
Baby Quiseng

Molly’s POV:

“The guys come back from tour today!” I yell at Sydney and Violet. They spent the night in my house so we could all go meet the guys.

“Shut up!” Sydney yells.

“It’s 10, they get here in an hour. Move your lazy butts.” I yell back. I can’t wait to see Cameron. It’s been a month since I last saw him.

“Is it really December 15?” Violet asks, slowly waking up.

“Yes , it is. Tomorrow’s my 21 birthday.”

“Maybe this will be the best birthday you’ve had.” Sydney says and I look at her.

“Except that I’m 3 and a half months pregnant.” I point at my stomach.

“Your birthday will be the fourth month and the day you find out the gender of baby Quiseng.” Violet reminds me.

“Oh my gosh, it will be. I really hope it’s a girl.”

“And does Cam want a boy?” Violet asks.

“No, he wants a girl, too. So, any news from you?” Sydney and Zach are going to get married in March and Michael proposed to Violet right before they left for tour.

“Nope, nothing yet. Hopefully there will be something soon, but I don’t think Mikey and I will get married too soon. Like you said, we want to take it slow.”

“You guys took my advice?” I fake happiness.

“You bet we did.” We get ready and go to Zach’s house.

“How are you feeling, sweetie?” Mrs. Quiseng asks. All the parents wait here for whatever reason.

“Well, I guess I’m okay. I wish I could see my whole foot right now.” I laugh.

“It only gets worse. Wait until you can use your stomach as a table. It’s actually kind of nice, once you get past being sore and tired. Trust me, Molly, it’s worth it.” She hugs me and Mr. Quiseng walks over.

“It’s worth it once they’ve grown up and are out of the house.” He whispers.

“Don’t say that to her.”

“It’s fine, mom. I don’t doubt that for a second."

“He’s lying to you. Once you look in your baby’s face, you’ll want another one.”

“Don’t do it if you know what’s good for you.” He laughs.

“Stop saying that kind of stuff!” She walks off to talk to Anna and Bridget.

“I’m not mad, if it means anything. I thought what you said was kind of funny.”

“That means everything to me. Thank you, Molly. I’m glad you and Cameron finally ended up together. You two are really good for each other.” He hugs me and I go talk to Sydney and Violet. Finally, the bus pulls up.

“How is my wife?” Cameron asks, running off and hugging me. “Man, I can’t even hug you now. Look at that thing.”

“That thing is our child.” I tell him and he kisses me.

“And I couldn’t be happier about that. Are you still okay with it?” I smile at him.

“Cameron, I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend.” He smiles.

“I love that song!”

“I know you do. Why else would I have said that, besides the fact that it’s true?” I get a call saying my appointment tomorrow is cancelled, but they can get me in now. Cameron drives us to the hospital and we wait.

“This is it, Mol.” He never lets go of my hand.

“Looks like baby Quiseng is a girl.” The lady says. I look at Cameron and he is grinning. “Any ideas for a name?”

“Not yet, but we’ll come up with something perfect.” I say.

“We always do.” He says. I’m so glad I stayed.
