

I have come to take you away. To take you with me, just like I did with so many people before. Just like I did with your brother and your boyfriend. Your neighbor from across the street where you used to live when you were young.
You cannot see me yet. You will not be able to see me for at least another 30 minutes. But you can already feel me. You feel something lingering in the air around you, even though you can’t quite put your finger on it. You’re expecting me but you do not know I am already there.
You are staring at the ceiling, reminiscing the past. The few things you can remember from your childhood flashing in front of your eyes. Scene after scene in no particular order. You see yourself again, in situations you always wanted to forget but never really did. Things you locked away in the back of your head for so long. Now they come back to the surface. You see yourself sitting in your bedroom, screaming, crying. Running away. Trying to escape. You knew you could not make it but still you tried. Over and over again. Every single time. You always tried. And now you remember. You try to sit up but you are already too weak.
You smile. My presence around you is becoming more and more obvious with every minute that passes by. You are ready welcome me. Ready to see the only two people who ever truly accepted you again. You are waiting for me to take you to them.
The only times you were happy were when you were with them. When I took them I always took a part of you with me, too. I knew it back then just like I know now and this is only proving it. And just like now I didn’t have a choice back then. The only difference? By taking you I will not damage anyone else. You are the last one.
You and your brother… you were so much alike. Not in your looks but in your aura. There is a calm sadness surrounding you. Something no one else but me can see. The same eyes… both missing that certain spark that makes people look alive and happy. The same smile when you first see me. The same finite, almost glad, grateful glimmer in your eyes when I take your hand.
During your lives you were complete opposites, but facing me you could not be any more similar.
You take one last moment to remember. To look back at your life and smile because just for once you feel like you made the right decision. You are feeling a peacefulness you never knew before.
Then you throw yourself into my arms. You are going home.
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Thanks for reading this.
I wrote this at school a while back and thought why not share it?
Please tell me what you thought?