I Can Wait Forever

My Love For You, is Stronger Than Anything

My name is Steph, and I am a waitress at a night club, where tonight a band was celebrating the release of their newest album. The only problem is that I didn’t know that it would be that one band, with the one guy that I never wanted to see again. Gerard Way.

"Steph! Steph!” Amanda frantically waved her hand in front of my face.
“What?” She had pulled me out of my very thoughtful thought process. My goal was to avoid going out of the kitchen the whole night. But that goal was not a success.
“Table three needs more champagne! Hurry up! The guys are going to make their speech!” She practically shoved me out of the room.

Not a second after the swing door shut, did Gerard look over, right at me.
“Steph?” Shit. My first thought was to drop the tray and run. But I didn’t, I quickly walked over, put the tray on the table, and walked back into the kitchen. Gerard’s eyes glued to me the entire time.
“Excuse me everyone.” Gerard whispered, following me.

“Amanda! I’m leaving!” I yelled grabbing my jacket, she tried yelling after me, but I ignored her. I ran out into the parking lot, my mind wasn’t in the right place, and I couldn’t remember where I had parked.
"Steph! Wait!” Gerard yelled, finding me.
“Go away Gerard!” I could feel the tears swelling up, ready to pool over.

“No. I want to talk to you.” Gerard said, grabbing my arm. I tried to get away, but his grip was so much stringer than mine.
“Please just listen to me.” Gerard begged.
“No. Gerard I don’t wan to talk to you. Or about anything.” He still didn’t let go.
“You broke up with me. I have the right to talk.” I quickly gave up. Now I had to say something.

“Because of your drinking! Gerard. You know that I can’t deal with that. I couldn’t be with an alcoholic!” I sobbed, trying to hold back the tears. But they soon spilled out.
“So. Don’t be,” Gerard whispered,
“Be with me.” He leaned down a little. I used this to pull away. I heard the door open, but paid no attention to who came out.

“What?” I questioned, my tone calm and even, which surprised me.
“Steph, I’m sober now. 100%. No more drugs, alcohol, no more anything. I’m done with that stuff. And I did it because my love for you is stronger than my love for alcohol.”
“You sobered up. For me?” It was more of a question, to myself. But he nodded,
“I love you Steph. I would do anything for you.”

“About a year ago.”
“You got sober. For me.” I repeated again, just to hear it.
“I love you.” Gerard whispered, once again leaning his head down, this time I didn’t pull away.
“I love you too Gerard.” We gazed into each others eyes, just seeing him again, and hearing him say those three little words, and knowing he meant it. It made me feel good again, that pain in my heart had disappeared.

“Oh! Kiss her already!” Frank and Amanda had yelled at the same time. I went to look at them, but Gerard gently grabbed my face in his hands, and pulled my chin up. I quickly pushed my lips up to meet Gerard’s. I could feel the smiled grow on his face, as we shared the most passionate kiss that we ever had.

Gerard quickly wrapped his arms around my waist, and picked me up. Spinning me around, I laughed as he sat me down. Giving me another gentle kiss. We gazed at each other, and Gerard wrapped his arm securely around my waist. We walked back into the club, to start our new lives together, as a happy woman, and now sober man…
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