Status: Completed

When Friends Fall in Love

Seeking Comfort in the Wrong Places

~Marissa's P.O.V.~

The chorus of "Grillz" jerked me from my restless sleep. I answered my cell without opening my eyes. "Hello?"

"Hey." Zacky sounded slightly hesitant. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm fine," I lied. I seemed to be telling that lie a lot recently.

"That's good." He was silent for a moment. "Listen, I think we need to talk. Can I come over?"

"Sure," I agreed.

"I'll see you in about ten minutes," he said, and hung up.

I got up and changed into a pair of jeans and a HIM tank-top. Someone knocked on the door after exactly ten minutes. I opened it and Zacky stepped into my dorm room. Without a word, he pulled me into his arms. I let him hold me because, to be honest, I really needed to be held. Before I realized what was happening, I had buried my head in his chest and was crying.

"Shh," he soothed, squeezing me tighter.

Five minutes later, I was drying my face on my shirt. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he assured me. He paused. "Umm....I wanted to talk about last night."

I shook my head. "No. I don't want to talk about it."

"But we really need--" he tried.

"No," I repeated. "Frankie explained it to me. I know you guys aren't in a relationship, and that's enough for me."

"Okay." Zacky looked like he didn't know what to do now. "I guess I'll just--"

"Don't leave," I said. I didn't want to be alone. In fact, I wanted him to wrap his arms around me and hold me all day.

Zacky met my pleading gaze and reached up, touching my cheek. I stretched up and kissed him. The kiss was gentle at first, but quickly grew into something fiery and passionate. We made it onto the bed without ever breaking the kiss. Zacky unbuttoned my jeans and slid a hand beneath the waistband, into my panties. His fingers found the most sensitive spot on my body and I moaned. He began stroking that tender flesh, causing me to writhe underneath him.

My cell rang. Zacky glanced at the bedside table, where my phone was.

"Don't stop," I begged.

He flashed a wicked smile and stopped.

"Zacky!" I protested.

He removed my jeans and his own, then slid inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he drove his full length into me over and over.

"I don't know how long I'm gonna last," he managed breathlessly.

I could feel my own orgasm building. "Just don't stop."

In the next moment, he grunted and shuddered as he came. His movements became less frantic, but he didn't stop. Three more thrusts and the orgasm shot through me, sending pleasure to every nerve ending in my body.

Zacky rolled off me, picked up his pants, and dug a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket. He lit one and slumped back against my pillows. I stretched out beside him and laid my head on his bare chest.

My cell rang again. I flipped it open. "Yeah?"

"Damn!" Helena cried. "Don't you ever answer your phone?"

"Sorry," I said with a giggle. "I was busy."

"I don't think I want to know," she remarked. "I just called to tell you that we're all going to Pineapple Willy's tonight at eight."

"We'll be there." I ended the call and turned off my cell.

"Let me guess," Zacky said. "We're all going to some club tonight to hang out and get drunk."

"Of course," I replied. "What else do we have to do?"

Zacky stubbed out his cigarette. "Come here and I'll show you."


~Krista's P.O.V.~

I barely slept all night. I couldn't stand being in a fight with Marissa. We never ended a day mad at each other. It was a rule. This was the first time we'd broken that rule in the four years that we'd known each other.

I picked up my cell. I had to call her. We had to work this out right now.

"Kris!" Jimmy snatched my cell out of my hand.

"Hey!" I glared at him. "Give me my fucking phone!"

"Who are you calling?" he demanded.

I pursed my lips and said nothing. He had forbidden me to call Marissa. He was so pissed off at her. He claimed she was being an unreasonable, selfish bitch and I needed to make her apologize.

"I knew it!" he declared. "You were going to call Marissa."

"Jimmy, she's my best friend," I said for about the two millionth time.

"She's not acting like a friend," he stated.

"I don't care!" I raked a hand through my hair and grabbed my pack of cigarettes off the bedside table. "If something happens to her and we haven't made up, I'm blaming you."

"Fine," he agreed. "Blame me." His face softened as he gazed at me. "I just hate seeing her walk all over you when you haven't done anything."

I lifted a shoulder. "She gets that way sometimes. If you want to know what's getting under her skin, why don't you talk to your best friend?"

"Brian is not to blame," Jimmy argued. "Marissa just doesn't know how to handle her feelings for him. That doesn't mean she should take it out on you."

"She's just confused!" I defended her.

