Status: In progress, comments, subscribers and recs are greatly appreciated! Stay Strong! <3

Completely Unrelated


I know that most of us have self-esteem issues. I know that I do. This may sound odd, but hear me out before you skip this page.

Read the word: self esteem. Notice anything? Well, self esteem really is how you think about yourself. Although other things can greatly effect your self esteem, it's all up to you how you think of yourself.

Here's something to do. Every time you walk by a mirror, tell yourself that you're beautiful. If that's too much to begin with, start by start with assuring yourself that you are not ugly, fat, gross, or anything else that you may struggle with. Then, once you're comfortable with that, find three things you like about yourself. Try to add variation to the things you like. After you're comfortable with that, convince yourself that you are beautiful.

Tip: You are beautiful, no matter what the garden gnomes say.

Tip: The above was a Tinker Bell reference. I am not calling you crazy.

Completely Unrelated: Colored polka dots are much more amusing when they resemble Justin Bieber's haircut.