Status: Completed

When Friends Fall in Love

Almost How Our Lives Should Be

~Marissa's P.O.V.~

"Oh, my God!" I hugged my mom again. "What are y'all doing here?"

"We missed you," she said. "So we decided to fly out and surprise you." She glanced at something behind me.

I turned around. She was looking at Zacky, who was standing by the door with Jimmy.

"Oh yeah!" I grabbed Zacky's hand and pulled him over to meet my parents. "Zacky, this is my mom and dad. Mommy, Daddy, this is my boyfriend Zacky."

"Nice to meet you," Mom said politely. Dad and Zacky shook hands. Zacky shifted uneasily under Dad's "no guy is good enough for my daughter" glare.

Both of my parents knew who Zacky was, of course. The introduction had been to let them know that we were dating.

Jimmy watched the exchange with an odd expression on his face. I couldn't tell if he was going to puke or murder me in my sleep. He looked at Krista. "Are you coming with me, 'cause I'm outta here."

Krista nodded. "Yeah. Hang on a sec." She hugged my parents. "I'll see you guys later." After a wave to Zacky and me, she followed Jimmy out of the room.

"I think I'll go, too," Zacky said. "I'm sure you guys have a lot of catching up to do." He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll call you later." He left.

"Thanks a lot, Dad," I joked with a giggle. "You scared him away."

Dad flashed an evil little grin. "Good." Mom laughed.

"So, do y'all—" I was interrupted by the sound of my cell ringing. "It's Brian," I told my parents, and flipped my phone open. "Hello."

"Hey, Vix!" Brian said. "What are you up to?"

"Not much. Just chillin' with the love of your life and Willie Nelson," I responded.

"Your parents are there!?" Brian exclaimed.

"Yep," I confirmed.

"Oh, hell yes! I'm on my way right now. You guys are at your dorm, right?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes." He hung up.

"I guess we're waiting on Brian," I commented to Mom and Dad. "When he gets here, we'll make him take us to lunch."


As soon as Brian entered the room, he hugged my mom, picking her up in his enthusiasm. He loved my parents like they were his own—the same way I loved his family.

"Dad called me while I was driving over here," Brian announced. "The second he found out you guys were visiting, he ordered me to invite you to dinner. The only thing is…" Brian looked at my dad. "You have to grill ribs or you're not allowed in the house."

I swatted at Brian. "Whatever! Papa Gates didn't say that!"

Brian sighed. "You're right. He didn't. But will you grill ribs anyway?" He gave my dad an imploring look. "You know how much everyone loves your ribs."

Mom and I exchanged an amused glance. Dad hesitated.

"Please?" Brian wheedled. "We'll buy you lots of good beer to drink with the ribs."

"Okay," Dad relented.

"I know I'm getting beer, too," Mom said.

Brian hugged her again. "Of course! I always get my mommy beer."

I shook my head. "You're such a twat, Bri."

He stuck his tongue out at me.

"Wow," Mom drawled sarcastically. "I am astounded at how mature you two have become."

Brian and I both flipped her off. Laughing, she did the same back to us.

"Oh, you're so much more mature than them," Dad said dryly, and Mom flipped him off too.

"Where are you taking us for lunch?" I queried of Brian.

"Lunch?" he repeated blankly. "I never volunteered to—"

"FEED ME!" I cut in.

"I'm making you ribs," Dad pointed out. "You owe me."

Brian rolled his eyes. "Fine."

I jumped on his back and we led the way out to his car.


~Krista's P.O.V.~

My cell rang at five o'clock. I answered it, thankful for a distraction. Jimmy had been in a bad mood all day. "Yeah?"

"You and Jimmy need to come to Papa Gates' house," Marissa said.

I could hear talking and laughter in the background. "Why? What's going on?"

"We're having dinner," she informed me. "Everyone, even the Berrys and C. Rackam. My dad is grilling ribs."

"Alright. I'll see you soon." I closed my cell and stood. "Come on, Jimmy."

He looked up. "Where are we going?"

"To have dinner with everyone," I said. "Marissa's dad is grilling ribs."

"I'm not going," Jimmy stated.

I stared at him. "Are you fucking serious?"

"Kris, you know I don't want to be around Marissa," he said, using a tone that he obviously thought would calm my anger.

"Oh, my God!" I cried in frustration. "Grow up!" I stomped towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To be with my friends!" I stormed out of his house. I couldn't believe he was being so childish!

The walk to Papa Gates' house wasn't far. All of the guys and their families lived in close proximity to each other, except Matt—he'd moved away from everybody so that he and Helena could have some privacy.

I knocked on the front door. JB opened it.

"Hi!" he greeted. "Where's Jimmy?"

"He's not coming. He, uh, doesn't feel well," I lied.

Marissa, who was sitting on the sofa right beside the door, shot me a disbelieving look. She knew why Jimmy wasn't here.

"Hey, Matty!" JB called to his brother. "Jimmy Plague is sick!"

"Oh no!" Matty yelled as if this was the most terrible news ever. "We should take him some ribs to make him feel better."

"No!" I said quickly. "He was going to take some medicine and lie down. You guys shouldn't disturb him."

Behind me, the front door opened again and Zacky walked in.

"Zacky V.!" JB and Matty crowed.

"You guys are better than watchdogs," Brian said to the brothers, coming in from the kitchen. "Not only do you let me know that someone is here, you let me know who it is, too."

JB shrugged. "It's a gift."

"So, Zack, have you met Marissa's parents yet?" Matty wanted to know.

