Status: One-shot

We Only Come out at Night


Wind blew making my white curtains float as the cool breeze entered my room. My brown eyes stared up at the pale, white ceiling blankly. My hands placed on my stomach folded as I sighed to myself. I couldn't get him out of my mind. It was impossible for me too and it was seriously driving me crazy. I huffed and turned onto my side, staring at the clock. 2:00am it read, reflecting back at me. I could not sleep. No matter how hard, I tried. Sleep just wouldn't do me any good. Especially with him on my mind. Every time, I closed my eyes. I always imagine his lips on mine, kissing me, licking me or his rough yet smooth hands caressing my skin. The odd contrast in our skins yet they fit so perfectly. Whenever, I was around him. I felt like I was high all the time and could not get rid of that buzz. Probably, because I felt so alive around him and could never get enough of it. I huffed again and flipped onto my back again, crumpling the sheets in my hands. I’m tired of having this internal battle with myself. I’m not going to do this anymore. I want answers!

I sat up in bed and tore the sheets off my half naked body. I stood up and picked the jeans from my floor that I had wore earlier and slid them on. I opened my dresser and put on a random shirt. I grabbed my beanie from the counter and phone, sliding it into my butt pocket and snagging my coat on the way out. I quietly walked out of my room and tip toed down the halls as soft snores emitted from Madison’s room. I poked my head into my best friend’s room to see that she was perfectly sound asleep. I bit my bottom lip and silently closed her room door without making a sound. I quickly scurried down the stairs and into the living room where Button’s head popped up. I smiled at the husky and put my finger against lips, “Go back to sleep.”

The dog’s glossy eyes stared at me for a moment and did what I told him. “Good boy,” I whispered as I looked at the car keys. But, I knew that would make too much noise. So, I decided on taking my bicycle out. I grabbed my house keys and walked out the glass slide door, making sure my clumsy self did not trip over anything. Once, I got out the house successfully. The cold breeze overwhelmed me and sent a shiver down my spine. I bundle up my coat and looked up at the pitch black night with the full moon staring back at me. I unchained my bike from the rail against the house and hopped on, giving myself a push as my feet began pedaling. I rode down the streets as the streetlights were dimmed down. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but of course I was not going to listen. My mind was telling me no yet my gut was telling me to hell with it. I don’t know how long my mind was wandering off. But, I was suddenly in a familiar place. I hopped off my bike and placed against a tree. I took my hood off and crossed my arms as my feet did the walking. I stood in front of a ten story Gothic gate and I pushed it open, making it creek. The gate suddenly slammed shut making me jump out of my skin, quickening my step. I crossed my arms under my chest and chewed on my bottom lip as I observed my surroundings. I never had been here around this time. It looked like something out of an Edgar Allan Poe story and it was haunting. I walked down a winding path until I came upon my final destination. A broke down yet fancy mansion stood coming out from the Renaissance’s time period. I gulped and walked up to the door that towered over me. I reached out my hand to knock and when I did, the door suddenly creaked open. I stepped inside, “Hello?” my voice carried out in the gigantic house.

“Hello?” I said again. “Is anybody here?”

The door slammed shut behind me and I screamed. My heart raced as I grabbed it from popping out of my chest. “I wish the doors would stop doing that,” I said to myself as I continued venturing around the enormous house, putting up anything I found interesting. This stuff looked to ancient; I wonder how much it would be on eBay. I shrugged and walked away. When, I heard a cat. I glanced down a small kitten and cooed, “Hi, little fella.”

The black cat meowed at me and took the okay to pick him up. “You’re so cute,” I nuzzled him as he purred in my embrace. I jumped when I heard a loud boom coming from upstairs, “Hello?”

I placed the kitten back on the floor and followed the noise. I heard it again as I found myself walking up the elongated stairs. “Anybody here?” I called out as I stood at the landing. There were doors in the hallways. But the one at the end was wide open and I heard orchestra music coming from it. I stood in my spot not sure if I wanted to follow. But, my feet did the walking. The only sounds echoing were the loud, pounding of my heart and music. I was mere inches from the door. I reached my hand out and the door slowly opened. I arched my eyebrow and nobody was there and I recognized the music to be Moonlight Sonata playing on a record player on repeat. I walked into the room and took the tip off the record. Until, it was only spinning.

“What are you doing in my room?”

I whipped my head around and a hooded figure stood there, leaning against the door way. I was about to speak until I recognized the voice. It was him.

I could not speak. He pulled his hood off and there I was blindsided again by his gorgeous face and hypnotizing eyes. “I asked you a question, what are you doing in my room?”

Each word held an edge to them and it stung and I finally found my voice, “The door was open. So, I came in. I didn't think anybody was home.”

I glanced down at my feet and stared back up as he walked further into the room, brushing past me and his scent making my stomach flutter. He walked across the room and leaned against the wall. His focused eyes never leaving me, “You know that is called trespassing.”

I saw a smirk growing onto his luscious lips. My cheeks grew hot and I looked down at my hands before looking back up at him, “I know but I wanted to see you, Josh.”

I loved the way his name slipped from my lips especially when I’m moaning it. Josh’s smirk went away and turned stone cold, “Well, I didn't want to see you. Why can’t you understand, Eleanor!” he exclaimed his eyes blazing.

“Because, I know you’re lying, Josh!” my voice matched his tone. Suddenly, he was in my face and his eyes shifted colors. Something, I've never seen before and it scared the hell out of me. “HOW DO YOU KNOW I’M LYING, ELEANOR. WHEN, I SAID I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE EVER AGAIN. I MEANT WHAT I SAID WHAT DON’T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND THROUGH THAT THICK HEAD OF YOURS!” His hands gripped my arms, shaking some sense into me as he screamed in my face.

“LEAVE!” He shoved me out of the door. But, I didn't budge, “NO!”

He suddenly became quiet and let go out of me. There was an eerie silence between us. When, he spoke ever so calmly, “I said leave.”

I held my ground, “No!”

He snapped and shoved me against the wall with such a menacing look, “GO NOW.”

I shoved him off me, “No, I will not leave. Until, you talk to me!”

His hand twitched and I saw it, “What? Are you going to him me like some coward huh, Josh? Or are you just going to push me away and run away like some little boy!” I covered my mouth from what I said and Josh snapped his head at me and yelled, “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA AND SECONDLY, YOU DON’T KNOW A DAMN THING!”

I removed my hands, “SO, STOP PUSHING ME AWAY!”

Josh grabbed me again and shook me violently, “I HAVE TOO!”

The tears stung my eyes and began to fall, “WHY DO YOU HAVE TOO?”

Josh let go of me and looked completely exhausted, “Why? Because, I have to protect the person I love.”

My face looked confused as my eyebrows furrowed together. Josh’s back was turned to me, “Protect me for whom?”

Eyes pitched black, lips full of red, and long incisors followed by a haunting voice, “Me.”

I let out a blood curling scream.
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If I get enough comments/support. It might be turned into a story, ;)