Status: Completed

When Friends Fall in Love

I Didn't See That One Coming

~Krista's P.O.V.~

Jimmy was on me as soon as we got in the cab. Since we were four, two slender girls with two big boys, Helena and I were sitting on our men's laps.

Jimmy had his arms around my waist and was kissing the base of my neck. I didn't mind all that much since Matt was doing the same with Helena, but I stopped Jimmy when he tried to slide his hand under my skirt. He growled but removed his hand. Matt was whispering something into Helena's ear and I could hear her giggling.

Jimmy practically pushed me out of the cab when we reached the hotel. "Take care of the cab, Shads!" he said as he began to drag me inside.

"You'll owe me, Rev!" Matt yelled after him and paid the cab driver.

Helena and Matt soon followed us to the elevator. Jimmy was having a hard time standing still while we waited and it was rather amusing.

We got into the elevator and went up to the floor where our rooms were. I hugged Helena goodnight though I knew there wouldn't be much sleeping done in Matt's and her room. The same applied for the room Jimmy and I would be sharing.

He had the door open and was waiting for me once I finally said bye to Helena. I walked in and Jimmy quickly slammed the door closed.

"Fuck Kris, you're like a drug," he growled as he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. He leaned down and kissed me--a bruising kiss--as he backed me up against the wall. I gasped for air when he pulled away long enough to take his shirt off.

I somehow managed to help him take off my corset. His eyes dwelled a while on his name that was on my chest. I reached for his belt buckle and unbuckled it before I undid his pants and pulled them down. He stepped out of them and kicked them to the side.

He unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the ground and knelt in front of me as he removed my panties. I unhooked my bra and let it drop. When he got back up, he discarded his boxers.

He leaned down and our lips met again. He cupped my ass and quickly lifted me up off the ground. "This is gonna be your best night so far," he growled and slammed into me. I let out a loud moan and threw my head back. The pleasure of having him inside of me filled up every single sense in my body and I wrapped my hands tightly around his neck.

"You're so fucking tight" he mumbled against my neck as he kept his rhythmic thrusts. I couldn't do anything else but smile and moan.

"Make me cum, Jimmy" I mumbled as I dug my nails into his back. I was getting close and I felt he didn't have much left. His thrusts were getting sloppy and uneven.

Jimmy nodded as he smiled and leaned down and bit my neck a little harder than usual, leaving his mark on me for everybody to see. I screamed his name loudly as I came and raked my nails down his back. He growled loudly and I bit my lower lip when I felt his warm semen filling me up inside.

We were both out of breath and a bit sweaty but he carried me to the bed and laid me down. He crawled into the bed next to me and wrapped his long arms around me.

"I think I love you, Kris," Jimmy whispered against my ear.

"What did you just say?" I asked, turning to face him.

"I said I think I love you, Kris," he repeated with a smile.

"I think I love you, too, Jimmy," I said softly.

He leaned down and kissed me. It was the most amazing and passionate kiss I've ever experienced. I fell asleep in his arms with my head rested on his chest, listening to his heartbeat 'sing' me to sleep.


~Marissa's P.O.V.~

Frankie and I had gone back to his hotel once the club closed and stayed up until sunrise talking. We had spent almost five hours on the phone the next afternoon (Friday). I still hadn't told him why Brian and I weren't speaking. Frankie said that it didn't matter. We should just make up and forget about whatever happened.

"Best friends should never stay mad at each other," he stated very seriously.

I knew he was right. I hated being mad at Brian. We had never gotten mad at each other and actually stayed mad. It was killing me inside. But his actions had hurt me so deeply that I didn't think I could face him long enough to work this out.

Now, it was Saturday. Krista had called and let me know that she and Jimmy were back in town, and that they were going to be at his house. Helena and Matt had also returned to Huntington Beach after two nights at the hotel in Los Angeles.

Zacky had come home Thursday night, refusing to stay in the same hotel as My Chem. He had suddenly decided he had a problem with My Chem, specifically Frankie. It pissed me off that he was being so childish and jealous, so when he called me on Friday, I didn't answer the phone.

I looked around the empty dorm room, trying to get up the energy to do something. I had a paper due in English on Tuesday, and I really needed to e-mail my dad and let him know that I was alive and well. However, I just didn't feel like doing anything.

My cell phone rang. My ring tone was now "Grillz" by Nelly and Paul Wall. I laughed. Matt had obviously been playing with my phone at some point. I checked caller ID and saw that it was Frankie. "Hello?"

"Hey," he said. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to decide if e-mailing my dad or finishing a paper takes more effort," I replied. "And then, once I decide which one is harder, that's the one I'm not going to do."

Frankie chuckled. "Very nice. Would I be asking too much if I invited you to come out with me this evening?"

"You mean I'd have to change clothes?" I said with mock dismay.

"Yep," he responded. "In fact, it might even be nice if you'd shower."

"Don't push it," I teased.

"So, will you come?" he questioned.

"Sure," I agreed. "When and where?"

"Seven o'clock at Spank Daddy's," he answered.

I hung up the phone and got to my feet. I had decided that e-mailing my dad would be easier.


