Brandon smiled.
"You're welcome sweetie. You need anything just holler." She smiled and walked away.
"So how has Sarah been?"
"Pretty good. I think. She has a boyfriend."
"Yeah and she'll be going to high school next year."
"I didn't realize I missed so much." He looked down. "I'm really sorry, Ger."
"It's fine."
I looked out the window again and sipped my coffee.
Sue came back with our food and set it on the table.
"Thank you." I smiled shyly up at her.
"You're welcome, Hun."
She returned back to the counter and made small talk with the people at the bar stools.
"This is so good." Danny smiled as he ate his food.
"Yeah. I've missed this place."
I stayed silent and ate 2 of my 3 pancakes.
When we declared we were done, Danny's plate was empty and mine had a full pancake left and I had drank all my coffee.
"You ready to go?" Danny asked.
I stood up and stretched and watched as Danny did the same.
"Yeah. Lets go."
"Hey can we stop by and see mom?" Danny asked.
"Yeah. Of course we can."
We got in the truck and made our way to the house.
When we got out of the car and made our way up to the house I moved my hand to knock on the door, but Danny stopped me.
"What happened to your hand."
"Oh. Long story." I rang the doorbell instead and sighed when Jim answered the door. "Is my mom here?"
"Yeah she's in the kitchen." He moved out of the way and let us in the house.
I heard Danny say 'thanks' as he walked by Jim and I just rolled my eyes.
"Hey momma." I smiled and hugged her.
"Hey buddy." She smiled and hugged me back.
She hugged Danny as well.
"Hey guys. How are you?"
"Good. How are you?"
"I'm pretty good. Sarah is at a friends and its just me and Jim."
"Hey I have to go to the bathroom." I spoke. "I'll see you guys in a minute."
"Okay sweetie." My mother smiled and I made my way to the bathroom.
I peed and washed my hands and when I walked out I bumped right into Jim's chest.
"Sorry." I said.
"Don't worry about it." He spoke. "How are you holding up?"
I was shocked at the question and just looked at Jim.
"Why do you care?"
"Cause you're my stepson."
"That never mattered before." I looked up at him.
I felt my chest start to swell and thought about the two people standing in the kitchen. I could feel my throat starting to close up. I was in pain as I breathed. I let out a shaky breath and felt a few tears roll down my face.
Jim got closer to me and pulled me tight to his chest. I slowly and uncertainly wrapped my arms around him.
He rubbed my back gently.
"Why'd you do it again. I thought you changed." I sobbed harder.
"I'm so sorry." He sounded sad.
He continued rubbing my back as I cried.
"Maybe you should go in the living room and get some sleep, kiddo. You look like you could you some sleep."
"Yeah. I haven't been sleeping too well lately."
"Alright. Well go lay down and I'll tell your mom and brother."
"Thanks Jim."
He rustled my hair and left me in the hallway.

*Same time (Jim's P.O.V.)*

I walked into the kitchen and kissed my wife on the cheek.
"Hey Dani. Gerard wanted me to tell you that he wasn't feeling well so he went and laid down on the couch."
"Alright. Thanks, Hun."
"You must be Daniel. Sorry we didn't get the chance to meet yesterday." I held out my hand.
"That I am. And you must be- I'm sorry. I don't know your name."
"I'm Jim."
"It's nice to meet you, Jim."
"Thanks. You too." I spoke. "I think I'm gonna go in the living room. I'll see you guys in a bit."
"Alright, Hun." Dani smiled.
I can in the living room and found Gerard laying on the sofa with his eyes fixed on the television screen.
"Hey, kiddo."
He moved his head to look at me and gave a small wave with his hand then turned back to the television screen. I sat beside his head, careful not to sit on his hair or disturb his viewing.
When I was settled on the sofa he moved and put his head on my leg. I looked down at him and uncrossed my arms. I put a hand on his head and gently scratched it.
"Why didn't you and mom have any kids together?"
"I don't know." I answered honestly. "I guess that's never what she wanted.
"Do you want more kids?"
"We'll not counting you and Sarah. I have 2 other daughters. Never had a little boy of my own. And by the time I met you. Well. You were already 15."
"Oh. Would you adopt or ever try for another?"
"I dunno. I think if your mom ever wanted to try either one then we'd talk it out and see what we can do."
"I think it'd be cool to have another sibling."
"Maybe I'll talk to your mom about it."
"Really?" He sounded hopeful.
"Yeah. Really."
I felt his smile against my leg and leaned back on the sofa.
I continued rubbing his head and felt myself slowly drifting to sleep.

