Status: This story is the edited version of the first one. There will be more detail and less chapters because I hope to get this published. Thank you.

How Can A Jock Turn Emo Overnight?

The Struggles of Being "Just Friends"

It was hard for Rain not to feel awkward in school the next day. After what her and Jake went through the night before she couldn't even look him in the eye. Meghan and Amy weren't up-to-date with the situation, so they weren't sure what was going on with her.

Rain found her eyes moving towards the table where Jake was sitting at with a few guys that she didn't really know. She wasn't sure how she should feel; she was too embarassed to even look at him, let alone talk to him.

"Jake's coming over here," Meghan said.

Rain looked over and made eye contact with Jake as he walked towards them. She instantly found her whole get hot, nervousness taking over. She wasn't sure what was about to happen and she suddenly found the urge to get up and walk away.

"Hey guys," Jake said. He didn't even glance at Rain, proving that he wasn't here to talk to her. "So Amy, can I ask you something?"

Amy's eyes quickly moved to Rain's, then Meghan's, but only Rain knew what his question was going to be.

"Sure, what did you need?" Rain could hear the unease in her voice; Amy had no idea what was about to happen.

"I was wondering if you were doing anything Friday? Would ypu maybe want to go out with me?" Jake said the last question quickly, showing that he was nervous.

For some reason Amy looked at Rain, as if asking for permission to give her answer. Rain wasn't sure what to say, but she found herself nodding her head.

"I guess I could do that," Amy said. Jake gave a sigh of relief and sat down to to Amy. It was obvious that the two of them were happy, so Rain forced a smile on her face. Her eyes glanced down to their entertwined hands and her smile instantly faded. She wasn't sure what was wrong with her.

"I'll catch up with you guys later, i'm going to head to class early," Rain said and stood up from the table.

"Okay," Meghan said. "I'll meet you after school."

Rain nodded and began to walk out of the cafeteria, feeling eyes on her back the whole way. Rain didn't even make it to class before she got stopped.

"Are you Rain?" One of the guys that Jake was sitting with at lunch came up to her.

"Yeah, who wants to know?" She looked at him weirdly.

"Me, I'm Dean, Jake's friend." Rain was still confused as to what he wanted.

"Do you know who that girl was that he was with at lunch?" Rain was surprised that he hadn't told Dean about Amy.

"That's Amy. Jake asked her out." The look that Dean gave her added to her confusion.

"I thought he liked you?" Rain found herself rolling her eyes at Dean's question.

"That's not important," Rain said. "So how long have you been going to school here?" She felt the need to get the subject off Jake.

"Since the beginning of the year," Dean laughed.

Rain felt her face turn red in embarassment. She wasn't one to pay attention to the people around her, but she felt bad that she hadn't noticed him before.

"I've never seen you around before," Rain said.

"I'm in all of your classed," Dean said. If that were more possible, Rain's face got even more red.

"I'm sorry, I don't pay attention much."

"It's fine," Dean laughed again.

The bell rang, signaling next period was about to start.

"I take it you're in my class?" Rain asked, to which Dean replied with a nod. "Lets go," Rain laughed at how stupid she could be.

"So how long have you known Jake?" Rain asked as they sat down in their seats.

"Only since the beginning of the year," He said. "He's changed a lot since then."

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing," Rain confessed.

"I think it's a good thing. He really liked you." The more they talked about Jake, the worse she felt.

"I know, he told me," Rain said.

"Well why don't you like him back?" This conversation was getting to be too much for Rain to handle.

"I just don't, why can't anyone see that?" Dean shrugged.

Thankfully the teacher walked in the room, ending their conversation. Rain had never been so happy to sit through a history lecture; as long as it wasn't about Jake.

Rain stood outside waiting for Meghan so they could walk home. The rest of the day was uneventful and went along without another conversation about Jake.

"So I have a proposition for you," Meghan came up to Rain.

"And what is that?" They started their walk home.

"Would you be willing to hang out tonight?" Rain wasn't sure where this was going. "Jake said he's having a few people over tonight and he invited us." Rain tensed at the thought of being in Jake's house again.