"Marissa!" Frankie approached. He looked hot, as usual. "Wow, you're gorgeous!" He hugged me briefly.

I smiled. "Thanks."

He took my hand in his and led me to the bar.

"Hey, Marissa," Gerard and Bob greeted.

"Hey," I echoed, perching on the stool next to Gerard.

Frankie sat on my right. "So, are you and Brian still not speaking?"

I frowned. "I've already told you—I have nothing else to say to him."

"Marissa," he began in a scolding tone.

"I don't want to talk about this," I said, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

He exhaled loudly. "Fine. Would you like a drink?"

"Jack and Coke," I said.

Frankie got up and went over to where the bartender was chatting with two half-dressed women. I took a deep breath, trying to rid my mind of thoughts of Brian. I didn't want to talk or think about him tonight. I just wanted to enjoy my time with Frankie, who I was developing a serious crush on that went far beyond the physical.

"Here, gorgeous." Frankie returned with my drink. He handed it to me. Looking into my face, his expression became concerned. "Marissa, are you alright?"

The pain I felt over Brian must have been obvious. "I'm fine," I lied. "I just wish Bri and I weren't fighting."

Frankie brushed his lips across the corner of my mouth. "It's gonna be fine. You guys will work it out."

I turned slightly, putting my lips against his without the pressure of an actual kiss. For an instant that felt like an eternity, we remained that way. Then, he added pressure to the touch, kissing me deeply. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and wrapped his arms around my waist.

There was the sound of a throat being cleared behind me. Frankie and I broke apart and looked up. Zacky stood there, features etched in anger, jealousy, and confusion. He opened his mouth as if to speak, glancing past me. I watched the anger fade from his face when he saw Frankie. His green eyes glittered with an emotion I didn't understand.

I looked over my shoulder at Frankie. His face was void of an expression, but his eyes reflected the same emotion Zacky's held.

"Marissa." Matt suddenly approached. "Can I borrow you for a second?"

I followed Matt away from the bar. Neither Zacky nor Frankie reacted to my leaving. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" I demanded. "And what is going on with those two?"

"Are you dating Zacky?" Matt queried seriously.

My brow furrowed. "Not really. I mean, we're casually dating, but we're not in a relationship."

Matt sighed. "There's something you should know if you think you and Zacky might get serious."

I gave him a questioning look. Before he could tell me whatever it was that I needed to know, however, Krista hurried up to us.

"Are you seeing this?" Her eyes were on something at the bar. "That's hot."

"I've been waiting way too long to see this again," Helena commented, coming up beside Krista.

Matt shook his head. "Helena, you're a pervert."

"What?" She gave him an innocent look. "It's hot."

Curious as to what they were talking about, I followed their gazes. I inhaled sharply, jaw dropping. Zacky and Frankie were lip-locked.

"Um, what exactly do I need to know?" I asked Matt. "That Zacky's cheating on me with Frankie?"

"Cheating on you?" Jimmy chuckled, appearing behind Krista. "He's not cheating. He and Frankie do this every time they see each other. So, if anything, Zacky is cheating on Frankie with you."

"Nice," Krista remarked, still staring at Zacky and Frankie.

"Zacky says he's bi, but the only guy I've ever seen him mess with is Frankie," Jimmy informed us. "Frankie won't say what he is, but this proves that he's bi, at the least."

"How far have they gone?" I inquired.

"Just making out and a little petting," Matt answered.

"Does this mean that Zacky was upset over Frankie and not Marissa?" Krista mused aloud. "I thought he was jealous because Marissa liked someone else. Maybe he was jealous that Frankie was paying attention to her and not him."

I watched Zacky hook a finger in the waistband of Frankie's jeans and tug him closer.

"I've gotta go," I said, taking a step in the direction of the exit.

Matt grabbed my arm. "You okay? Zacky really likes you. And I'm sure Frankie really likes you, too. They just have this…thing."

"I'm good." I forced a smile. "But I can't be here right now."

Johnny and Lacey walked up, hand in hand. "Are you not going to stay and wish Syn a happy birthday?" Lacey asked me.

"What?" I said blankly.

Johnny gave me a funny look. "You didn't remember it was your best friend's birthday?"

"Oh, yeah," I said. "Umm, I already talked to him this morning."

Krista, Helena, and Jimmy all looked at me. They knew I was lying.

"Look, I've really gotta go," I insisted. "I'll see you guys later."

"Wait!" Krista stopped me again, and I almost screamed in frustration. "I'm coming with you." She gave Jimmy a long kiss. "Bye, Rev."

Krista put her arm around me and we hurried out of the club.
♠ ♠ ♠
First things first, the sex scene in this chapter was written by my friend Kristy, not me. I'd link her profile for y'all, but she's so inactive that it's like she doesn't even have one. Lol.

Secondly, I don't usually do slash. It's not my thing. However, when I wrote this story, a couple of my girls and I had an extreme fascination with Zacky and Frankie and how they kind of looked alike. One day, there was the mention of the two of them making out and BAM! it got incorporated into this story. I told y'all I included everything that popped into my head. Ha ha!

Special thanks to:

Zacky Vengeance;
Matt Sanders;
Shazza Rose
Randy Orton
Vixyn Of Shadows

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