
First Date

Molly’s POV:

“Hey, Mol, you ready for this wonderful first date?” Aaron asks coming out of the locker room.

“Most definitely. I have waited a really long time for this, Aaron.”

“Well I’m glad I could make your dreams come true.” He smiles and holds his hand out. We walk to his car holding hands and everyone stares at us.

“So am I. Uhm, people are staring at us.” He kisses me.

“Let them stare, they’re just jealous that you get me.” I smile and he opens the door for me. He drives to the ice cream shop downtown and we both order Rocky Road.

“You like this flavor?” I ask in shock.

“There is so much you don’t know about me.” He says smiling.

“I can’t wait to learn about it.”

“Neither can I.” We finish our ice cream and he drives me back to my place.

“How was it?” My parents are sitting right by the door.

“It was magical!” I call the girls and the guys, who run over.

“So, is our best friend popular?” Sydney asks.

“Tell us everything!” Violet yells.

“But spare us!” Zach adds in. Michael starts laughing and Cameron sort of smiles.

“The night was magical. The team won the game, he kissed me in front of everyone, then we both got Rocky Road ice cream. He told me there is so much about him I don’t know. I can’t wait for our second date!” The girls hug me.

“She’s going popular.” Michael jokes.

“I will never leave you guys. You are my best friends in the world and Aaron will have to deal with it.” Cameron smiles.

“She’s still the same Molly Rowley we know and love.” He hugs me close.

“Cam, you’re squishing me. Hey, has Aaron gotten you any info on playing at prom?”

“No, not yet.” Zach says. “But I have hope. If you like him, he must be a good guy.” I smile. My friends accept him. He calls me a few minutes later.

“Hey, Mol, would you like to be my girlfriend.”

“Yes!” I yell. “I mean, sure, I would love to. See you Monday, boyfriend.” We hang up and I am beaming.

“I have to go. Bye, guys.” Cameron runs out and the guys look at each other.

“You guys lied to me, didn’t you? Cam’s in love with me and I’m killing him.” My heart sinks because I can’t hurt my best friend.

“No, he doesn’t love you. I mean, he loves you, but as a friend. You two are friends and he’s afraid Aaron will hurt you.” Zach tells me.

“Thanks, Zach, that makes me feel so much better.” I should go after Cam, but if he’s fine with me having a boyfriend then his feelings are strictly friendship. My life is going amazing. The guys leave.

“Do you realize they’re lying through their pearly white teeth?” Sydney yells at me.

“They wouldn’t do that. We’re all friends here, if there was a problem, they would tell me.”

“We didn’t tell when you thought you liked Cam. Friends tell each other some things, but best friends keep some things secret.” Victoria explains.

“I don’t buy it. Cam isn’t in love with me and everything’s perfect.”

“We are really happy for you. He better not hurt you.” Sydney hugs me and she and Violet leave. I smile and look at the text Aaron just sent me, asking, me out again.

“Yes, Sunday’s good.” I reply.