"I'll think about it," Rain said.

"There's no thinking about it. You need to get out and have some fun." What Meghan didn't understand was that hanging out with Jake didn't fall under Rain's category of fun. "You're coming tonight, there's no if, ands, or buts about it." Meghan smiled and Rain sighed in defeat.

"Then I guess I don't have a choice," Rain said.

"Exactly," Meghan said. "So lets get you all dolled up; you have to look hot." Rain glanced nervously at her.

"What for?" She asked.

"Lets just say Jake won't be the only guy there tonight," Meghan winked.

"And I care why?"

"Oh, come on. Why is it that you have no desire for a boyfriend?" Rain and Meghan entered into her house, and she waited till they were in Meghan's room to answer.

"I'm horrible at relationships and you know that," Rain said.

"You talk about it like it's some kind of game," Meghan laughed.

"It basically is," She laughed again until she realized Rain was serious.

"At least try to have a good time," Meghan begged. Rain nodded, agreeing that she would.

"Good, because even if you're not interested in finding a boyfriend, I most certainly am," Meghan said. This time it was Rain's turn to laugh.

"It shouldn't be that hard for you," Rain said.

"They're a lot harder to find when you're actually looking for one." Rain shrugged, not understanding the difference.

Rain spent the next hour trying to help Meghan find an outfit for the night; she hadn't seen her best friend this excited in a very long time. Rain urged for that kind of happiness in her life.

"I will catch myself a boy tonight," Meghan said. She kept looking at herself in the mirror.

"I don't doubt that," Rain said. "You ready to go?"

Rain and Meghan started on their way over Jake's house and she got more nervous with each step that she took. She wasn't sure what to expect out of the night, but she had a feeling it wasn't going to end good. Anything that had to do with Jake wasn't good.

"Can you at least try to have a good time?" Meghan asked. "It's a party; socialize." The two of them stood on the porch of Jake's house, waiting for someone to answer the door.

"Hey guys!" Amy said and let them in the house. There was only a few people there, most of which Rain didn't know. The only people that she recognized out of the group was Dean. She spent most of her night sitting on the couch, talking with Meghan, who was still waiting for a guy to come u and talk to her.

"Having fun?" Dean came up to Rain and sat down. She had completely forgot he was here.

"Not as much as you appear to be having," Rain laughed. She could see Meghan staring awkardly at Dean out of the corner of her eye, and instantly Rain got an idea in her head. "Dean, this is my friend Meghan."

It was obvious that Meghan was waiting for that introduction because she jumped on the opportunity to talk to Dean. She could see that she was attracted to him so Rain felt good about herself for helping her best friend. Meghan ended up conversating with Dean for the rest of the night, leaving Rain to sit by herself.

"You look like you're having a blast," A guy that Rain had never met before came up to her just as she was about to leave.

"I've had better; my date left me for someone better looking," Rain pointed over to where Meghan and Dean were talking with a few of his friends.

"Dean's one of my good friends," He said. "I'm Matt by the way." He smiled.

"I'm Rain," Matt nodded as if he already knew that.

Rain spent the rest of her night talking to Matt; she was surprisingly at ease when she was talking to him. It wasn't akward like one would think it would be when meeting someone for the first time. He made sure to keep the conversation going, which Rain was thankful for.

The only thing that kept her feeling uncomfortable was the fact that every half hour or so Jake would look over at them, as if to check up on her. She chose to ignore it the rest of the night and kept her focus on Matt, which seemed to work.

"I take it you had a good time?" Rain had asked Meghan on their walk home from Jake's. She was very giddy and couldn't stop talking, which proved that she had fun.

"You have no idea," Meghan said. "Dean is such a funny guy. Why didn't you introduce me to him sooner?" Rain shrugged.

"I only met him earlier today when he came up to me in the hall. I should have known you would like him."

"I seen you talking with his friend Matt; how was that?" Meghan winked. She instantly felt her face get hot at the mention of him; of course Meghan was going to turn it into something it wasn't.

