In Love We Trust

Chapter 02

The evening's festivities had commenced as soon as the men returned from their journey. The long walk had made the men weary, but the sight of beautiful women and a plentiful supply of wine quickly changed this. Hastily themen dispersed into various areas of the palace common chamber. Matthew grinned as a group of women in the corner of the room stopped what they were doing as he emerged through the doors. The spell in which he cast upon them was intoxicating; he could have which ever one he wanted without even so much as a hint of persuasion needed. Strolling over to the group of young women, Matthew caught a glimpse of a figure curled up in the shadows behind him. Turning to examine the figure more closely, Matthew's face fell as he realized that it was Zacky. Sighing to himself, he abandoned the notion of carousing with the beautiful women; helping a friend in need was always more important to him. If one of his men is fighting half-heartedly then it could pose as a threat to the entire army, Matthew didn't need that. Especially in this crucial time period. Tomorrow morning they would start training right away and although short and stout, Zachary was a good fighter.

Matthew casually walked over to Zacky's concealed form, placing a a hand on the younger man's shoulder. Zacky gazed up into the eyes of his tormentor and smiled slightly in relief, thankful that it wasn't Brian coming to make fun of him again. He sat up on the couch so that Matthew could sit beside him. Thew two sat in silence for many minutes before Zacky spoke.

"What are you doing here?" His beautiful jade orbs searching Matt's own green gaze for an answer.

Matthew didn't exactly have that answer; he hadn't thought of it. Lamely he replied, "I came to check on you I guess."

Zacky gently rested his head on the older man's shoulder, hesitating for a moment as he felt the man beneath him tense slightly. Matthew looked down at Zacky's distraught expression and his heart instantly broke for his friend. He had known Zacky since the beginning; their fathers trained together at the gymnasium and competed together in the Olympic Games held at Mt. Olympus annually. Matthew knew that Zacky wasn't like the other men here; he was special, different. Zacky maintained compassion and heart, he was never able to be rid of it and Matthew stopped pushing for him to exterminate his emotional side long ago. Matthew wasn't supposed to feel bad for his devoted friend but he did, and he kicked himself for it. He was growing soft in his old age and it didn't suit him, not one bit. The silence which had made itself a home between Zacky and Matthew quickly disappeared when Matthew felt Zacky sigh beneath him.


Matthew stared at the younger man, perplexed as to what he was asking. Deciding that it must have dealt with the question asked previously, Matthew ran a hand through Zacky's charcoal hair. "I told you, I came to check on you."

Zacky shook his head, "I know that. I meant why did you pair me with him?"

Matthew groaned inwardly at the question; it didn't have an easy answer. "Because you love him."

Zacky snapped his head up, jumping off of the couch, "do not ever speak those words in public again!"

"I speak only the truth Zachary. I thought I was doing something good for you. Apparently my actions were not as good as I thought they would be. I had no idea that Brian treated you in such an evil way."

Zacky growled, eyes full of malice, "fix this situation you have put me in then. I may feel the way I do about him but that will never alter his opnions of me. I would rather not become his personal whipping post." Zacky cast his eyes to the ground and fumbled with his fingers, he did not like speaking of his love for Brian; it reduced him to a mess which he did not like to handle. He knew that Matthew's intentions were pure, Matthew was a good friend whom would not try to hurt him purposefully. Be that as it may, Zacky was still angry at the decision; why hadn't Matthew paired Zacky with himself?

"Why didn't you want me then?"

Matthew was dumfounded by this question, why hadn't he picked Zacky? Matthew knew the answer but he would never commit the truth to memory. Day after day, Matthew pushed the thought out of his mind, hoping that it would stop plaguing his mind. Matthew would never tell Zacky of the real reasoning behind pairing him with Brian; Matthew was smarter than that. The feelings in which Matthew felt for Zachary were not reciprocated by the younger man. Yes, Matthew loved Zachary Baker and desired him with all that he was and ever would be. Zacky could never know this fine detail though, it would ruin his future with Brian, if there even was one. Matthew knew how much Zacky adored Brian; he had confided his feelings in Matthew earlier on in their stay at the barracks. Matthew felt a pang of jealousy soar through his body, trying quickly to subdue it. He was no longer in a celebratory mood, in fact he felt much like retiring to his bed chamber at the moment. He wanted nothing more than to bring Zacky with him, to hold him in his arms and show him how beautiful he really was.

Matthew smiled weakly at Zacky, "it wasn't my place to have you".

