Sequel: Wendy's Tale

Thomas' Adventures in Hiddlesgard


Tom woke to the sound of birds singing and rays of smokey sunlight shining through the window of his room. Dancing shadows were cast across his bed, from the branches waving in the breeze outside of the inn. Wendy was still asleep. He could hear her snoring at the end of the bed. 

He snuggled into his pillows and smiled. It had been a fascinating evening talking to Freddie Page. The experiences he had gone through. He was made of strong stuff. He had survived and lived to tale tales. He had also witnessed the loss of friends,and loved ones through war. They had parted company in the early hours of the morning. Both very merry and a little bit drunk. But the evening had been thoroughly entertaining. Now he lay entombed in bed sheets and snuggled comfortably deep in a feather mattress. He had never slept so soundly.

Wendy had not left Freddie's side until it was time for him to leave. Tom smiled and had a quiet giggle. Wendy was in love with Freddie.

And the storm... That had been ferocious. Tom had never known a storm like it. Everything looked so different now, like the storm had never happened.

Tom threw back the bedcovers and headed into the bathroom to get ready for breakfast. In his haste he covered Wendy deep in layers of bed sheets. As he went into the bathroom he could hear muffled mumbling from under the bed sheets. She did not sound happy. She was always grumpy if she had her sleep disturbed.

"Oh gosh Wendy I'm so sorry!" He said flustered. He fumbled with the sheets trying to find her.He carefully tried to uncover her. There were a few sheets and it took a while to find her. As he removed the last sheet, she glowered at him and flopped across the sheets mumbling constantly. She paused, looked up at Tom and the carried on mumbling. She then got up and waddled up towards the top of the bed and flopped with a dramatic 'flumph' into the soft feather-filled pillows. Tom smiled and headed back to the bathroom. He had a very quiet chuckle to himself, making sure Wendy could not hear him. He would not hear the end of it if she knew he was giggling. 

A little while later they both sat down for breakfast.
A deliciously home cooked breakfast with bacon, sausages and scrambled eggs.

They were just finishing a cup, of tea when Freddie appeared in the doorway. 

"Um... Have some bad news old boy. The rain last night. Complete disaster. Roads washed out. You are going to have to go cross country. I'd have flown you to Hiddlesville but the airfield is one great big swamp. Will take weeks just to free the planes from all the mud. This Loki chap you were telling me about last night. I have a feeling he's behind this." 

"You can no longer get to Hiddlesville directly but a slight detour takes you past Williamsburg and the roads to the east of there are clear as far as reports I have heard. I am sorry I bring such news to you. You should, if you keep going, make it in time to Hiddlesville, but you will need to set off now." 

"There is a railway from Williamsburg to Hiddlesville and as far as we know it has not been effected by the storm. It seems it was very local to this area only."

"I have a friend in Williamsburg, William Buxton. He will gladly help you."

"The landlord has packed some supplied for you and a few extras which you may find will come in handy." 

Freddie handed over Tom's refilled backpack and smiled.

"Thank you. Thank you for all your help." said Tom. 
"We shall set off now. If you could just point me in the right direction." 

"Just head past the church and take the track through the woods and head for a small group of hills. I've drawn a route map with landmarks so you should be able to find your way. I think you should make it to Williamsburg by nightfall."

"Good luck old chap and take care of Wendy for me. I shall miss her."

Freddie tickled Wendy gently and smiled. Wendy sniffed and fluttered up to Tom's shoulder. She hid herself into a ball. She didn't want Freddie to know she had been crying. She would miss him.

Tom and Freddie shook hands, and said their farewells.
Tom then set off across the green back towards the church. The path was clear enough to follow and he hoped they could make good progress. Three days remained. Hiddlesville was not far from Williamsburg. He would make it in time. He had to. 

They had been walking solidly for three hours. Freddie's map drawing skills were excellent. They had made good time and ahead stood an old oak tree with plenty of shade under which they could rest. 