"It was fine; he was just keeping me company while you were off with Dean," Rain nudged Meghan, who laughed.

"I really like him, Rain," Meghan said. "He's so sweet."

Rain smiled at how happy her best friend was. She yearned to be that happy, but it just didn't seem possible for her. She thought about this is whole way home, barely noticing that Meghan had said her goodbyes and went inside her house.

"Why is it impossible for me to be happy?" Rain asked herself as she sat down on her porch steps. She thought about the times back before she started high school, back when she was happy and free spirited. Those days feel like they happened so long ago when in reality it was only a few years.

Rain decided to put away the thoughts of her unhappiness and walked inside. Her mother was pass out on the couch; the whole living room smelled disgustingly of alcohol, which lead Rain to realize why her mother hadn't stopped at the bar after work. She rolled her eyes and walked past her mom to get upstairs to her room.

It was hard for Rain to put all her thoughts out of her mind in order to get a good nights sleep. Just being in that house made her think even more than she already was. She surprisingly had a good time at Jake's, but she realized she hadn't had a good a time as all her other friends.

A few minutes later Rain had heard a disgusting noise coming from the bathroom, she slightly opened the door and realized her mom was throwing up all the liquor she had drank. Getting back into bed, she threw a pillow over her head and forced herself to go to sleep.

It was hard for Rain to wake up the next morning; more hard than usual. She had a thought in the back of her mind that something was going to happen today, and it started when Meghan wasn't outside waiting for her to walk to school. She wasn't sure if she was just skipping or running late, but Rain figured she would just call her when she got to school.

"So I guess you're my new buddy since we have every class together," Rain said to Dean. Apparently the reason that Meghan hadn't waited for her before school was because she had caught a ride with Dean.

"I guess so," He laughed. They walked into math class and Rain could see that Dean had something he desperately wanted to talk to her about. "Do you like anyone at all?" Rain was caught of guard by Dean's question.

"Not really," Rain said. "I'm not into that stuff and even if I was I don't know you enough to tell you." Dean nodded, showing that he understood.

Rain began to wonder why he was asking in the first place; not that she really cared, but curiosity always got the better of her. It couldn't have been for his own benefit seeing how close he seems to be getting with Meghan. If not him, then who?

"Besides, who would like me anyway?" The smile that popped up on Dean's face showed that he was waiting for Rain to ask that; she instantly regretted that.

"I know someone," Dean said. The gut feeling that Rain got made her believe that she knew who it was.

"If you say Jake I'll never talk to you again," Rain threatened. She was so sick of hearing about, and being around him. There was no escaping him and that's really all she wanted to do.

"It's not Jake, it's my friend Matt; you talked to him at Jake's last night," Dean said.

Rain was mindblown that someone that she had only talked to for a short amount of time could like her so quickly. She was thankful that the teacher walked in at that moment, saving her yet again from a conversation she didn't want to finish. This is what happens when someone likes her; she hides and ignores it until the problem goes away. Maybe that was the problem with Rain, she runs from anyone that tries to get close to her.


"Dean, I have to get to class. I'll see you there," Matt over heard Rain say to Dean as he started walking over here.

"Hey Matt," Dean said. "I might have accidently told Rain that you liked her." He smiled innocently.

"You what?" Matt's face held a look of disbelief. He had told Dean after they left Jake's last night not to say anything to Rain. He wasn't sure what was going on with her and Jake, but last time he checked Jake was trying to get to go out with him. He didn't want to be that guy that steals his friends girls.

"She doesn't like Jake, now is your chance to make your move," Dean said.

"I thought because they were hanging out that they were together?"

Matt had seen the way that Jake kept looking at Rain last night, checking up on her to make sure she was okay. Even thought he spent most of his time with that Amy girl, his eyes always followed Rain every where she went.

"Not even close. Jake likes her, but he's dating Amy; Rain has no feelings for Jake whatsoever."

Something inside Matt sparked; he was instantly filled with happiness to the point where he wanted to rush to find and Rain and ask her out on the spot, but he couldn't do that without knowing how she felt first.

