

Cameron’s POV:

“Hey, beautiful.” I say when I meet Molly after class.

“Cam, you don’t have to say that every time.”

“No, I do.” I like seeing her blush and smile when I say it, but for some reason she isn't smiling right now.

“I just found out something. You know the call our teacher got?”

“Yeah, then she looked at you and decided not to give out any homework.”

“She held me back to tell me what happened. Apparently my sister was just found and she moved here. My twin sister, Cameron.”

“I didn’t know you had a twin.” How could she have not told me this?

“I didn’t either until just now.” I call the others and tell them to get to my house.

“What’s up you two? Cameron, did you get her pregnant. Dude, that’s not cool.”Michael says and I start to laugh, but Molly stops me.

“No, Mikey, he didn’t get me pregnant, this is serious.” He shuts up.

“Alright, Mol, what’s going on?” I ask her.

“You all met Ashley earlier.”

“Yeah.” We all say.

“Apparently she’s my twin sister.” We all stare at each other. Molly’s phone breaks the silence and she reads the text message.

“Do you need to go home?”

“My parents want me there, but I don’t want to go. Cam?”

“You don’t need to ask.” I grab a jacket and we walk over there. “Hey, it’ll be okay.” I hold her close and she walks in.

“Molly, we need to talk. Cameron, can you go? This is family stuff.”

“Mom, he’s been around for more than this. He stays.” She and I walk to the couch and sit next to Ashley. I wave and she waves back.

“Alright, we aren’t going to do some crap about not being able to handle it or feeling bad. We didn’t want twins so we had them pick one to give up for adoption. We really are sorry and we do feel terrible, but we didn’t want one of you to get all the attention.”

“But that’s exactly what happened!” Ashley yells at them.

“Hey, at least you got a family. If you were here, maybe it would have been me getting left out. They did what was best, which is the only thing they’ve ever done!” I put my hand on Molly’s to calm her down.

“Don’t give me that crap. You probably knew!”

“Yeah, then why didn’t I say anything today? Why did I treat you like a friend and not a sister?” Ashley thinks about it.

“I’m sorry, I was wrong to snap at you.”

“We know this is hard for you both, but at least your friends.” Molly’s parents say.

“Mol, I think I’m gonna go home. Call me if you need to talk and I will be right over.” I kiss her on the cheek and head back.

“What happened over there? Did they kill each other?” Sydney yells when I get in the door.

“No, they’re being cool about it. They had a little fight, but only words were exchanged and nothing that will cause permanent damage.”

“Did her parents give an explanation?” Violet asks.

“Yeah, they didn’t want twins so they had the nurses give one up for adoption.” It’s the most cowardly thing I’ve known them to do.

“Poor Molly and Ashley.”

“Let’s just treat them normal for now.”

“We can do that. We have a seventh in our group.” Zach smiles.
