Sequel: Wendy's Tale

Thomas' Adventures in Hiddlesgard


Tom stared at the dishevelled detective,sitting opposite him. He was drawn to his eyes. His deep, penetrating green eyes. They held his gaze. He was hypnotised and couldn't move. He willed himself to look away, he had to remember Wendy and that they had to get to Hiddlesville, to the Ministry of Information but the eyes would not release him. 

Kurt leaned forward across the table and started to speak to Tom.

"Tell me your name?"

My name is Tom." in a monotone voice, he felt numb. He felt disconnected. The detective's voice was faint but clear. It was like there were two separate voices talking to him. The detective's and a clear low voice telling him to 'sit quietly', 'not move', 'answer all questions','there was no where to run', 'fighting is useless'.

"Tom what?" asked Kurt, a wry smile crossed his lips. He made sure that Magnus could not see his smile.

Magnus stared at Tom. He seemed less animated than before. He had tried to strike up a conversation with Magnus on the walk to the station but Magnus had chosen to stay distant and not communicate.

A disorientated Tom frowned. There was something about Wallander he disliked. He felt uncomfortable being interrogated by him.

"It's just Tom" replied Tom, he looked at Magnus. Magnus stared back.

"No last name. Everyone has a last name. What are you withholding from us?" Kurt shot back. His eyes glinting.

"Crimes have been committed, terrible crimes, you were found at a crime scene." Magnus spoke up. "Can you explain why you were there?" he spoke softly. There was a kindness in his eyes. 

"I want to know your name" Kurt said sternly. He would not stop staring at Tom. 

"I cannot remember my last name" Tom admitted quietly dropping his head. He was losing the will to fight back.

Kurt smirked. He pressed on with the interrogation.

"You're hiding something. I don't believe for one second that you don't know who you are."

Magnus turned his head to look at Kurt. He knew Kurt could get caught up in cases. It had happened in the past. He was there supporting him, as always. Magnus learnt much from Kurt. But there were times Magnus just wanted to get into things, get right to the centre of the action. Kurt was more cautious. Yet today, today was different. Kurt seemed different. This Tom was bringing something out of Kurt that Magnus had not seen before. Magnus was not sure he liked it.

Tom looked back up at Kurt, he looked lost. 

"I have told you the truth. I know no more information. I am not guilty of the crimes you say have been committed. I am just someone on their way to Hiddlesville with a friend."

"And where is this friend now?" shot back Kurt. 

"Magnus was there anyone else with this man when you found him?"

"No" replied Magnus. "He was alone."

"But I was just exploring" said Tom. "My friend, I left sleeping on the other side of the river. We'd had a little too much Moët the nigh..."

Tom paused not believing what he'd just said.

"Moët!" He whispered under his breath. It was Moët...champagne. Alcohol. He'd drunk it before at parties he'd attended in London...LONDON! Yes London!

A big grin broke across Tom's face. He'd remembered something!

"What's so amusing?" Kurt barked across the table, not at all amused.

"Something you want to share with us?"

Tom looked up and looked Kurt straight in the eye. He may not have remembered much but he had also remembered where he had seen those green eyes before.

He held the gaze of Kurt and spoke confidently.

"My name is Tom and I live in the city of London. I like to attend parties with friends and I like to drink champagne!... And I'm half Scottish"

Tom paused, grinned broadly, delighted at the new memory and repeated the last phrase.

"Yes, I'm half Scottish!"

Kurt's face fell, then grew angry.

"You lie, who told you this?" he spat 

Magnus now looked at Kurt with concern.

"Kurt maybe we should..."

"Silence... This no concern of yours boy!"

Magnus rocked back into his chair. Something was seriously very wrong here. He needed to get Kurt help. This was not Kurt talking to him. Maybe Kurt was cracking under pressure of the case? He tried to slowly rise out of his seat. 

"Where are you going? Sit down!" Kurt's eyes burnt bright with a green fire. He sneered at Magnus. His eyes boring into Magnus' mind. Magnus felt powerless. He couldn't move. He needed to stop Kurt. He could hurt someone if he didn't try to do something. Kurt's eyes would not let him go. He could hear Kurt's voice inside his head. A pounding, booming voice. Magnus felt light-headed. He grasped the sides of his chair to steady himself. His head hurt so much. He cupped his head in his hands and groaned, there was pain now, a growing intense pain.

"Stop it!" shouted Tom, throwing back his chair.

"You're hurting him!

Kurt snapped his head towards Tom and slowly rose out of his chair.The eyes burning green.

"Tell me who told you?" He hissed. He stepped around the table and walked slowly towards Tom, anger and hatred filling his face.

"No one told me" Tom replied walking backwards.

"I remembered!"


Wendy groaned and rubbed the top of her head with her whiskers. Ooooh her head hurt so much. Had she flown into something? She blinked her eyes trying to focus. What happened last night? Slowly the events of the previous night came into sharp focus. She had drunk some of the water from the river. It was bad water, it made her feel very happy and giddy but it had made her head hurt. 

She tried to get up. She held her balance for about   five seconds then toppled forward onto her face. She mumbled loudly into the dirt. He breath tossing up clouds of dust. She was annoyed. She tried again to get up, placing her weight on both her whiskers.The grass seemed so tall to her. She took things very slowly. At this rate it would take a while for her to find where Tom was sleeping. They had both fallen asleep giggling.

She mumbled to herself in frustration as she waddled through the tall grass. What was she thinking? She should have realised the water was bad. She stopped and smiled to herself. It had been a fun evening. She had never seen Tom laugh so much and that made her feel good. Laughing Tom made the world seem brighter and better. She shook her head. Now was not the time for this. Where was Tom? She had to find him.

After several minutes she paused and turned round. Strange...surely she would have found him by now. He wasn't lying that far away from her. Her head was clearing slowly but she still felt groggy. Dare she risk trying to fly? She took a deep breath, shook her whiskers and started to flutter.

She rose slowly, a little unsteady but managed to stay upright. Her head was still a little woozy. She tried to focus on not hitting the tree in front of her. She just managed it. She scolded herself for the near-miss. She flew several wobbly circuits around where they were both sitting but there was no sign of Tom. She sniffed the air trying to pick up his scent. He must have been gone a while as it was very faint and was coming from across the river.

No! She thought! He'd crossed the river without her. He would head straight into Magnusville. That could be dangerous. As he had not yet come back, something must have happened to him. He wasn't ready for what Hiddlesgard could throw at him. He wasn't prepared enough. She needed to be with him.

She shook her whiskers one more time to clear her head then darted across the river to the wood on the other side. She followed the path a few metres then paused, confused. Tom had been here. She could smell him, but she could also smell Tom elsewhere in the wood. Very strange. There was only one Tom, why were there two scents. They had both merged in this spot then moved on into the town. Wendy was confused and very concerned. She had to move fast. Tom was now in terrible danger...