Jimmy opened his mouth, but before he could speak, my cell rang. Jimmy answered it. "Hello?"

I narrowed my eyes at him while taking a long drag off my cigarette.

"Yeah," Jimmy said after listening for a few seconds. "We'll see you then."

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Helena," Jimmy responded. "Everyone is meeting at Pineapple Willy's at eight o'clock."

"Will Marissa be there?" I inquired.

"Probably," Jimmy said. He took my hands in his and tugged me to my feet. "You can talk to her tonight. Right now, I want you to relax and forget about her. And I know just how to make you do that..."

He kissed me deeply before leading me to the bathroom for a shower.


~Marissa's P.O.V.~

Zacky and I walked into Pineapple Willy's, hand in hand.

"I think we're gonna have to leave early," I said softly.

He smiled. "And why is that?"

"Because you wore me out," I said honestly.

"I'm just that good," he commented with mock arrogance.

"You certainly are." I made him face me and kissed him, slipping my tongue into his mouth.

He drew back first. "Don't get me started again or we're gonna have to leave now."

I grinned.

"Would you like a drink?" he queried.

I nodded. "Yeah. A White Russian."

Zacky navigated a path to the bar. I looked around and spotted Brian coming towards me. I tried to make it to the bar, but he caught up with me.

"Marissa." He attempted to grab my arm.

I dodged his grasp and looked at him. "What?"

"You've got to stop this," he said.

"Stop what?" I questioned.

"You're using Zacky," he stated. "You're trying to get to me and--"

"Conceited much?" I interrupted. "What I do with Zacky doesn't concern you, but if I was trying to get to you, I'd say it's working. And one more thing--why the hell did you come to my dorm last night? Don't you have a girlfriend to mess with?"

Brian glared. Just as he began to reply, Zacky approached.

"Hi, baby," he said, handing me my drink and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Hey, Synner."

Both Brian and I remained silent.

Zacky frowned. "What's going on?"

"It seems that Syn doesn't want us to be together," I told Zacky, keeping my eyes locked with Brian's.

"Aww." Zacky pouted playfully. "What's the matter, Syn? Jealous?" His tone was teasing. He didn't realize how serious the situation was, or that he was probably closer to the truth than he knew.

"Nope," Brian said, anger evident in his voice. "Not jealous. I just know Marissa very well, and you deserve better."

My breath caught. The memory of our night together was reflected in Brian's dark eyes. My skin tingled with the same recollections I knew he was experiencing.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm a big boy. I can make my own decisions. Besides, I know her pretty well myself," Zacky returned. He licked my neck and slid a hand between my legs.

Brian crossed his arms over his chest. I couldn't take it. Brian was watching Zacky, knowing that he had been there first and knowing that I'd loved him first. It wasn't fair. Brian had all the facts, and Zacky didn't.

"I'm leaving," I said, shoving Zacky away and hurrying in the direction of the exit.

"Marissa!" A hand closed around my wrist and I was roughly spun around. Zacky's green eyes were bright with confusion and fury. "What the hell is going on?"

"Nothing," I said, unable to meet his eyes. "You just shouldn't be all up on me like that in public."

"By 'in public' do you mean in front of Brian?" Zacky asked.

I shook my head. "No. Why would--"

"What is going on with you two?" Zacky wanted to know. He gripped my chin and forced me to look at him. "Be honest, Marissa. Something has changed, hasn't it? Something happened, didn't it?"

Staring into his gorgeous emerald-green eyes, I couldn't answer.

"You two were closer than anybody," Zacky said, gently caressing my cheek. "Helena told me you guys had a fight. You never made up, did you? What could have torn you guys apart like this?"

My throat and nose burned with tears. Suddenly, Zacky took a step away from me, his face etched with realization. "Wait. Things started changing right after the night that you and Brian stayed at his house and watched movies. Did you guys...?"

I said nothing as hot tears streamed down my cheeks.

"That explains everything," Zacky remarked, raking his fingers through his jet-black hair.

I sniffled. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." He hugged me. "So, what do you want to do now?"

I snuggled against him. "Can I stay right here?"

"That's fine with me," he said. "But if you need to deal with this situation, I can give you some space."

"No." I brushed my mouth across his and murmured against his lips, "I just want to be with you, Zacky. Nothing else matters."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, Marissa. *sigh*

Special thanks to:

Synful Cocktail
Vixyn Of Shadows
Matt Sanders;
Shazza Rose
Zacky Vengeance;

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