Status: In progress, comments, subscribers and recs are greatly appreciated! Stay Strong! <3

Completely Unrelated

Just Breathe

I know this will sound weird, but breathe. Take a deep breath, hold it for three to five seconds and then let it out.

Tip: Don't worry if you sound like Darth Vader when you breathe out. This is normal and should simply be laughed off.

When you breathe in, sit up as straight as possible. Feel free to slouch when you breathe out. Make sure not to hold your breath for too long.

Tip:If you pass out, you held your breath for too long.

Tip: If you intend to pass out, hold your breath on a soft surface, that way you don't get any more brain damage than you already have. (You did have intentions of passing out after all)

Completely Unrelated: Video games are educational. Don't believe anyone who tells you differently. They're aliens from Jupiter.
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Hey everyone! Hope you like this one. I'll put another one out tomorrow, or today if I get a comment or rec. Love you! Stay Strong. <3