Status: Comment to tell me if I should continue this story!

I Was All For You


We didn’t actually get a chance to talk until after our set that night. It was then that Austin dragged me into our dressing room and shut the door behind us. I stood back against the wall, watching Austin as he paced back and forth excitedly. He came to a stand still when he realized I was watching him and he stood in front of me. I smirked at his shyness; he was too cute for his own good.

“Okay, so here’s the deal.” He began explaining and I nodded my head to show I was listening. “I need your help, Alan. You’re my best friend and I’m nervous.” He continued, stepping closer to show how serious he was.

“Anything you need, man.” I replied reassuring him. He smiled at this and the seriousness of the conversation seemed to lighten a bit. “Okay well, I met this girl.” Those four words made my heart sink, my intestines twisted into knots. I immediately looked away from Austin, staring down at my own shoes. The bitter realization that he wasn’t mine was painful. Being Austin’s best friend was the best thing that had ever happened to me, until it came to moments like this.

“…and she’s really cute and I really like her. I asked her on a date Friday night, but I need you to come. I’m way too nervous to do this on my own. So could you maybe just come along and bring a date?” His excitement broke my heart. He really was happy about meeting this girl and genuinely nervous about taking her out, I could see it all in his face. I swallowed hard and nodded my head. I really would do anything for Austin.

“I’ll go. I just need to find a date.” He was overcome with joy, his arms suddenly wrapping around me and pulling me into his chest. I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent, an intoxicating smell that I couldn’t seem to ever get enough of. My small arms wrapped around his thin waist and I smiled against his chest.

“Thank you so much, Alan. You’re amazing!” His grip on me got tighter as he spoke, butterflies attacked at my insides; my heart was racing as his warmth poured over my entire body and soaked into me. I nearly whined at the loss of contact when Austin pulled away, standing in front of me with a content smile.

“I’m gonna shower.” He informed me before leaving the room. I sighed deeply, now I had to find a date by Friday. I sat on the floor, knees up to my chest, back against the wall. How was I supposed to find someone to go with me? I hated asking anyone on dates. I hated even having to start a conversation. I took my phone out of my pocket and scanned through my contact list, trying to find someone suitable. I tapped one of the contacts, turning the selection blue before it began dialing. I quickly weighed my options, either I asked this girl out and made Austin happy. Or I disappoint Austin and save myself from utter embarrassment.

“Hello?” The feminine voice on the other end made me inwardly grimace. I didn’t like girls much. They were pretty and I liked sex just as much as the next guy, but I found they were too stuck up and feminine for me. Not like Austin who was perfect for me. The way his brown hair was gelled to perfection, the way his tattoos decorated his tan skin, the way his dreamy chocolate brown eyes shined.

“Hello?” The voice became louder, more persistent, snapping me out of my day dream. “Marissa! Hey, it’s Alan.” I had to sound excited to talk to her, but no part of me was happy about the conversation that was about to take place.

“Oh my gosh, Alan. It’s been so long. How have you been?” I rolled my eyes; I didn’t care for chitchat. I just wanted to cut to the chase. “I’ve been really good, just on tour a lot. But hey listen, I’m in town so I was wondering if I could take you out. To make up for last time?” I added the last bit with a soft laugh. Last year I had drunkenly hit on this girl and then blew her off unintentionally the next night when I agreed to take her to dinner. It’s safe to say she never quite forgave me for it, but I never truly cared.

“I would love that! When were you thinking?” Of course she would love that. She had been trying to get with me for a year. Random texts and calls, begging me to take her on a date, begging me fuck her late at night. “Friday night.” I replied, remembering what Austin had said.

“That’s perfect. I’ll see you then, babe.” Her use of a pet name made me scowl. I said my goodbyes before hanging up my phone and cradling my head in my hands, pulling at my ginger hair. What did I just get myself into?
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Poor, poor Alan. Sorry it took so long for this chapter to go up. I've been working nonstop. I hope you all had lovely holidays. And thank you all so much for the positive feedback. ♥