
Uh Oh

Molly’s POV:

Right at noon Cameron picks me up.

“I always knew this day would come.” Mom comes in, tears in her eyes. “You two are just so perfect for each other.” She hugs me and goes to save Cameron from my dad.

“Well, you better get down there.” A voice in my head says. I go down.

“Wow, Mol, I don’t know, something about you looks different.” I smile and hang my head. He lifts it back up. “Don’t be shy.”

“Cam, you know me so well.” We go to his car and he drives to the beach.

“I just made spaghetti so it’s still warm.” He sets out a blanket and we sit. At the end there’s one piece.

“Should we?” I ask him.

“Why not?” I smile and we each take an end. It nears the end and I get butterflies in my stomach, then the string breaks and we both start laughing.

“Cameron, why do we always have this kind of luck?”

“I don’t know. Maybe life just hates us. Come on, let’s go surfing now.”

“What if I fall?”

“I’ll catch you. Molly, I won’t let go.” I know he means more than just while surfing and it comforts me.

“Good, because I’m never letting go.” He smiles and grabs his board. “Cam, it’s the others. Why are they here?”

“I don’t know. They must have seen me pick you up or something.”

“What do we do?” He gets a mischievous smile.

“Hide!” He dunks me under the water.

“Cameron! You are dead, Quiseng!” I yell and start chasing him. He kisses me.

“That is because I didn’t get to earlier.”

“Well, what do we have here? Would this be a date by chance?” I look up and see Zach, Michael, Sydney, and Violet.

“We were gonna tell you. When we got back to school in two weeks.” Cameron says and tries not to laugh.

“Two weeks! That’s half way to your one month!” Sydney yells.

“Well, we aren’t officially together yet.” I say, remembering what Cam and I agreed on. Taking things slow, testing our friendship.”

“Oh please. You two have been together since you were like 16.” Violet says.

“But only one of us could admit it.” I say, my heart sinking. How could I not have known how he felt?

“Well now you both can and it looks like you have. Get back to your date.” Zach is smiling, knowing this would have happened.

“But this isn’t over.” Michael says over his shoulder.

“So, where were we?” I ask Cameron.

“Right here.” He leans in to kiss me, but instead shoves me in the ocean.

“You’re still dead, Quiseng!”

“You wouldn’t kill me this quick.”

“Wanna bet?” I tease him. He grabs one surfboard and I grab the other. We are two lame people who couldn’t be a better match.

“People are staring at us. Do you want to stop?” He asks.

“When have I ever cared what people think?” I ask, attempting to hit him.

“One of them is Aaron.” I drop my board and turn. We make eye contact and he starts walking over.

“Hey, Cameron. Hi, Molly.”
