Status: This is my first story

I Fell for the School's Bad Boy

I Fell for The School's Bad Boy

Bianca's POV

As i grabbed my lunch and sat down with Mechella and Kaylee . I thought about what Michael had Said was he telling the truth or was it a lie to make me forgive Jason. But do i forgave him. No ofcourse not i dont atall but i still love him and i think he still love me too. I missed the way how he smirked and look at me and the way how he kiss me like am the only girl n the world and how

'Bianca, Bianca! BIANCA' Kaylee yelled breaking me away from my thoughts

'Yeah' I said glare at her

'You haven't touch your food, are you thinking about what i am thinking you are thinking about ?' Kaylee asked

Sigh ' Maybe. I mean would Michael lie to get his friend from getting me back and last time i check their weren't speaking.' I sighed

'Maybe, but have you heard Jason side of the story before you accused him about not loving you.' Mechella said

'No, but i was a bet to him.' I said in duh mode

'But michael did said he called it of when he realised he had feelings for you. Mechella said

'How do you know that for sure michael could be telling lies.' I said

'Listen the best way to find out what happen is to talk to jason.' Kaylee said

'Yeah, and we know you missed him and still loved him and stuff. And i know that you don't want to lose him.' Mechella said

'Yeah i do, and i dont want to lose him.' I said

'Well you should act on that fast if you don't want to lose him. and some bimbo grab him.' Kaylee said

'what are you talking about?'I said annoyed

'The bimbo bitch that is flirting with your man and thing.' Kaylee said

'what are you talking about be more sceptic please.' I said

'For crying out loud B, Look at jason table and you will see what Kaylee is talking about. Mech Said

I turned and looked at Jason table

'That BITCH!.' I said

'I Know right.' They Said

'But i cant be vex i mean we broke up and thing.' I said sad

'Oh Geesh Bianca get up and talk to Jason alone .' Kaylee said

'Okay.' I said

I got up and walked over there when i get half way i looked back and kaylee and mechella stuck up their thumb finger and winked. I laughed inside. but keep walking.

'Hey. Can i talk to you . Outside?' I asked jason

'Hey, Sure.' He said looking at me

We walked in silence. When we got in the parking lot by his truck he broke the silence

'what did you want to talk about?' Jase said

'Can you tell me why you betted on me.?' I blurted

'Why do you want to know now huh? i tried to tell you, to explain to you why, but you blew me off before i even got a chance to tell you, and now you want to know after Michael tell you, why? Why do you want to know my side now huh ?' I shouted with anger

'FINE! i Admitt it i blew you off, and didn't listen, but it doesn't make it right for you to angry with me , am sure if you were in this position you'll probably do the same thing that i have done. I yelled back at him and stalked of

I heard him groaned and grab my hand and pull me back

'Look, you want to know my side of the story i will tell you, okay.' He said calmer

I nodded. He still have my hand holding when he pulled down the back of his truck and let go when he step up and held out his hand for me to step up. I take it and we sat down in the back of his truck

'Okay can you listen and don't interrupt me?' He said

I nodded

'Okay you know what happen that day i didn't do the assignment. When i got out of the principle office i saw Michael by my truck so he bet me that i have to make you fall in love with me and i get his car in return, so i readily take the offer because i want to see you drop off your high horse playing your so high and mighty. So that day at the park i make up for being late and when i saw how fun you where and when that almost kiss i realised that i wanted it to be more but you push me off and said we need to be going so when i walked home i was thinking about it how much you stutter when your nervous, how cute you look with your dimples when you smile, how you make me feel when am with you, so when i got home i call Michael and called of the bet even though i wanted to ride his car but i called it off because i realised i had feelings for you so that nite i asked you to go to Mk with me and i said it wasn't a date but i wanted it to be so much and when i kissed you i realised that i wasn't good for you and that you could be better without me so that was when i pulled away and the only way to show you that i aren't good for you was to ignored you to shows you but when i see cameron asking you out i regretted ignoring you so that was when i send the note but you blurted out in class and then we where sent outside and that was wen i talked to you and then we started dating i was happy and then when we went mk that was when everything went down hill and when you find out the bet. i wanted to explain to you but you told me off and went home with your friends. I tried to explain it to you again at the mall but you blew me off too and i tried to talk to you at school but your friends came so when i saw Michael at school i told him thati love you and he said he didn'tknow and that he is going to make it up by telling you the story and that how me and you are right here talking. That my story.

'so that's my story do you believe me ?' He said

'Yeah i believe you but why didn't you make me listen to you?' I said looking down ashamed

'I tried.' He said

'Jase.' I said looking up

"yeah' He said

' I'm sooo sorry that i didn't listen am sorry that i didn't hear your story before i ignored you. i am sorry . I really am. I said crying

'Shhh! its not your fault i'm sorry about betting on you , and for not telling you . stop crying.' He said pulling me into his chest

'i shouldn't be cying on you, you have a girlfriend.' I said looking down

'What i dont have a girlfriend.' He said looking into my eyes

'The blonde one that was at you table.' I said

'She likes me but i don't like her.' He said

'Oh. Well see you around school.' I said gettin of his truck and walking

at least we talk right and he doesn't have that blonde girl.

Jason POV

She thinked i had a girlfriend. The only person i like and love was Bianca and now she was walking away Shit! She was walking away

I jump Of the truck and shouted for 'Bianca' While running she stop and looked down and stop in front of her

'I love you Bianca.' I said

'what?' She said

'I said I love you, i always will and i always has no matter what, the idea of you walking away was devasting and i didn't want you to walk away. I want you to stay with me forever. If i was Edward Will you be my bella?' I said

She looked at me and tears settled in her eyes

'That's bella thing is so cheesy, but yes i will be your bella.' She said smiled

With that i pick her up and spin her around when i put her down i crashed my lips on hers, we moved in sync and lick her bottom lip with that she open up and let me inside. I was happy right there and then. We pulled apart for air

'I love You Jason Masters.' B smiled

'I love You Bianca Abberson.' And with that said i kissed her again
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is a long chapter but this is the last chapter but there's an Epilogue for the story . I hope you enjoy it