
Happy Ending

Molly’s POV:

Today, Hailey Rae Quiseng is two. Next week, Josh Alexander Quiseng will be 6 months. Cameron and I have decided that is enough kids for now, but we do want another one or two. Sydney and Zach got married and have twin girls, Kendall and Camryn. Violet and Michael just got married because she was pregnant. They have a boy, Adam. The band is going really strong and as Cameron promised, his fans are just fans. Hailey and I are the only girls in his life, besides his sisters, his mom, his grandma, and other family. As far as I know, Ashley and Aaron are engaged. I don’t speak to my family at all anymore, but I saw her and she had a ring on. We waved and went our separate ways. I am going back to college to get a business major. I don’t really know where I want to work, but I have time to figure it out. The six friends stayed friends, even if we are three different couples now. I found my new family and I couldn’t be happier with them.
