Status: Sadly, Dead.


Luminista Bailey

Lumi stopped at the iron wrought gates that were twisted in an artistic fashion, which is nothing short of what she believed Harry Styles would have. From her side of the gate and stone walls it was a beautiful mansion, one that only God's and Goddess' would thrive in. Someone as simple as herself never belonged in such a place, even if it were just for the night. Looking down at her bare feet, Lumi debated if she should go to Harry or just continue on her way. She had promised him she would come and visit him in three nights and as of this very moment it was the third night. Running her fingers through her wavy hair that was tucked under a vibrant yellow cloth that was decorated with colorful beads.

Her blue eyes ventured the garden landscape. No guards, no watch dogs, no nothing just open beautiful emerald green grass and a myriad of rainbow flowers. She always dreamed of living in a place such as the one before her. The mansion glowed angelically and the gardens seemed more like a painting than reality. Biting her plump red lips, Lumi rolled her eyes and found herself climbing up the vine covered wall near the gated entrance.

The moment she reached the top, she crouched on the flat surface and smiled as she saw people moving about inside through the large floor to ceiling crystal clear windows. She looked down at the ground and jumped down to the earth below. Her feet were met by the soft lush green grass that were damped by dew. Glancing left and right, Lumi quickly darted across the garden and straight for the wall of the mansion. She reached the walls of the mansion and pressed her back against the smooth walls. Scooting closer to the window, Lumi poked her head out to look inside the mansion.

Within the walls, through the window Lumi saw a large study with the walls covered in hundreds of books. In all her life, Lumi had never seen so many books. There was a beautiful cherry rose colored desk in the middle of the room situated atop a n expensive looking Persian rug. There were four alabaster pillars holding up the ceiling that was painted white and gold. The glow inside the room was luminous and very warm. Lumi had never seen something so extravagant , she didn't even have words to describe it.

The sound of doors opening caught her attention. Lumi moved back against the wall and carefully ventured towards the sound. As she came around the corner of the building, Lumi looked up and found a balcony. Tilting her head, Lumi narrowed her eyes and smiled as she noticed the curly haired young chap, leaning over the railing. Her eyes gazed in the direction he was looking, over the wall far into the wild and beautiful city of Paris. Looking to the side of the wall, Lumi found a lattice covered in white roses and thick vines. Smirking, she grabbed the lattice and slowly and quietly began to climb to the top.

With every few steps, she looked to Harry to see if he had moved or heard her. The boy was either deaf or very into the scene of Paris skyline. Lumi almost chuckled a bit, but she remained silent as she grabbed the smooth stone railing and pulled herself over. She quietly landed on the cold floor of the balcony and prayed that the light clinks of her bangles wouldn't catch Harry's attention. Tip-toeing over, Lumi came up to his left side and leaned forward on the railing beside him.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Lumi asked.

"GEEZ!" Harry yelped, stumbling back. Lumi burst out into a fit of laughter, wrapping her arms around her small tummy. Harry let out a breath of relief when he noticed it was merely Lumi and ran his fingers through his curled locks. His bright green eyes studied Lumi carefully as she continued to laugh at him. "That's dangerous, you know, sneaking up on someone such as myself."

"Yes your guards were nearly impossible to slip past," Lumi chimed in after she had stopped laugh. Harry held up a finger to interject, but Lumi put her fingers on his lips. "No need to say you called them in so I could come to you."

"Well I did," Harry lied, pulling away from Lumi's soft sweet smelling touch. "I didn't want you to end up behind bars, that Captain Horan is locking up every gypsy that is a supposed threat."

"He doesn't scare me," Lumi replied with a shrug of her bare shoulders. She messed with the frills of her skirts and twirled around in the middle of his balcony. "This place is gorgeous, Mr. Styles."

"Isn't it?" he asked with a cheeky smile, causing Lumi to roll her eyes. "How did you find me?"

"I asked a whore," Lumi answered with a chuckle. She noticed Harry's face turn red and his nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "I was only kidding, you are one of the riches men in the city. Not exactly that hard to find." Lumi knew that Harry wasn't blushing for no reason, he was one of those men who paid for his pleasures. She couldn't really judge him, she did service men like him for money.

"That isn't a part of myself I am proud of," Harry admitted softly.

"Then why did you invite me here?" Lumi asked, gesturing to the huge mansion.

"There are few pleasures in this world," Harry explained, leaning back on the railing of the balcony, "one of them is talking with a beautiful woman."

"Very smooth," Lumi commented with a smile. "And what did you wish to talk about?" she asked with a raised brow.

"I'm throwing a party, come as my date."

Lumi's eyes widened in surprise. "I am a gypsy."

"I know what you are," Harry replied with a nod. "I still want you to come, it's in a few weeks time."

"It'll be frowned upon," Lumi protested, she would love to go, but she was merely a gypsy woman who slept with men for money. There was no honor in that and she did not belong in his world, no matter how much she dreamed about it. "I can't, Harry, the only place I will ever to your bed."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry that you all had to wait for this.
I'm currently without a computer.

In fact, i'm using a friend's to get this up.
Hopefully you all still enjoy this story, please leave some feedback!