Wendy had been quietly curled up on Tom's shoulder for the whole journey. She was unusually quiet. Tom had tried to involve her in conversation but she chose not to reply. He still continued chatting away, whether she would answer or not. He tried to keep the atmosphere light. Hopefully she would be back to her normal self soon.

He stopped under the shade of the oak. And slipped the backpack off one shoulder. He carefully reached up to lift Wendy off his other shoulder and rested her gently onto the ground. He then slipped off the backpack completely and sat down next to Wendy.

"I have not had a chance to look at what goodies we have been given. Shall we take a look Wendy?" he said with enthusiasm.

He looked down at her. She sat silently but did glance back up at him... Well it's a start thought Tom. 

He slowly untied the top of the pack and peeked inside. 

"Care to share what you have?" a familiar voice sneered.

Tom knew that voice very well by now. He did not look up. But spoke firmly in reply.

"Why would we choose to share anything with you?" 

Wendy growled lowly next to him. She was fully awake now.

"Come now" replied Loki, slowly emerging from around the side of the tree. "I thought we were friends." He smirked.

"Friends?!" Tom shot back half laughing.

"You bring me here, steal my memories, threaten my friends, hurt people. And you call yourself my friend?!"

"And I suppose the storm and the destruction yesterday was nothing to do with you wanting to delay me further." Tom spat, he could feel anger building up inside him. He was ready to fight back.

Loki turned and smirked back at him

"Oh, I admit that was down to me. A little lightning manipulation I learnt from my brother. Quite effective don't you think?" 

"No roads, no direct link. You will not make it in time. Three days will disappear so quickly. Why not just accept defeat now, give in. You would not want anyone else getting hurt would you." He cast a quick glance towards Wendy.

"Don't you dare even think about it!" Tom glowered at Loki.

Tom rose slowly to his feet. Loki was coming nowhere near Wendy. He didn't care if he was a god or not. Tom would protect Wendy. He noticed a large broken branch on the ground and picked it up. He held it out in front of him like a sword. He balanced it well and spread his legs readying himself for a fight. He had done sword fighting before. He knew that. He confidence swelled. He smirked back at Loki. Wendy by now had fluttered up beside his head. She growled but kept her distance from Loki.

"I see you have grown in confidence. No matter you still will not succeed." Loki chuckled and again cast a glance at Wendy.

"If I were you I would keep one eye on the road ahead but also keep an eye behind you. Such a touching friendship you have. You would want anything to happen to change that would you?"

Wendy's growl grew louder.

Loki's smirk widened.

"Are you threatening us?" Tom replied standing firm. 

Loki said nothing, he lowered his eyes and turned his head towards the south. He could feel the anger growing in the Midgardian. This was good. When emotion took over, from rational thought mistakes could be made, rash decisions, things that could not be changed. He would continue to play his game. The Migardian was now playing right into his hands. I few more twists from Loki and Tom would be his.

Loki turned and looked directly at Tom. 

"Be careful who you choose to do battle with Midgardian." 

He turned and walked back behind the tree, smirking all the while.

Tom started to follow him only to find he had disappeared!

"Arrrrggghhhh!" He shouted. He tossed the branch hard into the trees.

Wendy fluttered over to him and chirped quietly into his ear. He immediately felt calmer and looked into her eyes.

"I'm ok sweetheart, I just couldn't let anything happen to you."

Wendy chirped quietly and snuggled up to Tom's cheek. He held her cupped in both hands, gently holding her close. He would never let anything happen to her.

They stood there together for a few moments, eyes closed. Finally Tom opened his eyes and spoke softly to Wendy.

"Shall we carry on?"

"We could eat on the way if we are hungry."

Wendy wiggled and chirped. She flew ahead of Tom and lead the way. She chirped to him, encouraging him to follow her. 

He quickly grabbed the backpack and slipped it back over his shoulders, and set off at a quick pace.

Loki was not going to win. No, thought Tom, he would not win! 

They both headed west towards Williamsburg...