That being said, the older man got up from the couch and made to walk away. Zacky laced his fingers with those of the the older man, pulling him back to his side. Rubbing Matthew's arm slightly, Zacky raised himself on the tips of his toes, placing a sweet kiss onto the lips of the taller man. Matthew gasped in shock as an electricity raged through his veins, it was like nothing he had experienced ever before. Matthew laced his hands through Zacky's hair and attacked his plump lips with his own thinner ones. Zacky moaned into the kiss, allowing Matthew access to the inside of his warm, velvety mouth. As Matthew's tongue explored Zacky's warmth, Zacky sighed in content. Choosing to end the kiss, Zacky grabbed Matthew's hand dragging him toward his bed chamber, Matthew didn't seem to mind one bit; his eyes were dark and dripping with lust.

Meanwhile Brian was pacing the room that he and Jimmy shared. Jimmy sat on the couch, watching Brian pace back and forth like a crazed lunatic, mumbling to himself about Matthew and Zacky every so often. Jimmy stood up from his spot and placed a consoling hand on Brian's shoulder, having it shrugged off instantaneously. Jimmy raised his hands in defeat and shook his head.

"Brian, just calm down. Everything is going to be fine, sit and we'll talk about it."

Brian scrutinized Jimmy's crystalline gaze and sighed. He moved over to the couch, harshly flopping down onto it. Jimmy whispered soothing words into the shorter man's ear, placing a lone kiss to Brian's temple. Brian climbed into Jimmy's warm embrace and buried his face into Jimmy's chest. Rocking back and forth sightly, Jimmy felt the front of his chiton growing wet with tears. Brian shook violently in his friend's arms as he let go. He felt vulnerable and confused.

Just before leaving the celebrations that evening, Brian had went in search of Matthew; he hadn't seen him all night. Growing tired of his search, Brian had decided to retire early for the evening. On his way back to the bed chamber he shared with Jimmy, Brian stopped outside of Matthew's door.He heard movement inside and was about to open the door when he heard a low moaning coming from Matthew. He smiled to himself, knowing Matthew had found another beautiful woman to bed for the evening. He was about to continue down the hall when he froze dead in his tracks, willinging himself not to be sick.

"Zachary Baker, you are so fucking beautiful."

Brian's stomach tied in knots and he fell to the ground. He crawled toward the door and pressed his ear upon its surface. The two voices coming from within were unmistakebly male. Brian swallowed hard. He opened the door a crack and gasped at the site before him. Matthew was assaulting Zacky's neck with kisses as his member disappeared inside of the younger man.

Brian shook his head, this couldn't be happening, it wasn't. Truly it couldn't! Brian continued to sob into Jimmy's chiton, hoping against hope that what he'd seen was all a dream but he knew it was anything but. Jimmy tightened his embrace and continued to sooth his aching friend. Brian suddenly moved out of Jimmy's arms and porpped himself up on the couch, fresh tears coating his face but slowing considerably. As he wiped at his eyes he took a shuddering breath and expelled it slowly. Turning to Jimmy, Brian smiled in thanks.

"I don't know what I would do without you Jim."

Jimmy patted Brian's thigh, "don't mention it man. It's what friends are for... What was all of that about anyway? if you don't mind me asking."

"I really don't even know for sure." Brian moaned.

"Well it had to of been something.

"On my way back here, after the celebration. I-I. Zacky and Matthew... together, sex, no!"

Brian fell to the ground again and Jimmy enveloped his form in another hug. "I'm bringing you to bed Bri, you need some rest."

"No! Stay with me, please?"

Jimmy nodded his head in confusion, "okay, I will stay but first, tell me what happened?"

Brian sat up in Jimmy's arms and nodded. "On my way here, after I left the celebration, I was walking down the hall and I hard moaning coming from Matthew's bed chamber. I figured he'd just picked up another random woman but when I got closer, I heard Matthew telling Zacky how beautiful he was. So I opened the door a crack and when I looked in, they were both right in the midle of it."

Jimmy's face was blank, "oh man. Who would have guessed?"

Brian smiled half-heartedly, "not I."

"How come you're so broken up about this? You hate Zacky."

"I know I do, I'm so confused Jimmy! What was Matthew thinking, pairing me with that... thing!? Then he turns around and sleeps with him? That was supposed to be my job!, I am supposed to bring him pleasure, not Matthew."

"But you sai-"

"I know what I said, just fucking forget it. I'm out of here."