

Cameron’s POV:

“Come on, Mol, we have to get back to class.” She’s been in the bathroom for 5 minutes.

“Can we just ditch class?” She walks out looking devious.

“Molly, you know we can’t do that.” She does a pouty faces and kisses me.

“Please, for me.”

“Fine, we can ditch this one class this one day. Let me go tell our teacher you feel terrible.” I walk in to class.

“How is she?” Mrs. Richards asks. Ashley and Aaron look at me.

“No, she isn’t. Is it okay if I stay with her longer? She is really torn up right now.”

“Do you care to explain what happened?” Aaron and Ashley are still staring and more people turn to look, those that know the story here.

“She and I had a fight earlier and almost broke up. It almost killed her.”

“That poor girl. She has gone through so much.” Mrs. Richards stares at Ashley and Aaron. I almost laugh.

“Well, I better get back to her.”

“Cameron, wait, here are your assignments.” She looks at me and I take them.

“Thank you. We will have them done tomorrow, I promise.”

“I would expect nothing less from you two.” I go back and find Molly.

“Our homework?”

“Yeah, our homework.” She smiles and we sit in the hallway working on it and stopping for “breaks”.

“Excuse me, do you have passes?” We hold up our passes. “Thank you.” The hall monitor walks on.

“Cam, we just got away with that!”

“Yes we did, Mol. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“Then I guess we can stay together.” I tell her and she smiles.

“Yeah, I guess we can.” She agrees. “So, are you guys ready for prom?” I look at her.

“Are you crazy? It’s me, Zach, and Michael.”

“You two don’t even know what you’re going to cover do you?” She laughs and it’s so good to have her back again.

“No, we don’t. We might do one original song though so we can get ready for that contest.” I still can’t believe she entered us. Just another reason to add the list of why I love her.

“You do need to get serious about it. You only have a few weeks.”

“I know and we will be ready. Hey, we don’t have long so it’ll be fine. I promise we won’t play any slow songs.” I kiss her.

“Good because I only want to dance with you and the girls. And we are not dancing to slow songs together.” I laugh and pull her close.

“I wouldn’t let you dance with anyone else.” The bell rings and Aaron is the first one out.

“Molly, are you okay?” He fakes care for her.

“What do you think, Aaron? My twin sister, who I thought understood, is dating the jerkiest guy in the world.”

“I do understand.” Ashley walks out. “I understand that he was dared to ask you out because you aren’t cool, but he loves me because I am cool.” She walks off laughing.

“Did she just say that?” Molly is fighting tears.

“Come on, let’s ditch this whole day. You don’t need to be here right now.” We go to the office and I tell them that she got sick, knowing we will both be able to go home then.

“Thanks, Cameron.” She leans on me and falls asleep on the drive home.
