Status: Indefinite hiatus. I may pick it up later if there's interest in me finishing it.

The Cabin


"Five more minutes..." Carrie thought to herself as she stared at the black and white clock across the room. It was a Friday, and she was sitting in her last class of the day before her spring break vacation started. She was staring intently at the analog clock that hung above the white board at the front of the room where her Algebra teacher was instructing on how to divide polynomials. Her teacher, Mr. Brown, looked at her inquiringly as he believed she was finally showing interest in his class. However, her attention was strictly on the fact that her spring break started in five minutes. This had been a stressful last few months in classes, and Carrie was looking forward to her family's annual camping trip. She knew it seemed sort of childish that after her short sixteen years of life that she should still be so excited to spend her one week break with her parents and siblings, however she didn't care because this week escape was exactly what she needed.

Carrie began counting down the seconds internally as she waited for the clock to turn to 2:30. "...5...4...3...2...1..." *BBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG* The school bell sounded, signifying the end of the day, and the beginning of her release. Without any hesitation, she grabbed her backpack and slung it over one shoulder as she bolted out of the classroom, not caring who she bumped into or ran over on her way out. She had a one track mind, and that was getting to her car as soon as possible. She bypassed saying goodbye to her friends on her way out, however it wasn't for lack of trying that they tried to track her down on her way out.

She was thankful that her last class was on the bottom floor at the back of the school, with the door that led to the outside parking lot. She bolted out the door and made her way to her old Altima. It had been in her family almost her entire life. Both her parents had driven it as their primary vehicle at one point, and passed the family car down to her upon her sixteenth birthday. She unlocked the doors and threw her bag into the backseat. She slid into the front seat, turned on the car, rolled down the windows, and put in her favorite driving CD-the second half of The Beatles "Abbey Road" album. She never understood why, but something about the medley on the latter half of the album made for the best music while driving to on her way home. As excited as she was to be home, she was thankful that today had great weather and that she lived far enough away from school that her only options to drive home included taking narrow back roads with scenic views. This drive home would be the perfect way to kick off her spring break.

She pulled out of the parking lot, speakers blaring to the sound of "You Never Give Me Your Money". She began her trip home. As soon as she pulled into her driveway, she was greeted by her seven year-old sister Jenny and eighteen year-old brother Danny. Her baby sister Jenny was by far the princess of the family. Even though she wasn't a baby anymore, Jenny definitely took advantage of the fact that she was the youngest, and most of the time got whatever she wanted. Lucky for Carrie and Danny, Jenny wasn't a brat, so she never wanted much. Danny was the ideal older brother. He and Carrie were close in age, so they got along most of the time. That's not to say that they never fought, but he was the protective older brother that Carrie needed and was glad to have. Upon exiting her car, Jenny ran up and tackled Carrie with a hug, nearly knocking her over. Carrie laughed at her sister while hugging her back. She got her back pack from the backseat and followed Danny and Jenny through the garage inside.

She was greeted in the kitchen by her mother who was adding the finishing touches on the food they would need for the week, all non-perishable of course. Her mother was an excellent cook, and Carrie often wondered why her mother never pursued cooking. She was a master in the kitchen, always able to create the most amazing meals from the simplest ingredients, and this time was no different. Her mother had spent the last few days making homemade jerky and trail mix for them to eat on the trip, as well as getting ingredients together so they could cook at the camp site. The meals were simple enough in composition, but she knew with her mother's magical touch it would be delicious. Carrie walked through the kitchen and ran up the stairs to pack her bag for the week. She knew there wasn't much to pack: a week's worth of clothes, under armor for those chilly nights, sleeping bag, pillow, and basic toiletries. As trendy and into technology as she was, she never missed her phone or computer while camping. If she could, she would live in the outdoors for the rest of her life. Little did she know she soon would have no other choice.

Upon her family finishing up their packing, she began to help her father pack up the family SUV with their tents, backpacks, and sleeping bags. It wasn't long after they finished packing up the car that her mother, followed by Danny and Jenny, met them outside ready to go. They all piled in the car and made their way to the camp site. After a three hour drive, they had reached their destination. Upon entering the campsite, her father pulls into the welcoming cabin and checks in. They get their camping pass and go to find a prime spot to camp in. After searching, they settle on an open area a couple hundred yards from the communal showers and bathrooms. They began unpacking the car and setting up their tents. Danny and their father being to build the fire pit so their mother could start dinner. Carrie helped Jenny get the tents put together. Once the tents were set up, their mother handed Carrie a cooking pot and told her to find the creek and fill it with water so that she could start boiling the water to make spaghetti. Carrie grabbed the pot and went on the search to find the creek. She was enjoying her personal nature hike, though she had no clue where the creek was, nor where she was at. She only kept walking and looking for the creek her mother talked about. She faintly heard some running water, and followed her ears to find a tiny creek about a quarter of a mile away from her. She bent down, set the pot behind her, and leaned over the creek to taste the clean cold water. She sighed in relief of the cold liquid running down her throat, which cooled down her sweaty body. She wasn't sure how long she had been in search of this little creek, but it had been very warm outside and she needed a drink. The sun was beginning to set, but she wasn't worried about being able to find her way back. She had natural instincts about finding her way when she was in the woods. She continued cupping her hands in that cool water and drinking it when she noticed a dark shadow hovering above her. She could make out the shape as being a very large person. She widened her eyes and began to turn her head to see who it was, when she felt the giant cooking pan hit her on the head and knock her unconscious.
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Ok, there's only a couple of people that have ever heard this dream. I know this is a kinda slow start, I'm just trying to set it up enough to peak interest for future chapters. I'm trying my hand at writing, so any feedback would be wonderful :) If you are interested in updates, please comment and let me know!!