Sequel: Wendy's Tale

Thomas' Adventures in Hiddlesgard

The road ahead

Magnus opened his eyes slowly.The lights in the room were bright and hurt his eyes. He blinked several times, trying to focus. His head ached but apart from that he felt ok. He tried to sit up and felt a guiding hand on his arm. He looked over and saw Tom kneeling ’next to him.

He gave a weak smile.

"Dare I even ask what just happened?"

"I'm not sure I fully know myself." replied Tom rubbing his own neck. It still felt sore from Loki's vice-like grip.

"Here let me help you." Tom gently helped Magnus up on to his feet.

"Thank you." Magnus said gratefully. He looked around the room. "This is still a police station right?"

"I guess so." replied Tom. 
"By the way, where am I? I mean what's the name of this town."

"Magnusville." replied Magnus rubbing his head. He still felt a little disorientated but that should soon pass.

"Magnusville?" Tom smiled, a Magnus in Magnusville. That was quite amusing.

Magnus frowned and looked at Tom. "Where is he now? I know that was not Kurt Wallander. Who was he?"

"Loki, the God if Mischief"...Tom paused, Loki had told him his name but not that he was a god of mischief...maybe...maybe...his memory was coming back. A god of mischief would certainly explain the situation Tom now found himself facing. All the strange things that had happened to him recently and his loss of memory, all down to this Loki? He was remembering things... Slowly. Perhaps he shouldn't force it and let it just happen but it was now rapidly coming to the end of the third day, would he remember enough in the days he had left?

"You've met him before?" Magnus looked up suprised then  narrowed his eyes looking intently at Tom, viewing him suspiciously. Maybe this Tom was involved in what happened in the woods. May he knew where the real Kurt was? He instinct was playing havoc with what his head was telling him. Everything about this man in front of him was suspicious. Nothing about him made sense. He even had one of those flying moustaches with him. Magnusville was plagued with flocks of them. Now there was one loose in the interrogation room, and this one kept staring at him. It looked like it was smiling, and it would occasionally waggle a whisker at him. This was all very surreal and strange. Magnus pinched himself to make sure he was awake. Yes he was awake.

He rubbed his forehead, still feeling confused. This Tom ... he could not quite put his finger on it, but there was something very familiar about him. Magnus was torn, he felt he had to help this Tom person but at the same time he was found at the crime scene. It was his duty to investigate, but there was the quiet voice inside his head telling him to let Tom go. And what of Kurt, what if this Loki had him somewhere, possible injured and hurt. Maybe Tom had the answers.

Magnus walked unsteadily over to a nearby desk,and leant against it. He unlocked and pulled open the top draw. Inside was a handgun and ammunition. Magnus was not comfortable with the thought of using the gun but this Loki was dangerous and he might need it in his search for Kurt.He needed protection and the gun just might give him that. He paused and looked up at Tom, who was chatting happily to the flying moustache. What did he call it... Wendy? Those things caused trouble. Magnusville had its only little colony of them. Magnusville Munchers. Flocks of them could be seen flying over buildings in the early morning. Small, short, whiskery things. They were not bad as such but just liked to cause plenty of mischief. Not everyone enjoyed their sense of humour. Magnus thought them harmless enough. Besides there were bigger problems that needed police support. Magnus clipped the gun into his holster, when it clicked Tom looked up and over at Magnus.

"You really have to have that with you? He asked sadly.

"Until we know fully who we are dealing with I am keeping it closely by my side." said Magnus firmly, a grim look on his face.

"We're dealing with Loki, a god of Asgard"... Tom paused, more memories? he looked back at Magnus and at his gun. "Not sure anything would help you against him."

"What exactly is your link with Loki?" Magnus frowned at Tom. "I mean he seems very interested in you. Why you? And what's his game?"

"I've yet to work that out, but I do know I have only four days remaining to find out" replied Tom. 
Wendy fluttered up to his shoulder. She stared at Magnus. She waved a whisker at him, hoping he would smile back. He didn't. He was ignoring her and listening to Tom. She gave up and fluttered over to the window. She settled on the windowsill and looked out over Magnusville.

Magnus sighed.
"So what do I do with you two? I need to find Kurt Wallander. I just hope this Loki has not hurt him. By rights you should be kept here. There are questions which need answering. You are our best lead. Yet my instinct tells me to let you go. Why is that?"

He looked intently at Tom, hoping suddenly he would have all the answers. He then turned to look at a map of Hiddlesgard pinned to the wall.

"There is an island to the far south called 
Loki Isle. I guess it was called that for a reason. That is the first place I will head to. You can join me if you like."

Tom wanted to help Magnus, but his time was running out. He didn't want Loki to win his little game. Tom would beat him! He had to! He had to get to Hiddlesville. Time was against him.

He looked at Magnus, sadness in his eyes. "I am so sorry, but I have to get to Hiddlesville, to the Ministry of Information and I have only four days left to find what I need to beat Loki. I cannot let him win. The answers I need lie in Hiddlesville. If I detour now, I may never get the answers."

"Well" said Magnus."It will take you at least three of those days to get to Hiddlesville, and that's going the quickest route with no further hold-ups. I don't think Loki will make it easy for you. In fact I have a feeling he will throw everything at you. Maybe that will bode well for me. No offence but if he's occupied with you, I have a greater chance of finding Kurt."

"Take my advice, stick to the paths and roads, they will lead you to Hiddlesville. Your Wendy no doubt knows the way. She's a Hiddlesville Huggle. She comes from that area, it will all be familiar to her."

On hearing the word Wendy, Wendy turned from the window and waggled her whiskers. She fluttered over to Magnus and chirped at him. He gave her a small smile. Wendy was elated and did a little dance. 

"You look after him." Magnus spoke quietly to her. "Keep to the paths. Do not take the path towards the mountains, you know that's a very bad place."

Wendy chirped quietly and nodded at Magnus. He sighed and turned to Tom. 

"I guess I'm letting you go." his hand rested gently on his gun holster. It gave him some comfort knowing he was wearing it.

"It's getting late, and you better get moving. The next town is Freddietown. You should be there by nightfall. Plenty of places there for food and rest. I must leave now. Maybe we will meet again?"

With that he turned and walked towards the door. He paused and looked back towards Wendy, then grabbed the handle of the door, easing the door slowly open. He looked again at Wendy before closing the door behind him.

The room was now very quiet, eerily so. Tom looked at Wendy, who did a little wiggle and quiet chirp.

"Well then we best get moving again. Next town... Freddietown? Shall we?..."

He opened the door and Wendy fluttered out ahead of him. Tom sighed heavily and closed the door. He didn't like the thought of what might be waiting for them on the journey.