*10 minutes later (Dani's P.O.V.)*

I walked into the living room after Danny had went to his room.
I smiled at the thought. As I approached the room I noticed it was quiet, besides the television of course.
"Aww." I spoke quietly as I walked into the room.
I pulled my cell phone out and snapped a picture of the two quickly.
I left the room and went upstairs. Danny's door was opened and he was sitting at his desk.
I knocked on the opened door and he looked up.
"Hey mom."
He looked out of place. This had been his bedroom 3 years ago and yet he still looked like he didn't know where he was.
"Gerard told me that you didn't come in here while I was gone."
"Well not very much."
"I'm sorry." He looked at the desk and smiled at a frame.
"Don't apologize, Hun." I spoke and rubbed his back.
"I killed dad."
"No no no, buddy. Do not blame yourself for that."
"But it's my-"
"No, buddy."
"Do you think Gerard would let me move in with him?"
"Of course he would."
"Can I stay here tonight?"
"Yeah. Of course you can. Gerard is sleeping on the sofa so he'll probably be here a while."
"Thanks, mom." He stood up and hugged me.
"You're welcome, buddy."
I left the room and went downstairs. I went into the computer room and looked through old scrapbooks I had put together of Gerard, Sarah, and Daniel when they were a lot younger.
I smiled and thought about them doing things together again.

*1 hour later (Gerard's P.O.V.)*

I blinked my eyes a few times and looked at the television screen.
I grabbed Jim's hand and moved it from my head. I quietly got up and stretched. I looked at Jim for a minute. He looked so calm when he was sleeping. He didn't look like he could harm a fly.
I looked away and left the room, running upstairs.
I knocked on Danny's door.
"Can I come in?"
I walked in the room and looked at him. He was on the floor next to his bed.
"I feel like a different person. I don't want to touch the bed."
"It's still yours. We could move it to my place and get it new sheets." I smiled to him.
"You'd let me move to your place?"
"Of course I would. We could move to futon to the living room, because god damn that living room is empty as hell. And you could move all your stuff to the guest room."
"Yes. Really." I smiled.
"That sounds nice. I think I'm gonna stay the night here."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. You have fun with Randall. And do whatever you guys do. I'll just hang here and try to catch up with Sarah." He smiled back at me.
"Okay. Well I think I'm gonna head back to the apartment."
"Alright. See you later, Gerard."
"Bye, Bran."
I left his room and went downstairs.
"Mom?" I spoke loudly.
"In the computer room."
"Hey." I spoke as I walked into the room. "I'm gonna head home."
"Alright, buddy." She smiled.
I leaned down and hugged her, kissing her on the cheek.
"See you tomorrow, mom."
"Okay, buddy. See you tomorrow. I love you."
"You too, mom."
I left the house and got into my truck.
I turned the radio on and made my way home.
When I pulled up to the house it was dark. I knew no one else would be there and that's what upset me. No one would ever be waiting for me when I came home.
I unlocked the door when I got to it and locked it again when I got inside. I flicked the light on and walked down the hall, making my way to my bedroom.
When I walked into my room I smiled.
Randall was laying in my bed, curled up on my side and hugging my pillow.
"Randall?" I spoke.
He was asleep.
I smiled and slipped off my shoes.
I laid next to him and put my arm around his waist.
I rested my head on the pillow he usually used when he was over and closed my eyes. Sighing happily, I felt sleep starting to consume me once again today.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fluff *cough* sorry *cough* Fluff
Dani isn't my mum's name, but the character is literally like a clone of my mother. My mum is the shit.
I've been in a bad mood lately and didn't get to spend any time with my friend today and its her birthday. SO.. Today was shit and I had therapy. I never update and I'm sorry that you actually count on me of all people to do that.
I love you guys though.
Title credit to Yellowcard- Empty Apartment.
I don't know why I chose that title, but I did and that's how it turned out.. So... Okay bai.