

Molly’s POV:

“Syd V, guess what just happened!” I yell when I see them walking down the hall.

“We have no idea. What just happened?” Sydney asks me trying not to laugh.

“I’m sitting next to Cam in first hour and Aaron walks in. Our teacher leaves, so he starts talking to me and Cam, then he offers to get the band a gig at prom. After that, he may have sort of kind of asked me out!” We stand in the hall and scream. People stare at us so we decide to head to class.

“This is so exciting! Your years of pining have finally paid off.” Violet says when we take our seats.

“I know and I love it.” Aaron walks in and walks over to me.

“Violet, Sydney, how are you?” They look at me, then back at him.

“I’m good.” Sydney says.

“So am I, thank you.” Victoria says, smiling. I can tell that they definitely approve of this.

“I just saw you, Molly. Here, give me your schedule.” I hand it to him and he looks at his and mine. “Darn, no more classes together.”

“Hey, at least it’s the first two.”

“Yeah, thank goodness for that.” He winks at me and takes a seat a few rows over.

“Girl, that is the world’s best guy over there.” Violet whispers.

“I know. And he likes me."

“Well of course he does. Why wouldn’t he?” Sydney asks.

“Because I’m me and he’s the football quarterback.”

“That doesn’t matter anymore because he is in love with you.” Violet teases.

“Okay, let’s not get too crazy. He only asked me out on one date. There is still a lot that could change, like his mind.”

“He won’t change his mind in two days.”

“Who knows, he could.” He turns around and smiles at me. I wave and he waves back.

“He won’t change his mind.” Sydney says and the bell rings to start class. I zone out the whole time and float to third hour, which I have with Zach.

“Yo, Mol, what’s up with you on this wonderful first day of school?” Zach slides in to the seat next to me right before the bell rings.

“Zach, it couldn’t be more perfect! Aaron asked me out.”

“I know, Cam told me last hour. You know, he was pretty-”

“No talking. Class has started.” The teacher is standing over us and we both turn around.

“Sorry.” We say quietly.

“Good. Don’t do it again.” She walks to the front of the room.

“He was what, Zach?”

“Nothing. It’s not important. Congrats, Molly.” Why won’t he tell me about Cameron? We’re all friends here. Does Cam not like Aaron or something? The class drags on and I go to my next class, with Michael, Cameron, and Sydney. Michael walks in with me.

“Hey, is Cameron upset over me and Aaron having a date? Zach said something, but wouldn’t finish his sentence.”

“No, Cam’s cool with it. He’s your best friend so why wouldn’t he be happy?” I relax and start laughing.

“That’s what I thought, but earlier the girls had something about Cam liking me. I told them it was a crazy idea.”

“Yeah, insane. You two are too good of friends.” Cameron and Sydney walk in and take seats so we make a box.

“This will be a great year.”
