My Teen-age Romance


“Mom, remind me again why where moving.” I said pulling the ear buds out of my ear and dropping them on the seat next to me.
“Oh I didn’t even know if you were alive back there.” she smirked trying to get me to laugh
“Ha.” I groaned
“We moved because you got into to much trouble in Colorado.”
She said with a razor blade tone in her voice.
“That’s it.”
“I could have just gone to a different school.”
“Yeah well after you’re record I bet they would have refused you in a minute.”
“Yeah I have a point don’t I.”
“If that’s what you wont to call it.” I murmured under my breath
“What the hell did you just say?”
“I said, I guess you do.”
“Oh piper just try and be good here.”
“Fine!” I said putting the ear buds back in my ear to drown out the sound of her voice.
‘What ever you say bitch’ I thought to my self.
- Two weeks later-
It had already been Two weeks and no one had even talked to me. Every were I went all I got was people pointing at me. It was only a matter of minutes before we got to the school the next day.
“Piper, do you always have to wear black?”
“Yes, it’s my color.”
“Bye mom loves.”

The car pulled away, leaving me stand there pulling down the pink under shirt I had on. I looked at my outfit for a minute. I was wearing a black shirt with an electric pink spaghetti-strap on. I had black emo styled jeans on with checker bored shoes on. My hair was put back in a ponytail. My eyes were shadowed with black eye liner

I didn’t think I looked too bad. So I went inside. I walked down pale green halls looking for my locker. My eyes were fixed to the walls, so wasn’t paying attention to the things in front of me. I ran smack in to a medium sized boy with a Mohawk that wasn’t spiked up. He didn’t look that strong but was like a tone of bricks if you ran into him. His shirt was pink and said pansy in black letters on it. His gloves had skeleton hand on them and no fingers. He was wearing emo style jeans to with plan black shoes.

“Hey watch were you’re go,” his voice trailed of. “oh, sorry I. You’re the new girl right?”
“Huh yah, that’s me the new girl.”
“Well you’re a good surprise, I thought it would be another dumb ass prep. Pardon my French. “
“I speak little French and that sounded like ‘ass’.” I giggled.
“Oh good you have a since of humor.”
“Yah, my names Piper.” I said blushing at all of his comments
“Pretty name, my name’s Frank. Hey, can I see you schedule?” he said putting out his hand.
“Sure, here.” I handed it to him. I touched his hand and time seemed to stop.
“Lets see you have every class the same as me. That’s nifty! If you wont I could show you around.” He grinned a smile that was perfect. It even made me smile which is something I hadn’t done at least Two weeks.
“Sure, I would like that.”
“Hey, also I want to introduce you to Gerard, Mikes, Ray and Bob!”
“Ok.” I smiled at him
“let me drop this off at the office then we can go.

We walked to the office not really talking until he poked me in the side and made me laugh.
I poked him back and we both started giggling. But for some reason this didn’t feel weird. It felt right.
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