Sequel: Wendy's Tale

Thomas' Adventures in Hiddlesgard

A storm brewing

Tom woke early feeling happy and refreshed. He got up and stretched. He looked round for the apothecary. There was no sign of him. That didn't bother Tom, he was probably elsewhere in the shop.

He pushed aside the curtain and entered the main shop to check on Wendy. Strange thought Tom, where was everyone? He would have thought Sparkz would have greeted him or Horace to grumble at him. He noticed Wendy still lying in her blanket. As he approached she opened her eyes and gave a little chirp.

"Hello sweetheart" Tom smiled and leant over and gave her a kiss on her head. She tickled his forehead with her whiskers. He laughed lightly.

"So happy you are back with me. Don't ever do that again you hear me!" He scolded her smiling.

She chirped again and brushed a whisker across his cheek. Tom looked up as he heard the door chime tinkle. It was Steve.

"Hello Tom" he smiled.

"Good morning Steve, sorry but the apothecary does not seem to be here at the moment I'm sure he will be back soon."

"Oh he's been with me" replied Steve
"We just need you to come too."

"Me?" said Tom puzzled

"What is it? You want to show me something?"

"Um yes." thought Steve quickly. "The apothecary has some Wendys he wishes to introduce you to."

Tom smiled at the tought of meeting more Wendys but he stopped and looked down at Wendy. She seemed to be shaking her head. She was still too weak to move much, but she needed to warn Tom.

"Um..." said Tom hesitantly. "I can't come. What about Wendy?"

"Oh she'll be fine. It's only just a few streets away. She will be quite safe. The apothecary has given me the keys to the shop. We can lock her in. All very safe, see." He jangled the keys at Tom and smiled.

Tom looked down at Wendy again.

"Um I don't really think I can... I have to meet Loki and..."

"Won't take more than 10 minutes, tops. Promise. Plenty of time then to find Loki. I don't think that would be difficult, especially today. He won't be hiding."

"Ok...I suppose if it is only 10 minutes." Said Tom.
"It is fairly early in the day. Loki didn't specify an exact time."

Wendy was frantically trying to get Tom's attention, but he wasn't listening. She wished she had more energy. 'Don't go Tom please!' She wanted to shout at him. He couldn't understand her.

Tom turned and smiled at her. He leant down again and kissed her.

"Won't be long my sweet."

She tried to hold on to his hand but he slipped from her whiskers. She looked on, her anxiety growing by the second as she watched him leave. She glared at Steve as he locked the door and looked through the window at her. He looked sad. Wendy was confused. She tried to get up but fell down again. She was getting stronger, but she needed more time. She fell back onto the blanket exhausted.

She watched them both walk away.

Tom followed Steve along the street. Just past the Theatre they turned left. He remembered he had to go to the Ministry of Information, but he could do that straight after he had seen the apothecary. He noticed some posters on display next to the theatre advertising William Shakespeare's Henry V, Othello and Cymbeline. Tom paused, he knew those plays, yes he could even quote lines from the plays. Why? How could he know them?

Steve came up beside him and tugged his arm vigorously.

"Quickly Tom, this way or you will miss them." He quickly pulled Tom away from the posters.

"But...but" he started to protest, but reluctantly allowed Steve to pull him away. Turning into an alley Tom saw the apothecary ahead. Tom smiled and waved. The apothecary didn't wave back and looked sad.

Tom frowned, he was confused. Had he missed seeing the Wendys?

They stopped next to the apothecary. He looked directly at Tom, his eyes filled with sadness.

"I am so sorry my boy."

Tom's smiled faded, now he was confused.

"Sorry? Am I too late? Did I miss the Wendys?"

The old man looked at the floor.

"They threatened to hurt Sparkz and Horace, Tom. They have them. They told me they would be released once he has you."

He couldn't look at Tom.

"Who? Once who has me?"

Then Tom realised who he meant. His heart sank.

Steve stepped up beside Tom. Tom looked at him confused. He started to back away down the alley to the main street. He didn't understand. Steve was his friend...wasn't he?

"Tom" said Steve, "please don't do anything silly."

Tom kept walking backwards shaking his head.

He suddenly bumped into two men dressed in metal and leather. They were wearing helmets.

They grabbed his arms and held him tight. He started to struggle, but their grip was too tight for him to break free.

He looked back at Steve, confused and upset. Steve would not return his gaze.


Tom was brought in to a small room and pushed roughly inside by the men. He stumbled slightly, then straightened and regained his balance. The men left him alone. There was a balcony off to his right. A light see-through curtain hung just before it, floating lightly in the breeze. He could just make out a shape silhouetted, standing out on the balcony. Tom immediately knew who it was. He took a breath. He needed to confront Loki. He walked towards the balcony.

He found him gazing out over the city of Hiddlesville. A small smile played on his lips. Tom walked up beside him and too gazed out over the city. It looked beautiful. Loki spoke, not looking at Tom.

"You cause me endless problems Tom. How do I solve those problems?"

Tom swallowed hard, and continued looking out over the city. He felt uncomfortable being this close to Loki. However there was also energy about him which Tom was also fascinated by. He was sure too that he could see a sadness in Loki's eyes. He hid it well, but for the briefest of moments Tom could see it. He wondered what Loki had seen. He was a god, ancient in age. What had he experienced, what had he been witness to?

