

Cameron’s POV:

“So today’s your big date with Aaron the quarterback.” I say to Molly as we walk in to last hour. The only class I have with just her. No Aaron, no Sydney, no Violet, no Zach, and no Michael. Just me and Mol.

“Yeah, it is. This is going to be the longest 50 minutes of science I’ve ever had.”

“Come on, it won’t be that bad. You have something to look forward to.” I have something to dread.

“Thanks, Cam. I can always count on you to make me feel better. You’re the best friend in the world.” There I go getting friend-zoned.

“Hey, that’s what best friends are for.” I fake a smile and hug her.

“Is it crazy for me to be nervous about this? I mean, it’s just a date.”

“With the quarterback.” She starts freaking out again. “Sorry, didn’t mean to make you more nervous. Just be you, he obviously likes that.”

“You’re right, Cam. He asked me out and so he has to know who I am.” She gets out her notebook so we can take notes. How can she be so happy right now? The bell rings.

“Come on, I’ll drive you home.”

“But Sydney is. She and Violet are helping me pick out an outfit.”

“Let me drive you. You’re about to become the girlfriend of the star player. I want to see you one last time before you become all popular.” I tease her.

“Face it, Cam, I’ll never be popular.”

“You don’t know that. Let me drive you.”

“Okay.” I drive her and she starts to get out. “Cam, I know who my real friends are. I promise I will never ditch you.” I smile at her.

“I know you won’t, Mol. You aren’t like that.” She gets out and runs in to her house. I see Sydney and Violet pull in as I drive down a few more houses to my house. Zach and Michael are waiting there.

“Are you really going to let her do this?” Zach asks when I get out.

“What choice do I have?”

“You could tell her how you really feel. That you’re in love with her!” Michael yells like it’s common sense.

“No, I can’t. She really likes Aaron and is so happy for this date. I can’t ruin that. Plus, in last hour, she told me I was the best friend in the world. I got friend-zoned!”

“This wouldn’t have happened if you told her how you felt in 8th grade.” Zach says.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do it. I won’t ruin her happiness because of a selfish reason. I love her enough to want her to be happy. And Zach, why don’t you tell Syd how you feel? Mikey, how about you go up to V and tell her you’re in love with her.”

“It’s not that easy!” They yell at me.

“Exactly. So don’t expect me to be able to do it. You both at least have a chance at getting them. My final chance is gone. The girls of your dreams are helping their friend get ready for a date. The girl of my dreams is getting ready for a football game and date. A date that’s not with me.” I go inside and crawl up to my room. Life as I l know it is over.