"Yeah, I met them this morning." Zacky frowned. "I don't think her dad likes me."

Brian chuckled. "It's nothing personal. He's just very protective. He still doesn't really like me and I'm not even fucking his daughter."

An awkward silence followed this statement. JB and Matty were oblivious because they didn't know about what had happened between Marissa and Brian.

"Hey, kids!" came Papa Gates' voice. "Get out here and stop being antisocial! Jeez, I guess you think old people are good enough to cook for you but not good enough to hang out with?"

Laughing, Brian, Zacky, JB, Matty, Marissa, and I filed through the kitchen and out onto the patio. Papa Gates, Suzy (Mama Gates), Brent, and Marissa's dad were gathered around the grill. Cam, Matt, Helena, Johnny, and Lacey were sitting at a picnic table, all listening to a story that Marissa's mom was recounting.

"Freeze!" Papa Gates instructed suddenly.

Everyone fell silent and looked at him. His eyes were fixed on me. "Who is this lovely young lady?"

"That is Jimmy Plague's new girlfriend!" JB supplied helpfully.

"I forgot you'd never met her," Marissa said. "This is Krista, my roommate and best friend."

"Second best friend," Brian corrected.

"Where's Jimmy?" Papa Gates asked me.

"Sick," I answered, not meeting his eyes.

"The ribs are ready!" Marissa's dad announced.

"Sweet!" Brian enthused. "Get ready, guys. This man's grilled ribs are better than sex."

"You obviously haven't been having good sex," Marissa's mom teased.

"BURN!" JB and Matty shouted.

Brian opened his mouth to shoot a retort at Marissa's mom, but Marissa's dad interrupted, "Don't even try. This is a battle of wits and you don't have any ammo."

JB and Matty both looked like their birthday had come early. "OWNED!"

"Marissa," JB said, "I love your parents."

I giggled and realized that I was going to have a great time, even without Jimmy here.


~Brian's P.O.V.~

Marissa was so happy. Her parents were here, Krista was here, and Zacky was here. She fit in with my friends almost better than I did, and they all adored her. I couldn't blame them for loving her, but I was a tad envious of all that she seemed to have right now. Everything was so easy for her.

While we were eating, I found myself watching her. My mind strayed to thoughts of that night—how her eyes had met mine and I'd seen her feelings for me written there, how she had screamed my name…

"So, Brian." Her mom's voice brought me back to the present. "Are you seeing anyone?"

"I'm dating a girl named Josie," I told her. "We've been together for about eleven months."

Krista and Marissa exchanged a glance. Matt looked like he was going to burst if he didn't get to say something.

"Josie's a really sweet girl…" Lacey began.

Matt choked on his beer, and I was almost positive that Helena kicked him under the table. Everyone stared at Matt and Helena, except Marissa, Krista, and Zacky. Those three suddenly became very interested in their food. I figured the whole thing was some kind of veiled insult aimed at Josie.

"Excuse us," Helena muttered. Scowling, she dragged Matt inside.

"I hope I get to meet Josie before we leave," Marissa's mom said now that everyone had quieted down.

"You'll love her," Lacey said.

I looked over at Marissa. She was carefully avoiding my gaze.

"I need another beer," she said, and practically ran inside.

"Me, too." I went after her, shutting the sliding glass doors behind me.

Marissa was leaning against the counter and she seemed to be fighting back tears.

"Vix." I approached her slowly.

She turned away from me.

"What's wrong?" I inquired.

She remained silent.

"Vix." I gripped her arm and forced her to face me. "I thought we were okay?"

"We are," she said unconvincingly. "It just hurts a little bit, you know?"

She looked as if it actually hurt a lot. Guilt struck me like lightning. I couldn't take that look on her face, so I walked away from her, going back outside.


After dinner, the majority of the group crowded into the living room to watch Because I Said So. Brent and I went down to the basement, which had been converted into a game room, and shot pool.

"So," Brent said as he took aim, "what's going on with you and our little Vixen?"

I kept my face expressionless. "Nothing."

Brent snorted, still leaning over the table. "Right. That explains why you two have been staring at each other all night and why she jumped like she'd been burned when you brushed past her in the kitchen."

I said nothing. I didn't think anyone had noticed these things, but Brent had.

"C'mon, Bri." Brent took his shot and straightened up. "I'm your brother. You can tell me. Do you like her?"

I bit my lip. How was I supposed to answer that question? If I was honest with myself, I did feel something for Marissa. But there were so many reasons to ignore those feelings, starting with the fact that I had a girlfriend.

"Bri." Brent moved to stand right in front of me. "Do you like Marissa?"

I picked up my pool stick and walked past him. "No."

"Then what's going on with you two?" he demanded.

"Nothing. Just drop it, okay?" I snapped.

He held up his hands in a gesture of defeat. "Fine."

Everyone finally left around one a.m. Dad invited Marissa's parents to stay at the house so that they wouldn't have to pay for a hotel. Marissa decided she would stay, too. She wanted to spend every second she could with her parents. Marissa's decision caused Zacky and Krista to want to stay, too.

I went to bed and lay awake for a long time, thinking about the fact that Marissa was sleeping right down the hall from me. And she was in someone else's arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
My dad does make kick-ass ribs...Just sayin'.

So everything is kind of settling down, though the feelings are still there, plaguing both Marissa and Brian. And there's one more major twist before this story ends. Well, maybe two, depending on how you view the second one. Lol.

Special thanks to:

Matt Sanders;
Vixyn Of Shadows
Shazza Rose

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