"Well what are you doing here?! Go see how she feels about me!" Matt pushed Dean towards his next class, a smile never leaving his face.


"Finally, I thought you were going to be late," Rain said to Dean as he sat down next to her.

"I just got caught up talking to Matt," He said. Rain's curiosity got the better of her yet again.

"About what?" She found herself asking.

"About you," Dean smiled. He was up to something and Rain had a feeling she knew what it was.

"What about me?" Rain wasn't sure if she even wanted to know.

"How do you feel about him?" He answered her question with a question. She didn't know where Dean was going with this; up till yesterday she didn't even know who this kid was and now he's popping up in every conversation.

"I don't even know him." She looked at Dean strangely.

"But if he asked you out, would you say yes?" Dean's questions were getting a little out of hand and it was time Rain put a stop to them.

"Okay, what is this all about?" She was catching onto Dean's plan, but she had a feeling that was what he wanted to happen.

"Matt wants to ask you out; he's only like you since the 6th grade," Dean said. Rain's eyes widened at how ridiculous that sounded. "He's finally deciding to do something about it."

Rain was confused; how could you like someone for so long, but never talk to them or even act upon their feelings? Of course Rain wasn't in the right position to judge when it came to liking someone, but she didn't understand how that worked.

"I didn't even think I knew him before last night," Rain said. "I really need to pay attention more." Dean laughed at her for a second, then his face turned back to being serious.

"But seriously, would you say yes?" Rain rolled her eyes, obviously not being able to get out of this conversation this time.

"If he's a jerk, no. It depends on how he acts. Like I've told you before, I'm not into this stuff so I can't promise anything."

"Good enough for me," Dean said. "We have next period with him." He smirked at her just as the teacher walked into the room. Rain had no idea what she had just got herself into.


Matt was sitting in class, waiting for Dean and Rain to make their entrance. He figeted with his fingers; he couldn't help but be nervous as he wondered what she had said. He had been waiting a long time for this.

He looked up just as Dean and Rain walked into the room. Rain tpok her usual seat next to Meghan, while Dean sat infront of me.

"Hey Rain," Matt heard Jake say. For some reason he tensed. He guessed it was because it still seemed like there was something going on between the two of them. Matt found himself listening in to their conversation.

"So how's it going with Amy?" Rain asked. It sounded as if their was a sarcastic tone to her voice, but maybe that was just Matt's imagination.

"For only going out with her for two days, it's going fine." Rain didn't say anything in response; it didn't even seem as if she wanted to talk to him, which was a relief to Matt. He took his attention away from them and focused it on Dean.

"So what did she say?" Matt couldn't help but have a huge grin placed upon his face. He was excited, which Dean already knew.

"She didn't give me a definite answer, but I took it as a yes," Dean said. "Just be calm about it; she's not into the whole relationship thing."

All Matt could do was nod. He couldn't bring any words to come out of his mouth; he was too excited about the fact that he had a chance with the girl he practically loved.


"So what are you guys doing tonight?" Jake asked. Rain was too busy trying to ignore that Matt was staring at her.

"So Dean tells me that Matt wants to ask you out," Meghan said, disregarding Jake's question.

"I'm not sure what's going on with that," Rain said. "Dean told me he's liked me since 6th grade." Rain sighed. She was too exhausted to be talking about this, but knowing Meghan she was going to let this go easily.

"What are you going to say?" She nebbed, her eyes pleading for an answer.

"I don't know, I barely know him. He's seems sweet though."

"I'm sure he is," Jake said, turning around in his seat. Rain wasn't sure what his problem was and she didn't really care.

"What's your problem?" Meghan asked him. Jake turned back around and Rain knew she was about to get an ear full from him.

"How come when I ask you out, it's just a flat out no?" He interrogated her.

"Jake, don't start." Rain rubbed her temples, forcefully. She had no desire to deal with his constant whinning. This was supposed to end when he started dating Amy.

