
Hello Aaron

Molly’s POV:

“Guys, it’s senior year! We are going to rock this place!” September 2, I walk in with my five best friends, Violet Urbina, Sydney Taylor, Cameron Quiseng, Zach Porter, and Michael Martinez. Cameron, Zach, and Michael are sort of in a band. They aren’t the most famous guys yet, or at all, but they will be one day. I just know it. We have literally been friends forever. We all grew up, and still live, on the same block.

“Molly Rowley, are you excited for school?” Cameron asks laughing.

“Yes, Cam, I am. I have every class with at least one of you.” I tell him. He and I are definitely the closest, but I can’t tell him everything, so I go to Violet with that stuff.

“Mol, it’s Aaron.” Violet points him out and my heart soars. I have liked him for two years and I keep saying I’ll make a move, but I don’t.

“Just talk to him, he’s a normal guy like me, Zach, and Mikey.”

“No, Cam, he’s so much more. He’s the quarterback, with a full football scholarship to anywhere he wants. There’s no way he could possibly fall for me.” Cameron looks as sad as I feel.

“Molly, Violet, can we talk somewhere without our other friends.” Sydney drags us away.

“What’s up, Syd?”

“V, Mol, don’t you get it? Cameron loves you, Molly!” She yells it.

“No he doesn’t. Why would you even say that?” I look to Violet for help.

“I’m with Syd. He’s been in love with you for a really long time. How have you not noticed it?”

“He just told me to talk to Aaron. Why would he do that if he likes me?” They are losing it.

“Because he wants you to be happy.”

“Aaron does make me happy, except that he isn’t mine.” My heart sinks again.

“Maybe one day. If not, you always have Cameron to fall back on.” Sydney is staring at me.

“Remember what you told us last year?” Violet asks.

“We agreed to never speak of that again! It’s not true anyway.”

“You said you’ve wondered about dating Cam and you said you might like him. It had to at least have been true then.” Sydney should be a lawyer with the way she’s talking right now.

“And as the year went on, I figured out that isn’t true. I really like Aaron and that’s all there is to it.” Cameron walks up and I see his eyes fall.

“The bell is about to ring. We should really get to class.” He grabs my backpack and we go to our first hour.

“Have you heard rumors about this teacher? I’ve heard she’s worse than Hitler.” Cameron laughs and I know he’s back. Of course he doesn’t like me that way.

“I’ve heard Hitler would think she’s a dictator.”

“Thank goodness I have you then.” I tell him and he smiles.

“You will always have me. We’ve been best friends too long for me to ditch that.”

“I know, Cam. You could have dropped me, V, and Syd when you three started the band, but you didn’t, so thank you.” The teacher walks in and we start class.

“Sorry I’m late! My car broke down.” Aaron Ward has just entered the room.