Loki sighed. Tom looked at him surprised.

"You vex me Thomas. There is something about you. True you have no power but there is something..."

His voice trailed off and his face grew hard again. He turned and looked Tom in the eye. His bright green eyes buried deeply into his. It felt like Loki was trying to reach his very soul. To find out Tom's secrets. Tom felt very uneasy. He automatically took a step backwards. The edge of the balcony prevented him going further. He quickly gazed over the edge then back at Loki.

Loki was glaring at him.

"What is it about you? Tell me!" He snarled advancing slowly towards Tom. He hated not knowing. His frustration always turned to anger.

Tom looked over the balcony again. They were not high up. He could make the jump. He had to be careful with his injured foot but he could do it. He had to try. He had to get to the Ministry of Information. If they could help him discover who he was, he would win and Loki would lose. It wasn't far from here. All he had to do was wait for the right moment.

That moment appeared in the form of Steve.

Steve has appeared in he room. He stood waiting patiently for Loki. His cap clenched in his hands.

Loki didn't turn to look at him he continued staring at Tom.

"Well?" He spat.

"If you tell me that you have failed to carry out my instructions again..."

"Oh... no..." No Steve stammered.

"Everything is in hand as you requested." He bowed his head. He caught Tom's eye, then looked straight to the floor.

Tom wasn't sure what hold Loki had over Steve, but right now he didn't like him. He had trusted him and now he ended up here with Loki.

"Did you finally sort out our 'little problem'" asked Loki, glancing briefly at Tom. Confused, Tom frowned.

"Yes, that too." Steve looked like he was going to cry.

"Sentiment" scoffed Loki and walked into the room.

Tom saw his chance, and leapt over the edge of the balcony. He landed hard, jarring his foot. He felt pain but it passed quickly. His foot still held his weight so he ran.

He could hear Loki bellowing orders. Four men ran out of the building wearing what looked costumes similar to Loki's. Tom ran into the marketplace. It was busy with people.

Tom ran hard through the crowd trying desperately to keep ahead of the men chasing him.

'Please' he thought, 'please move'. He risked a glance backwards. He was still being chased and they were getting closer. It did no help that his foot had not yet healed. He could put his weight on it but how long until it gave in to the pressure! He tried to focus on keeping ahead, but the crowd was getting thicker. He had to get out of the crowd. His eyes scanned, searching for a way through.

Loki slowly walked out on to the balcony and viewed the scene below,this was fun. His prey, scared now, running to save himself. Another delay. Tick tock, tick tock... Loki smirked. He could see Tom trying to squeeze his way through the crowd. Loki looked up across to the balcony opposite. There was a shadowy figure standing just the other side, hidden by a thin see-through curtain which moved lightly in the breeze. Loki nodded.

Through a tiny gap in the curtain, the point of an arrowhead, edging further outwards. The archer was skilled and knew just where to take aim.

"Come on, please move" pleaded Tom quietly under his breath. Suddenly he saw it, a gap. He went for it. He sprinted fast he could make it, he had to get away. There on the left, if he could just make it to the stalls and there was a gap out, he had free open space. He could run, he was fast, he just needed open ground.

Loki raised his hand slowly and looked over to the other balcony. His smirk grew. Just let the Midgardian think he was free. His heart beat faster. This was thrilling. The chase, the hunt, the game. They had been exciting, now the end was near. He was winning.

He dropped his hand. The arrow flew from the bow towards its target.

Tom heard a warning chirp from a Wendy, a Freddie Fascinator off to his left. He turned and felt something sting the side of his stomach.

It was just a scratch, but a deep one, Tom winded fell to the ground on to his hands and knees. He gripped his side, then pulled away his hand. There was blood. His blood. What had just hit him? Then he saw the arrow. His eyes grew wide! An arrow? Someone had tried to hit him with an arrow!

He heard Loki's roar of rage. He had to get up. He took a deep breath and pushed himself up. His wound, not severe, stung, he was in pain. He started to rise, he had to keep running.

A searing blue light pierced through him. He felt intense pain then darkness...

Steve was the first to reach Tom. He swallowed hard. He knelt beside his fallen body. He hadn't wanted this. He breathed a sigh. Tom was still breathing, but he was badly hit by Loki's staff.

"I'm sorry he whispered" touching Tom's arm.

He turned quickly and looked at Loki as he approached. He was scared for both him and Tom.

He flinched as Loki drew level with him. Loki glared at Steve, his green eyes piercing into him. He was angry and annoyed. Steve backed away slightly, his head bowed.

"Is he still alive?" snarled Loki angrily towards Steve.

"" stammered Steve.

"Your aim was true. You did not kill him outright."

Loki smirked, perhaps this was better than killing the Midgardian. This could work a different way he thought.

"Excellent, bring him to Loki Isle. His time is ending. And so is the game. I shall have some sport until the end."

"Bring all the others too. They should be easy to find and there will be no resistance. They have no power. Lock them in the cells."

Loki turned and walked away leaving Steve alone with the fallen Tom.

Loki felt good. He was now in control. Now they would all kneel before him. He would get Tom to kneel first, the others would follow easy enough. No matter what had to happen. No matter how long the Midgardian fought him. He would get him to kneel before him. Tom would never return home...