"No, I want to know," Jake said. He stood up, causing everyone's attention to be focused on them.

"It's none of your business; I just don't like you that way!" Rain gathered up all of her things and left the room just as the teacher came in the room.

She slid down one of the lockers next to the class room and held her head in her hands. Hearing the sound of the door close next to her, she instantly slide further to the floor.

"What do you want, Jake? Did you come to embarass me even more?" Rain mumbled into her hands.

"I would have, if I were Jake," A voice that wasn't Jake's spoke. Rain looked up and came face to face with Matt. "What happened?" His voice was full of concern, which was something that Rain had never experienced. She didn't know what came over her, but she found herself telling him everything.

"He's still mad that I won't go out with him, even though he's going out with Amy," Rain sighed.

"Well I don't really get it, you two seemed fine," Matt said.

"That was until Meghan brought up something that he didn't like," Rain looked away from him, feeling herself getting embarassed.

"What did she bring up?" She knew that that question was going to follow, so she took a deep breath before answering.

"This is going to be weird, but she brought up you. Dean told her that you liked me, so she questioned me about it and Jake got mad."

Matt had a look on his face that showed he was thinking about something Rain sat patiently waiting for him to say something.

"I know this probably isn't the right time to do this, but I don't think I can wait any longer," Matt said. Rain's heart started beating ridicuously fast; she knew what was about to happen and she wasn't sure what she was going to do about it. "Will you go out with me?" The hopefullness in his voice made Rain smile inside.

"You seem like a nice guy," Rain said. "So i'd be stupid to say no."

Rain decided to take a different approach, one that she had never tried before. She was going to put herself out there and allow herself to get close to someone who seemed to genuinely care about her.

"I've been waiting so long for this," Matt smiled.

"Let me guess, since the 6th grade?" Rain asked. He laughed and nodded.

"Did Dean tell you my whole life story?"

"Probably, but I wouldn't know," Rain said. "I didn't even realize I've known you for so long."

"Well you seem to zone out a lot," Matt said. Rain was surprised that he had noticed that about her, when no one else had.

"I'm always thinking, sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing; it just happens." He nodded in understanding.

The bell suddenly rang, startling Rain, and everyone headed for this next class. Matt stood up and held out his hand to help her up. She accepted his help gratefully and he pulled her to her feet.

"I'll see you, Rain," Matt said. Rain nodded and watched Matt walk away. Jake walked past her seconds after, not even acknowleding her presence.

"He'll come around sooner or later," I turned around and saw Dean.

"I hope so," Rain shrugged.

"To science, Madame?" Dean asked, holding out his arm.

"To science," Rain laughed, latching onto his arm and walked to class.

Lunch finally rolled around. Rain and Dean got their lunches and began walked towards the tables. Rain looked around and saw Meghan, Amy and Jake on one side of the cafeteria, and Matt and hod friends on the other.

"I'll see you later, Dean," Rain said and began walking to where her friends were sitting. She sat down next to Meghan and an awkward silence took over the table.

"So how's Matt?" Amy broke the silence. "Meghan told me he planned on asking you out." She smiled, knowingly.

"He did," Rain said. She also found herself smiling at the thought; she had no idea what had come over her.

"Then why aren't you sitting with him? He is your boyfriend," Jake said, an attitude taking over his voice. Amy slapped his thigh under the table and gave him a look. She knew how Jake felt and for some reason it didn't bother her. "Speaking of the devil," Jake said. Rain turned around and saw Matt coming towards them.

"Hey Rain, why didn't you sit with us?" Matt asked. Jake glared at him the whole time he was present.

"I always sit with my friends," Rain shrugged.

"So go back with your skater buddies and leave us alone," Jake said. Matt just stood there with a grin on his face; he didn't let Jake's word bother him.

"Jake," Rain warned him, even though she knew it was a pointless effort.

"No Rain, you have a choice to make. Your friends, or your new boyfriend," Jake said and got up to walk away from the table; Amy followed him with an apologetic face.
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If anyone had any feedback on how this revision is coming along, let me know:)